I Need Help Making A Preschool Math Activity Help Creative Minds

Importance of creativity in a preschool classroom?

I'm not sure there's a word to describe the importance of creativity in a preschool classroom.

I've never been a preschool teacher, never spent much time in that environment, but I have two little boys, ages 3 and 5. As almost all moms know, just getting them to sit and focus on something for around ten or fifteen minutes can at times be near impossible. That's with two generally well-behaved kids, not even trying to teach them something, just trying to get them to be semi-still for a few minutes.

Now, there are about 17 kids in my 3-year-old's class, and about the same number in my 5-year-olds class. So, not only are these women and guys (there are a few male teachers at my kids' school) charged with the work of just keeping 17 children from climbing the walls and jumping out windows, they manage to TEACH in the process. And they teach effectively and they teach real stuff. My children are coming home talking about Bible, science (bugs, volcanoes, etc.) and simple math. Thanks in part to Leap Frog Toys, my 5 year old is learning how to read and write.

Now, I don't know exactly HOW they do it, but in my mind, these men and women are miracle workers. I know for a fact I am not imaginative enough to figure out how to get a bunch of small children to learn a variety of subjects, but I do know that it is NOT like learning from around first grade on, involving spending a large part of the day sitting at desks and looking at books. I also know that any one activity will get boring to children, so you have the teachers getting the kids to behave enough to learn a variety subjects, and there have to be many varieties of teaching.

I'm in awe. It's one of the unexplainable miracles of the world to me. :-)

Preschool -police science activities?

Try looking at the website

Look under "Themes". There is a "community" theme with ideas that will be helpful to you. I use this website a lot. It's cute, has age appropriate activities, and is easy to navigate.

Sounds are part of science. Sounds a police officer might hear are: blowing a whistle, a car horn, traffic, or a police radio. You could make a CD of these sounds. Another idea is to somehow use walkie-talkies.

Make police man vests out of grocery bags. The kids could decorate their vests with a badge cut from yellow construction paper. You could cut a "walkie -talkie" from black paper- cut a rectangle and attach a long skinny strip of paper to the top of the rectangle for the antenna.

Other ideas to extend the lessons-
identifying buildings in your community from photos. This would help children learn to locate landmarks and get to know their surroundings.

Talk about what to do if they get lost. Where to go for help.

Practice dialing 9-1-1 on a telephone.

Traffic Signs- make one for an art project, play the game "Red Light, Green Light"

Make a policeman art project-
Body- large blue rectangle
Arms/Legs- long thin blue rectangle
hands- trace child's hands onto white paper and cut out. Glue these hands to the arms of the police officer so he looks like he has white gloves on.
Head- white circle or skin toned color circle
Hat- blue oval with a little "lip" cut for the brim of the hat
Allow students to draw a face on the circle. Trim the cuffs of the pants and arms with yellow rectangles to look decorative. Add buttons to front of body if desired. Can trim hat with a yellow rectangle and write child's name on it.

A 15 minute activity, suitable for a 4 year old.?

4 year old's like to move about a lot so would suggest games with a ball or Frisbee, bowls, children don't like things where they have to sit down for long times and 15 minutes to a child is a ling time, they like something calming like reading or stories after strengous exercises.

Preschool Math Lesson Plans With Quilt Theme?

An idea for the quilt theme: How about patterns? That is an important math concept for preschoolers. Give each child a row divided into squares. Have them create a pattern with shapes and/or colours or have them complete patterns you have started. Then connect the rows together to create a quilt. (Does that make sense?)

Hmm . . . math lessons related to letters? That's not something I've ever heard of. Maybe make math folder games? My preschoolers loved those. Make or cut out pictures of queens with crowns that have from 1-10 (or whatever numbers) stones in the crown. They have to count the stones and match the queen to the right number.

For R - I'm stuck and out of time! LOL Something kind of like the queen game, only starting with R. I'm thinking rabbits, but am not sure what . . .

Why is creative arts important for early child hood?

In early childhood, the brain is forming the synaptic connections that will help it think and calculate for the rest of it's life. Art and music stimulate areas of the brain that can't be stimulated by other forms of stimuli. Studies have been done that show that melodic voices don't stimulate certain areas of the brain that instrumental music can. Not to mention the fine coordination skills that are developed by a child by trying to handle crayons and paint brushes or the textural experience of finger painting or clay working.

Not to mention that it's just plain fun for the kiddies.
