I Need Help Naming Two Characters In My Book.

Need help with names for characters?

OK, gotta start with the Polish name as I'm Polish.
Whoever told you Petrych is Peter in Polish was wrong or simply having fun. The Polish equivalent of Peter is Piotr.
Here's something to prove my point
In fact, I haven't found Petrych there and the only thing that comes to my mind is that you might have thought of Patryk which is Polish equivalent of Patrick.
Piotr and Mateusz both seem OK. In fact, Patryk is fine, too. The names were used in the past and they are still popular now but Józef sounds old fashioned. I really don't know any Józef who is younger than 60 years old.
If you want to set your story in the past, like the 1960s or earlier, it's OK but if you want to write about now, don't use Józef,

As for two other names, I like Jade Ashley O'Connell and Makayalah Anna Brouwer.

I need an evil name for a character in my book?

i need two evil names for characters in my books. they need to b able to strike fear into ppl's hearts and b easy to pronounce eg. Voldemort
1 will b used for the ultimately evil character and another for his younger henchman who does his bidding
make them both good and they need to b somewhat catchy

Need a name for my characters?

From that information, it sounds like a pretty good story.
Good luck with it!

My idea's for the girls name is
Peyton (Pay-ton)
Lillyan or Lily
Gabrielle or Gabriella
Teann'e (Tee-anne)
Anne-Marie or Anna-Marie

Evangeline Rose sounds fantastic to me too by the way.

For the boys:
Luc (Luke)

Hope i helped, good luck with your story! xx

I need help with names for my two characters. Anyone know any good fantasy names?

I really like your idea!
Anyways, I like the name Eros for the first character and Aries for the second character.
Those are two really cool names that seem to fit both characters.

Good Luck!

I need some strong and atractive names for my two main character. They're a boy and a girl?

Ally,Michaela, Alice,Amelia,Daphne...

Adrian,Charlie, Eric,Alexander,Samuel,Presley...

Last names for book characters?

Aster Li
Delilah McCallister

Aster Madison
Delilah Chandler
(what kind of Asian background?)
Aster Wang, Thai, Ito, Kiri, Makita
Delilah Callison, Jamison, Bryce, Wentworth, Murray, Trent

Are books and characters allowed to have the same name from two separate people?

This is delicate. I think that you can if you make it quite clear that this character has nothing to do with the more “already” famous one. Like stating that “Yes, my name is ________. My parents named me after their favorite character in a book series” so that you differentiate from the original character. BUT the storyline of the second, lets say “Harry Potter”, cannot be about a young magician in a Circus school learning how to do magic tricks from a Master of Illusion. If it’s too close to the original there may be legal issues. Also, you probably could be sued if you used a familiar character name and then put that character into situations that the original author feel might devalue their product/character with that name. Such as Harry being in an SM relationship with Malfoy and Ron or in a “50 Shades” situation with Hermione or Ginny. (NOT suggesting fan fiction writers to this AT ALL!!) It would sully the good image of the original Harry. If one wanted to use a familiar character name I would hope they would take pains to only use the name and distance themselves from the original.Now, some authors want to use a character and go off in another direction with them. I think you would need the authors and publishers written permission to do this and you might have to pay them something for using the character and you might also get a lawsuit asking for part of the profits if your story takes off and makes you millions on the grounds that you used their already established character and made money off it. They own the original intellectual property and may actually have a chance at getting some money from you.

Can I have the same character with two names in a story?

You can do whatever you want with your book and your characters. Don't ever think, "My readers will be confused by this, so I shouldn't include it," as it will never help you to become a better writer. Sometimes the best books need to be read a couple times to be completely understood anyway. A character having two names is no big deal, especially if the story is told in first-person (even if it's not, it's not hard to put two and two together). It's not hard to remember, "Oh, this guy's name is actually Jack, but others know him as Pat." If that's your character's choice, stick with it, because that is your character's choice. Your readers should be smart enough to know that.

Am I allowed to name my child after a book character? Like is there any way it could be illegal?

At least in the US you can name your child whatever you like. You can even name them Coca-Cola. The child might run into legal issues if they wanted to use their name for a company or a product, but other than that names can be anything.There’s a similar question Can a parent get sued for naming their son or daughter after a trademark name? that goes more in-depth into it.EDIT: I was wrong. In some states there are restrictions on letters and symbols (for ancient-computer reasons). California, for instance, only allows the 26 letters of the alphabet so Coca-Cola wouldn’t be allowed. (Nor would Betty-Anne.)The Crazy Rules for Naming Baby lists the rules by state.