I Need And Attention Grabber For My Compare And Contrast Essay Asap

Help with an attention getter for a comparison and contrast essay?

I am writing a comparison and contrast essay on the mayas and aztecs. We can not use questions as an attention getter. Also our teacher said we can't use websites I know this teacher sucks. however we are allowed to use online encyclopedias but that's basically it besides books. I was thinking a quote would be easiest but other than on websites (which we are not allowed to use) there is not much that talks about both mayas and aztecs together they have books for mayas and books for aztecs but not many together so it's kinda hard to find a quote because the attention getter has to reflect both mayas and aztecs. I'm not expecting you to go online or go in a book to find something for me just give me ideas as to what I can do for a good attention getter.

How do I write an attention grabber for a contrast essay?

A quote, joke, vignette, or poem are always a good to draw your reader in. An outrageous fact or opinion as long as you qualify them as such will get the reader involved emotionally or interest-wise. This worked for me. Sometimes they guided my perspective of writing.

I need an attention grabber for my compare and contrast essay!!!!!!! HELP?

As a starting line or title? And do you mean Panera (not Penara)? The bread place, right?

"Let them eat - donuts."
"Staff of Life versus Sinful Temptation"
"Whole Grain or Holey Dough?"

I need a grabber to start off an essay on the three colonial regions(new england,middle,and southern colonies)

The original colonies of the New World are classified based on geopgraphical location, while similarities exist between the regions, the New England, middle and southern colonies also varied greatly. This trait is espicially prevalent in the education, religion and economic aspects of thier cultures.

How should I write an introduction for a compare and contrast essay?

The introduction should entice readers into reading your essay, so make sure you start out strong. You may begin by mentioning one interesting fact about one of the subjects, or by asking a question that will be answered later in the paper. An introduction should describe what the compare and contrast essay is about, so if you’re discussing the similarities and differences between vacationing in a city and vacationing in the country, be sure you make that clear. One key thing to remember: don’t say “in my essay I will be talking about this and this”. There are much more interesting ways to lead into your topic. Instead of saying “I’ll be discussing the similarities and differences between a vacation in the city and a vacation in the country”, you could say something like “What makes a city so unique? What draws people to the countryside? Though both are compelling in different ways, they hold more similarities than you may realize”. This statement may also double as your thesis, which is your view or stance on the particular topic at hand.The introduction will also introduce the general outline of the essay. Let’s say the first paragraph is comparing and contrasting the people of the city and the country, the second paragraph is about the landscape and general aesthetic quality of the two, and the third paragraph is about what you can do for entertainment. You’ll mention all of this, and mention them in the order the paragraphs will be presented in.