I Need Help Ive Been Stuck Forever On These Somebody Help Me On This.

Please help !!!!! Just one question !!! I've been stuck on this forever !!!?

All of the selections in this unit address the concept of self-knowledge in some way. Pick two of the selections and explain how they explore the ways in which characters either develop self-knowledge or their knowledge of themselves changes.

I've been stuck on this statistics problem forever... (10 points and 5 stars for help)!!!)?

It's a multiple choice problem and i've narrowed it down to 3 possible answers.

here's the question:

The usual way to study the brain's response to sounds is to have subjects listen to "pure tones."
The response to recognizable sounds may differ.
To compare responses, researchers anesthetized macaque monkeys.
They fed pure tones and also monkey calls directly to their brains by inserting electrodes.
Response to the stimulus was measured by the firing rate (electrical spikes per second) of neurons in various areas of the brain.
Table 17.2 contains the responses for 37 neurons.


Here's the question:
How much more strongly do monkey brains respond to monkey calls than to pure tones?
Give a 90% confidence interval to answer this question.

A. 40.686 to 99.91
B. 45.703 to 95.053
C. 45.362 to 95.394

What is something your parents said that stuck with you your whole life? I'm putting together a book of advice to leave my children when I pass, and in my writing I'm cataloging where I got as much of it as I can.

Be humble about what you knowI would often sit idle watching TV. My father would tell me that I am wasting time and that I should be studying. My father taught me that we never know what we don't know. So the more you study, the better prepared you are for whatever life throws at you. I rarely watch TV, I have not even owned one since I went back to finish my education. So for the past 4 years I have not owned a TV and have been prepared for all the challenges that have came and gone.How you treat people gets you farther than qualificationsThis goes beyond the "who you know" because if you form rapport with people fast, you can often accomplish far more in less time.Even if you are not qualified right away for something, if you have rapport with someone, they will help you out. I have seen this happen in almost every aspect of my life. Never rely on friendsActually my father was very cynical. Telling me about all the people that he saw manipulated and deceived. But I took it as learn to be completely independent from everyone. Never assume that anyone will have your best interests in mind. Don't expect others to just be there when you need help. This made makes me a pretty powerful lone wolf. I have been able to take care of financial hardships on my own, I travel a lot without relying others to come and keep me company, I am happy on my own without needing constant attention, I take care to be emotionally healthy and do not vampire on others by whining about my own problems.Save moneyThis took me many years and financial ups and downs to finally get the point across but now I am better prepared. I was hit with 4 major unexpected expenses this summer. And was able to shrug them off. I recall being completely chill about it and actually said to myself "haha that still leaves me with X thousand in my emergency account." Yes I have one account that I think of as "A lot of shit will go wrong this year. But I won't notice because I have the savings." It gives you a feeling of strength.

I've been stuck on this statistics problem forever... can someone PLEASE help?

A class survey in a large class for first-year college students asked, "About how many minutes do you study on a typical weeknight?"
The mean response of the 269 students was x = 137 minutes.
Suppose that we know that the study time follows a Normal distribution with standard deviation σ = 65 minutes in the population of all first-year students at this university.
Exercise 14.34 (above) describes a class survey in which students claimed to study an average of x = 137 minutes on a typical weeknight.
Regard these students as an SRS from the population of all first-year students at this university.
Does the study give good evidence that students claim to study more than 2 hours per night on the average?

What is the value of the test statistic z?

i will give anyone who answers this 5 stars and 10 points!
Give your answer to 2 decimal places.

I’ve been stuck on 3 followers for a long time. I think my settings are right. Can anyone help because I expected just a few more with the level of my activity on here?

I wrote about 200 answers before I noticed a significant increase in followers.It very slowly increased after that. It felt like it took forever to get to 100. Specifically because I was waiting for that milestone so I could take questions.I wrote those answers for me, if I lost all my writers tonight, I’d keep writing. I was writing for years before I came to Quora. There will likely come a day I will leave my thousands of words of content behind and will still be writing.I have 300 answer later, and too many drafts.You should not write on Quora hoping to get followers, you should write because you enjoy it. Followers tend to be a side effect of that.The reason is simply because 70, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t that much.To garner attention, you need to write quality answers, and do so regularly. It requires a lot of patience. As long as you enjoy the writing, you’ll not even notice or care about your followers.If you’re more focused on followers over enjoying writing, then Quora might not be for you.

What is it like to be stuck in an elevator?

I have been stuck in an elevator early last year.  After a tiring day of work I went to my room, left my bag and decided to go the restaurant at the ground floor for dinner. I don’t know why I decided to take the elevator, i could have easily used the stairs as I had to go only 2 floors down in the 15 storey hotel. When I entered the elevator the door acted like it didn’t want to close. I was trying to close it by pressing the close button multiple times; at the same time a gentleman entered the elevator talking on his mobile phone. When the door was about to close he left the elevator and took the stairs as his mobile signal was disturbed. Elevator started to move. The moment I realised it’s a mirrored elevator all those scary pranks from just for laugh gags flashed. I have always hated mirrored elevators. Within seconds, the elevator grounded to a stop and the power went off. ​​I was alone, the lights were off and it’s a MIRRORED elevator! I stood for a moment in stunned silence. All I could think was ‘no way, elevators don’t get stuck in real life!’ I totally regretted watching too many movies with broken elevators.  I was terrified; with the help of the light from my mobile screen I pressed the open button; nothing happened. I pressed all the buttons, still nothing. I pressed the emergency alarm and heard nothing. After almost 10 minutes of yelling and screaming, I settled at a corner of the elevator sobbing and hoping there is no little devil inside.  After lot of tears and screaming, it finally opened; I rushed back to my room taking the stairs still sobbing until a colleague of mine found me. The cause of the elevator malfunction has not determined. Now I have serious phobia for elevators :( Thanks for asking Peniel Jacobson

I've been trying to solve an easy coding excercise but I've been stuck for 2 days. What should I do?

Go to Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers and post your question there. That’s a great way to get coding help from the community.

Need help with a Percent Problem?

799$ is the 100% price of the camcorder & you want to find out how much would 7.5% of the total price is, then add it to the total price. More explanation on how to do it:

799$ --------> 100%
???? --------> 7.5%
Using cross Multiplication:
7.5 * 799 = 5992.5 / 100 = 59.925$

Now you know that the sales taxes = 59.925$
To find the total price of the camcorder (including the taxes), just add the sales taxes to the purchase price:
799$ + 59.925$ = 858.925$

Hope I Helped!
Good Luck :)