I Need Answers To This Question And Is It True

Which is correct? "The answer to this question.." or "The answer of this question "?

There’s no easy answer to this question.I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question.It's a difficult situation. And I don't know what the answer to the current crisis is.There are no simple answers to the problems facing the economy.You'll never guess the answer to this puzzle - do you give in?Please answer to your name when it is called. (when your name is called, answer it)The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.In answer to your letter of 30 May, I am writing to accept your offer of £3,575 in compensation.Can you figure out the answer to this question?I'd like to give an honest answer to this question.I'll think it over and give an answer ( to the question) by next week.You give an answer to something.You get an answer from someone.Someone has answers for everything.You have to answer for your misdeeds. (Phrasal verb)

How many ways are there to answer a 20-question exam where 15 questions are true-false and 5 questions are multiple choice with 4 choices each?

There are 2 ways to answer each true-false question, and 4 ways to answer each multiple choice. Each answer is independent. So there are 2^15 ways to answer 15 true false questions. There are 4^5 ways to answer 5 multiple choice questions.Multiply those together and you get (2^15)(4^5) or 2^25 or 33,554,432 different ways to answer the exam.Better study. Your odds of getting an A by purely guessing are slim.

Is there only one true answer to a question?

That depends on the question. What is the ice cream flavor you’d like right now? You’re going to say a flavor, I don’t know, more than one or none. Any of those answers are true for you, but everyone else could have a different answer. If you ask what 2 + 2 is, there is only one true answer.I won’t get into lies.

How genuine are the answers written for the questions asked in Quora?

I  have over 425 answers here so far in the four months that  I have been active hereI assure you that every single answer is "genuine", whatever that means!My profile picture is not that of a celebrity. I look exactly like the picture. The little fellow in my arms is my one and only grandson, and the picture was taken 3 years ago.I have not copied my answers  or plagiarized from some other source.I have never copied and pasted any text anywhere without acknowledging the source.I have not told any lies.I have not bluffed.When I don't know the answer I have kept mum and not pretended to know.I have never intentionally caused offence to anyone even when I have disagreed with him.I have never insincerely complimented or praised  any other member for a response which I did not genuinely like.I have not followed any member with any ulterior motive or with an expectation that he/she  will follow me.I hope you are reassured.If there is any specific suspicion you have in mind, please ask directly.RegardsG(enuine) V

Probability of Answering True/False Questions?

I assume you mean, what is the probability that at least one of the ten answers is correct. If this is the case then:

Probability = 1 - Probability(All are wrong)

= 1 - (1/2)^10 = 1 - 1/1024 = 1023/1024

10 biology true or false questions help me? I need this top questions to study?

1.In the hypothesis phase of the scientific process, the scientist gives one or more falsifiable explanations for the observation.

2.In 1928, Fredrick Griffith was able to induce a nonpathogenic strain to become pathogenic. He referred to a transforming factor as the cause.

3.DNA is not capable of mutational change

4.In the observation phase of the scientific process, the scientist defines the problem to be explained.

5.Scientists found that some viruses have an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that was named reverse transcriptase

6.The steps in the scientific process in order are hypothesis, observation, experimentation, conclusion.

7.A good science experiment does not simultaneously test several variables, but rather a single variable that can be measured against a control

8.Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher isolated DNA from fish sperm and the pus of open wounds

9.In the experimentation phase of the scientific process, the scientist provides controlled attempts to test the hypothesis

10.In the conclusion phase of the scientific process, the scientist modifies or rejects the hypothesis and the cycle continues.

I need help with true/false supreme court questions?

Your numerous typos make it clear that you don't really take this school assignment seriously. And that's obviously what this is, a homework assignment. I'm doing you a disservice by providing you with the answers in so easy a format, but perhaps you'll learn something by my additional comments or be encouraged to actually do the assigned readings and maybe even study the next time. Don't wait until the last minute and do as much of the work as you can for yourself. People who take the easy way out rarely find success in the long run.

1. The supreme Court can [reverse] or confirm [decisions] made by lower courts. -- TRUE

2. The [president] has the power to remove a supreme court justice from office. -- FALSE. Justices can only be removed involuntarily if impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.

3 The supreme court remains in session [throughout] the year. -- FALSE. Their term starts on the first Monday in October and runs through the spring.

4. Only a majority vote is needed for the Supreme Court to render a decision. -- TRUE. Legally, a 5-4 decision is just as good as 9-0. A 4-4 tie can result if there is a vacancy or if a justice recuses him- or herself. In that event, the lower court decision will stand.

5. The supreme court makes all decisions behind closed doors. -- TRUE. Their discussions take place without anyone else present at all. They then write their decisions and pass them around for comment and support. Their decisions are then made public, laying out the reasons behind the ruling and dissents.

6.Cases involving state governments and [foreign] diplomats are tried before the supreme court. -- TRUE. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases affecting ambassadors, ministers and consuls, and controversies in which a state is a party.

7 The supreme court has only APPELLATE JURISdiction -- FALSE. See response to question 6.

8. the supreme [court] can declare an [existing] law [unconstitutional] -- TRUE

What if there are 6 true or false questions on a test, in how many ways can there be 5 answers that are true and one answer that is false?

What if there are 6 true or false questions on a test, in how many ways can there be 5 answers that are true and one answer that is false?Let’s say the test is about using Quora. One of the following six statements is false; the other five are true.Quora is an advice column where you can ask any personal question you need answers for, especially regarding homework and romantic relationships.To get good answers on Quora, you are best advised to research the profiles of the people from whom you want to “request answers” to be sure they are interested in your question.Good credentials on Quora tell readers how or why you qualify to answer a specific question. For example, you may have life experience or formal training.Quora allows discussions of nearly every topic under the sun, but certain “adult topics” must be appropriately marked for everyone’s safety. Illegal topics are forbidden.Things like upvotes, Top Writer titles, followers, and ranked answers in threads are merely incentives for people to contribute to Quora; they are not an end in themselves.Quora’s goal is to “share and grow the world’s knowledge,”[1] not to cater to individually nuanced questions about personal life. Multiple question that are very similar will be merged.[2]See comment below for answer.Footnotes[1][2] Gus Wiseman's answer to What's Quora's policy on merging questions?

A true false question has 5 questions.To pass, you need at least 4 correct answers.You guess every answer.What is the probality that you pass?

This question can be Rephrased as Head-Tails Question.Consider a Case where 5 coins are Tossed and to Win you need At least 4 Heads.Total outcomes for 5 Coins: 2^5 = 32Now, for our solution we either need 4 out of 5 Coins to Turn up Heads or All 5 to Turn up Heads. This is possible in the following ways:5C4 + 5C5Total Probability : [5C4 +5C5] / 32 = 3/16Probability for you to pass your Exam: 3/16