I Need Help Finding Unhealthy Tv Commercials.

I need a thesis statement for a position on "marketing unhealthy food to children?

The marketing of energy-dense, nutrient poor foods that are high in fat, sugar and
salt has been shown to influence children’s food choices and to be a contributing
factor to the problem of obesity.

I keep binging need help!!?

when you feel like binging convince yourself that you already ate this food and imagine yourself doing it again. that helps me a lot. i also drink a cup of juice or sweetened water is you want to binge sweets or have a sandwich and then a load of water if you want salty food. that generally works for me. Distracting myself with something active helps to: like jogging playing a video game that keeps your mind busy...
and do you have bulimia (tend to throw up after binging)? if you do and did binge and want to throw up: take your prescription medication it will make you not want to throw up after-wards to not waste them or convince yourself to wait just 15 minutes then another 15 minutes, until its to late.
i really hope i helped good luck!

How can I stop indulging in food, alcohol and in general just because of boredom/habit? Is there any free spiritual online guidance or other help? I am making myself unhappy with my unhealthy habits but it's too overwhelming to fight it alone.

I don’t think that you’ll need spiritual guidance to help you overcome this. Honestly the situation all comes back down to the habits that you have in your life right now.What I realize with habits is that habits are basically pathways that we go through. It’s like a morning routine. Even if you don’t have a healthy one, you still get out of bed, go to the bathroom, have breakfast, etc. You do all of this automatically without even thinking about it.Habits work the same way. When you drink booze or eat food, you have a specific pattern that you have that leads you to that. I know this because I too used to have a bad habit of eating a lot of food.Part of what triggered that was whenever I watched television. Not because of food commercials, but boredom as well.The thing is as soon as I started to change my habits, my eating habits changed as well. When I started to spend more time in front of a computer and playing video games, I was more entertained rather than bored.Of course those created other habits that weren’t good for me, however it allowed me to move away from those other habits of eating excessively.In the end, the only way to overcome bad habits is to replace them with better habits. For me, television was something I spent time on because I looked for entertainment. I eventually spent less time watching TV because I played more video games and surfed the internet. Those filled my need to be entertained.You’ll need to find something similar and what I’d encourage is for you to discover more about yourself and what you want to achieve. The reason being is that achieving your goals or working towards your goals can be just as entertaining as gaming. I’ve noticed I’ve been spending less time gaming and browsing social media in general because I’m actively working on things that I like. Such as answering these questions.I was only able to figure that out because I spent time looking at what I value and where I want to go in life.Blog: Eric Scott Burdon – A blog to a positive lifeBoosting Confidence & Self Esteem: Boosting Low Self Esteem - Simple advice to boost confidenceYoutube: Eric S Burdon

I have to write a debate on ''disadvantages of tv''please help?

1. lack of communication with friends and family
2. kids see things on tv and try to do it
3. slang gets used

Are vegetables overrated importance to health?

I think you know only few Germans. I actually am surrounded by Germans as now living there. I have a Chinese friend who after living here for 7 years gained a lot! has unhealthy skin and is sluggish. I have had a close friend die (even though being a member of weight watchers) there were two cancer death I have heard of (acquaintances) all meat eaters, and I know tow people that have died of cancer pretty young, most likely due to diet. I have studied nutrition (in UK) and all illnesses or at least most of them have to do with nutrition. People eating meat and such are definitely not that healthy on average. There will always be exceptions and I am sure that there are people eating pork and living to be a hundred but those are rare exceptions, and though they may live that long they won't feel that great. Eating a lot of meat and animal products is bad for hormone balance and also hinders detoxification..Of course when eating vegetables you should not cook them too much either or to mush, which too is done here a lot. So don't forget to include fresh vegetables to your diet

I'm completely traumatized by an animal abuse video?

It started when I saw a commercial on TV of a brute POS man holding a club over his head about to swing down on a poor defenseless seal. It didn't show the animal cruelty. It cut before the club was trying to sooth myself I looked up the entire video on YouTube and now my trauma is even worse . The poor thing tried to get away :( this has filled me with such an unhealthy level of anger and rage. I want to find the men who do this and hurt them slowly. I really feel like I'm suffering from PTSD from this ... How can I stop being haunted by it and the anger?