I Need Help In My What Up

I need help with this follow up question from my bio lab!?

Since polygenic traits are controlled by many different genes, the variation in a population should resemble a normal curve. In statistics, the occurence of a normal distribution is most commonly do to a population controlled by a large number of small effects. In this case, the small effects are the different genes (and different alleles for each gene) that control the height phenotype. When you graph the average heights of your class, you should end up with a graph that looks like a bell curve (or a "big hump"). With such as small sample size, however, it may be hard to distinguish the actual nature of the distribution.

I need help with my made up language?

Hey! So I've been making my own made up language. I was wondering if anyone has ideas on how to make it less like English or make it seem like a real foreign language. I guess I'll write some of it and give you an idea of what it's like.
Yem- I am. Yon vet- you are. Sot/hot es- she/he is. Wena vet- we are. Vost vet- you are (multiple people). Stona vet- they are.

Havence, pettes mena mita noska bōtal mena im shooval macha laga Englasa aunt ye vantal minjim unt lītsa mera lohnder. Ra yon ca helska des var nētsa aunt ye taska yon var macha. Nu, ye nofal vadal minja lohnder.

Hello this is my own language but to me it feels too much like English and I want to make it a bit more different. If you can help that is very nice and I thank you a lot. Right now, I don't know what to make different.

Any suggestions from what you've seen of it so far? How can I make it a bit more different than English? Thanks!

I need help on my bio lab write up??

gold fish is an organism and so it is made up of the macromolecules are organisms are made up of, which are:

1. protein
2. carbohydrates
3. nucleic acids
4. lipids
5. water

a cashew is from plants. so, plants are organisms too, so they have the same macromolecules. marshmallows are mostly carbohydrates and protein and lipids, because another word for carbohydrates is sugar and another word for lipids is fats. another words for nucleic acid is DNA and RNA..since marshmallows don't have cells like organisms, so it doesn't have any DNA or RNA.

to burn something is called combustion. you burn those foods to release the heat, which are calories.

I need some help coming up with a name for my design business. Can you help me?

Distinctive Design:Slogan ideas:Discovering your brands unique identity;Aligning company mission and impressionCreate the right imprint on your marketYou can't leave a lasting impression if you don't have an identity; We can helpI don't know. I put those these together very quickly but I think you should hit a few points or consider them at least;Afingerprint is1) Is unique2) Leaves an imprint/impression to be found or discovered in the present or at a later date (Brand image, reputation)3) Is long lasting i.e. alignment of who you are and what image you put out is significant4) If you don't have an identity (or imprint) then you can't remain relevant i.e. you must have a core or attributes that are defining and unique when combined (differentiation).

I am always there for my friends but when I need help, I realize there is no one around. Why is that?

When your friends talk about their problems, you are willing to help. You offer your help. When you are having problems, you may mention them, and no one offers to help. You may not ask for help. Most people don't think to offer help. Most people also don't think to ask for help. When people ask for help, it's ok to say no if you don't want to help. When you ask for help, understand that no one is obligated to say yes. When you help people, you are internally keeping score. You are thinking that this person now owes you. And when you need help you expect them to repay the debt. The fact is, you offer to help with no strings attached. The fact that you do have strings attached and you don't mention it makes you a really untrustworthy person. I would not want you as a friend.

I need help with my break up, it was a 5 yr relationship...can't seem to move on?

yah.. ur better than this.

first of all, see this rationally, not emotionally. he has a new girlfriend, she works at hooters and is a stripper. what kind of values does he have right now? ur in medical school and do not party much???

so if u can tell from this, he wants a party girl. u are not that. and yes, he may have kissed u back last time, or called u a psycho. either way, he is manipulative and not strong enough to tell you No. but then again, many guys aren't =T. so u have to look back at yourself. why do u want him? why do u love him? regardless of how he's treated u? regardless of his drug addictions?

ask urself, what kidn of Man do u want? what kind of Man will take care of you? someone who is successful, smart and motivated? someone who respects u and supports u thru med school? or someone who makes u feel 2nd class to a hooter's girl (no offense to her, but a very different personality and situation as you.). don't pine after someone who Doesn't want what you offer. why not wait til u find someone who loves u for ur motivations and goals?

so this turns back onto You. u gotta love urself first before u can expect someone to love u. because only then will u be able to wait and watch for someone who you Deserve. if u are insecure or do not feel like u deserve the very Best, then u will settle w/ someone who will treat u like this.

i suggest if ur interested to read The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyers. she's a christian writer but it's more of a self reflective type of book. i think whether or not u are religious doesn't matter as much as the values and life lessions she talks about. it helped me a lot during my break up, and now i'm w/ a Wonderful guy... :) its not all attributed to her book, but mostly just looking at myself and what kidn of woman i wanted to be. i'm alot more productive and happy than when i was w/ my ex boyfriend. good luck

I need help setting up my saltwater fish tank please?

I am starting a 180 gallon salt water tank. I used a little live sand from a friend. The rest of my sand is fine crushed coral. I set the tank up tested all my levels(ph,salt and so on) all came out good. I let it set for a week before adding fish. When I did add fish to cycle the tank they all died with then min's. I took the tank apart, cleaned it all, sand,Filter,drained all the water out and started over. Went and got one fish and tried again and the same thing happened again. Dose any one have any ideas please help. I used no cleaners to clean the tank only water.