I Need Help On My Desk Organisation

How would you organize your computer files? computer help!?

I save all of my information in different files named for whatever it is- Since I am in real estate that is usually the address of the property- I also have plats and other files. keep things separate for personal stuff. I save nothing to desk top- other than copies from emails- which I immediately rename and move to the correct folder. I back up my files every friday. I don't make paper copies unless requested.

graphs are similar to pictures- therefore reading Information may be difficult to assimilate in the brain yet a graph can clearly show the data without a lot of extra words.

hope this helps

What is the best desk organization system for someone visual?

We used to create what were known as "Tickler" files, which can be handled on your cell phone or tablet, as well.When you have a deadline, set your "reminder" to ring, say, a week before it's due. Be sure to notice with your deadlines and then place them on a reminder that you physically have to turn off. You might set it every day for the last week of a task.If you have a desk calendar, you can do the same thing (as long as it's not covered with all your stuff). You need something to jar your memory, to put it at the top of a priority list.Also, give yourself a "Deadline" and a "Drop Dead" date to stick to. That means, if the date you have to turn it in is Friday, that's your "drop dead" date. The "deadline," might be Tuesday.I always met my deadlines, but people would be working right up to the last second of their own "drop dead" dates. I can't work like that, but others do.

Excel Subcategories... Need help organizing on spreadsheet?

I am doing a research project and have encountered a few hiccups - the problem is my data is very detailed, so I have been looking for ways to include all of the different categories in an excel spreadsheet.
So.. imagine we have a report of elementary school children in a given school district that have all been sent to the principle's office and we want to evaluate the outcomes of the principle's visit among the different schools, grades, etc. The data report comes to our desk with the following break-down: Elementary School>Grade>Teacher>Sex>Reason for referral>final outcome.
How would recommend organizing this data??? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much for your time.

Is organization one of INFJs strong suits?

Yes and no. My desk looks like a bomb hit it at times but it is often because of a trade off between big, and small to micro pictures. While I am Ni’ing a highly disorganized or chaotic situation it drives me kind of bonkers. I become one with the mess while trying to find the the offending needle in the haystack that is causing the situation. I guess I mean that I am working on finding the source(s) of the problem(s) to bring a final answer to what is driving me bonkers. The big picture is what I tend to work on first while things seem chaotic around me. Once I solve the big picture suddenly, finally, I work on me, my surrounding, my habitat, my closet. My desk may drive others nuts but then they realize in the end what I was doing and appreciate it somehow learning to forgive the desk. One time, long ago, I was working a big mega million dollar test in the Army. We had to write thousands of test incident reports, an example - how many earthworms were crushed by a self propelled howitzer stuck in the mud, that sort of thing (kidding, I actually sent a report about that up the chain for fun and it ended up in the official report at the Pentagon, or so I heard). Our work group had a problem with losing reports and it caused some grief. I was put in charge of that and made a complex system of in/out boxes that needed a road map because of all the processes that the documents had to go through. I kept working with/helping people that groaned and complained (although some saw the need for the complexity of the method - many just wanted a big in and a big out box, good nuff). Out of tens of thousands of hard copy reports we lost zero. All that said, for others sake, I probably should focus more on the small and micro picture more, but I am not sure I am geared enough that way to sustain it in volatile, high movement situations. Make sense? That’s me, maybe not you.

How can I convince my spouse to organize the one desk he shares with me?

I would (if you haven’t yet) explain that it’s very important to you that the desk you share be organized. Sometimes it helps for spouses to hear why it would help you, rather than a “command” type statement. Make sure you explain in detail, for example: “clutter gives me anxiety”, “I tend to work better in a tidy environment”, or even “I need to be able to find things easily to feel like I’m being efficient.”If you still do not get a response you’re looking for, ask your spouse if it’s okay if you organize it yourself.If that’s STILL not okay, I would recommend not sharing a desk with your spouse.

Should I write, I have good organization skills or organizational skills?

Please help me with this sentence. I am a good communicator and have good organization skills or should it read organizational skills.
Please confirm that organization is spelt with a z in the UK. Does this matter s or z? Thanks in advance.

How to organize a middle school students desk?

The desk in my room has no drawers just two cubbies plus the place where my computer is. I would like my desk to be organized but I don't know how to? Please tell me how I should organize it!! :)
Also I have this little 4 inch (width) by about 9 inches (length) container for on my desk that has a sliding lid. I don't know what I should do with it? I would like to keep it on my desk rather than put it somewhere else.
Please tell me how to organize my desk and what to have on my desk and what to put in my container and if you want how to organize my homework!! ::) Thanks tons!!