I Need An Example Of Marxist Critical Essay/lens Paper Of A Book Any Book

How could I critically evaluate Karl Marx theories?

I have to answer a question to critically evaluate his theories of social change, class theory, social organization, ideology, alienation,and his labor theory. Also his strengths and weaknesses? So how would I do that?

How do I form a thesis statement for a literary analysis essay?

Your question is a little vague in some respects. On the one hand you mention a thesis and then you use the word essay. Two different things.I’m going to assume that you need to write an anaysis essay on some pieces of literary work.My thought is that you adapt and use the model I suggested in another answer.IDADECIntroduction, Assumptions, Diagram, Explanation, ConclusionEXCEPT that in your essay, you substitute Examples to Discuss in place of a Diagram.In your essay, you will still need an introduction and some assumptions. And you will need a conclusion.Your Introduction will be to introduce the general topic of your essay. And refer to the elements of literature that you intend to discuss. Literature has far too many different elements to discuss them all. So choose the ones you want to discuss. The ones you know most about, of course.Your Assumptions would consider what particular element type(s) of literary principles and methodologies you have chosen to discuss . And why.Your Examples would specify which literary examples you have chosen to illustrate the arguments and discussion in your paper to follow. And why you chose them. . Your why here would merely be an extension of your assumptions.Your Explanation will be a detailed comparing and contrasting of the various elements you have cited in your assumptions. Using your chosen examples as illustrations to compare and contrast your discussion points.Your conclusion will be a drawing together of the points you have made. and your opinion about them.One final piece of advice. DO NOT download and copy /paste from the Internet. Most of the stuff you will access from the Internet is someone else’s opinion. Not based in truth or fact. Probably not as learned as your own.Do yourself a favour. Go to a library and do some resarch.I am aware of more than one student who did just copy and paste. Didn’t even bother to delete the browser references. Or the links to other articles. Then wondered why the Professor rejected the work without marking it.

How did technological development shape human history from 12,000 bc to 15 century?

what was invented?
roads, ( easier transportation of goods + war)
deep ocean boats ( new worlds)
just off the top of my head

I need karl marx works in topics immediately please help mee it will be a book or something like that help mee

Hi, books to read include manifesto of the communist party; Das Capital and for extra bonus points try condition of the english working class by Engels. They worked together on topics of mutual interest.

Try either of the sources below.