I Need Help Thinking Of A Topic Sentence For My Persuasive Speech About Social Networking And Our

Persuasive speech topic?

the site with all 50 is at the bottom... :)
Hope you pick a good one.

1.Media leaks of the spying on domestic and International communications, including citizens, by intelligence agencies. (hot)
2.Supporting the Local Food movement by buying and eating the local food.
3.The ban on exploiting the Antarctic resources “restricting it to a “natural reserve” devoted to science and peace” should be maintained.
4.Magazines marketed for teenagers send the wrong moral and ethical messages.
5.Self-proclaimed “militia” should be closely monitored by the FBI.
6.Tax incentives for international adoption.
7.The government should cut off all foreign aid to dictatorships.
8.Online education is just as good as classroom learning.
9.Banning of in-virtro transplants.
10.Tattooing of minors, whether accompanied by their legal guardian or with a written consent from the legal guardian.
11.Abolish reliance on SAT and ACT scores in admissions.
12.Cameras placed in federal courtrooms to televise all trials.
13.A monthly stipend to cover expenses, for college scholarship athletes.
14.Students should take foreign language courses (or any other type of specific course).
15.The use of technological devices in Education.
16.College beauty contests should not be encouraged.
17.Unstaffed scientific missions are less expensive than staffed space flights.
18.Students should not be pushed to compete at athletics.
19.Pass a federal law to keep the trunk release systems on all new cars standard, to help children’s lives.
20.It is important to have equal representation of genders and races in political office.
21.Cell phone use and texting cause lower levels of concentration and focus.
22.Text books should be replaced by I-Pads and online resources.
23.College students should exercise caution when posting on social media sites.
24.A border fence will not solve the immigration problem.
25.Cyber attacks can prove harmful to countries.
26.More recycling has to be encouraged.
27.College network should have filters to prevent access of inappropriate materials.
28.Social networks should be allowed in school.
29.Should girls be allowed on the wrestling and football teams?

How do i introduce topic of anorexia for a persuasive speech against it?

Not wearing matching socks could also be an exercise in independence and individuality. The status quo is about conformity of ideas within cultural psychology, but without changes in our current systems of thinking there can be no growth. Independent thinking is especially critical in our current culture, because we are all fed the same ideas by broadcasts from media outlets. The broadcasters are able to accomplish a lot by controlling the information we receive. Not wearing matching socks is a good exercise to remind yourself that you are not a subject in a kingdom of "how we are supposed to be"... be how you are. Be how you want to be. Let not the world be your judge, be yourself. If anyone says anything, just tell them you liked them mismatched this way. So much, in fact that you have another pair just like them at home.

Great Question!A good persuasive speech topic is…a) Something that you are passionate about - It’s much easier to be persuasive if you believe strongly in the topic you are speaking on.b) Something that you know about in depth - If you know about a topic and have personal experience of it, you’ll have plenty of material to draw fromc) Something that affects the audience - It’s much harder to be persuade others if they don’t believe that what you are speaking is in some way relevant to them. If you are sure that the audience don’t know much about your topic, start by establishing the relevance.Example. I was helping a class of 14 year old school children develop their speaking skills. At the end of the day they all had the opportunity to speak on a topic they felt strongly about. One young girl started her talk something like this.“I want you to imagine that you are 12 years old and that you live in a small village in Africa. There are 25 other children in the village and a teacher visits once a week for a few hours. You only have a few school books to share between all of you.” “What do you think your chances are of getting a good education that could lead to a well paid job so that you could support your brothers and sisters?”After a long pause she went on; “I’d like to tell you how you each and every one of you, sitting here, could do something today that could change the lives of children in Africa, like the ones I just mentioned.”You can probably imagine that by this stage she had our attention and we all wanted to know more. She went on to talk about the School Books for Africa Project and got a standing ovation at the end of her speech.I hope this helpsGavin

Persuasive speeches are my favorite ones. And I usually combine them with being informative for the best impact. For picking a topic, I would recommend first asking yourself - "What do I believe? What do I think is true?"Everyone's version of reality is a little bit different. Persuasive speeches' main purpose are to persuade another person to adopt, or at least consider, your version of the truth. 1. Pick something that you think is true - We need more science in school, all politics are local, drinking water is the main source of health, football is the best sport of all - for example.2. Choose 3 reasons why this is true - Science knowledge makes us better thinkers, science has made our world a better place, schools without science lead to undereducated children - for example3. Then come up with one example or story for each reason. 4. Add an intro (main idea) and conclusion (repeat the main idea in another way). 5. And end the speech with a call to action - Please consider writing your congressperson to keep science a high priority in education. Some people can argue any point, even if they don't believe in it. But for most of us, we are much better speakers when we really believe something to be true. In preparing for the speech to try and persuade others of our reality, we also learn more about why we think the way we do, and how to present material. If you can't think of anything because you don't believe in anything, then make a persuasive speech about why people shouldn't believe in anything, just like you.

Persuasive Speech on romanticing mental disorders?

You already have them. The negative aspects it has on social media. I don't really understand what the topic is, but find specific examples and your articles/research will tell you straight forward some issues and you can go from there. Like, it increases teens to think it's okay to binge eat and puke or to self harm. It increases the business of doctors, therapists, and pharmacies, because everyone thinks they're depressed for thinking about suicide once, nervous to do a speech so they must have anxiety, insomnia because you couldn't sleep one night, or their kid is suffering from ADHD because it is so accepted now.
You should really pick a topic that you're interested in so finding the main points would be easier for you.
Remember to add in arguments from the other side of the issue. The idea is to persuade against these ideas and what your audience may be thinking.

Persuasive speech on sexualization of women in media?

I think that women fulfil more encouraging roles in the media than merely sexual ones. You see it all the time in TV shows aimed at kids and teens and adults where the boy does something stupid and the smart, level-headed girl has to save him. Women are not reduced to just objects in the media. They are sexual (of their own choice) and usually command roles of maturity and power.

But, I do see one way that this affects young girls. Even if they are in good roles, girls in a lot of kids' shows wear really sexual things. Even at 18 or whatever, I think a lot of their outfits are too revealing, and their audience is primarily tween girls. Many shows on Nickelodeon did/do this and some Disney shows did it. iCarly, Victorious, I always had the impression that the creators of these shows had something for younger girls wearing revealing clothes. Dan Schneider in particular seems to have made the most of this stuff for over a decade now. I don't think it directly causes insecurities in girls, but rather promotes over-sexualized and unlikeable personalities in tween girls because the actresses are "cool" and and "dominant" because they're sexually mature and not like the "stupid" and "immature" boys. So girls are encouraged to grow up too fast, and they're more competitive with whomever is the more "mature" one as a result. That's probably where the insecurities come from -- other girls being mean and judging other girls competitively.

It's important to realize that the actresses are making conscious decisions to wear these outfits and do agree to it. Many women in the media sexualize themselves. It's not like they're forced into these roles. By selling products, they're acting as the subjects acting upon the consumer's (objects) desire to obtain whatever it is they're selling. The whole object/subject dichotomy is too simple to be applied to human's decisions and sexuality.

I have to write a persuasive speech over a social issue...any ideas?

Teen Pregnancy
Sex Ed
Should they hand out condemns in school?
Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice?
Gay Marriages
Animal Rights
Capital Punishment
Gun Control
Legalization of Marijuana
Domestic Violence
Bullying in School
Health care
War in Iraq
Gender Roles
Drunk Driving
Social Networking Safety
Social Media
Social Security
Child Abuse
School Uniforms
Feminist Movement
Internet Porn
Video Game Violence
Global Warming
Year-Round Schooling
Mental Illness
Tobacco Advertisement
Arts Programs in Schools
Martial Rape
Plastic Surgery
Secondhand Smoking
Suicide or Assisted Suicide

I need to write a persuasive speech on internet privacy or security. Please help me narrow this down?

When generating ideas for persuasive speeches, it sometimes helps to think of them as "should" statements (even if you choose not to phrase it that way in your speech):

You should use a password that follows these guidelines...
You should put a virus checker/firewall on every personal computer/Ipad ou own...
You should never open an email from an unknown sender...
You should never access bank accounts or shopping sites from a hotel room...
You should back up all your computer files regularly...
You should never download anything from an unknown website...
If you have children in the house, you should invest in software that limits their Internet access and tracks what they DO access...
You should not post personal information about yourself or your family members on social media sites; the information you should not pose includes...
You should put a password on your computer, not just websites, so that other people cannot use your computer without your permission...
You should use a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) on every computer and on your cable modem/router...

Of course, with each of these topics, you will need to provide examples and supporting information to demonstrate WHY your audience "should" do these things...

Good luck!

What are social controversies surrounding computer engineering?

Social Controversies. One of the biggest SOCIAL issues I have noticed over the years, is people who got involved in computers when I did, were all geeks. now days, that is not true at all. Maybe you should write on this.

I have 20 years of professional experience working with computers and 30 years of personal experience. I have been a programmer, network engineer, Black hat, White hat, and now a computer hacker forensics investigator.

Back in the 70's when I first got involved with computers, the stereo type was nerds who knew computers, but had no social skills or sport abilities. pocket protectors, glasses, floods. etc. etc. On the most part, it was true. Over time however that changed.

In the 80's it was more long hair, jeans and T-shirts with holes in them, video games, Pizza, minimal sports activities (Think of "War Games").

In the 90's that is all completely different. Network engineering is a huge market with a lot os specialties. Network engineers such as myself have no problems interacting with other people, I personally am very active in sports (Karate, White water rafting, Paintball, SCUBA diving, Shooting, 4 wheeling, etc. etc.). The early nerds were often picked on, but now, if someone messes with us, we may very well kick some ***. It has become a very mainstream job, and heavily sought after.

Now, in the early 21st century it is changing even more. There is on the most part a world war taking place in Cyberspace, and those who work in my field are beginning to take on a Warrior personna. A soldier protecting our way of life and capable of acting on their own, in the best interest of us all. Although, most people do not yet have a clue about this level yet.

My classmates and I are doing a persuasive speech, but are unsure of what topic we want to do it on?

If you want a good grade you want a topic that will get all your classmates involved in the discussion when you ask at the end of your presentations "any questions or comments". Take a controvesial topic. Gay rights isn't life threateningly controversial. Abortion is good but don't you think it's been done a little too much? Why not do something like Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia. I did that in my speech class, i had to present a 10 minute persuasive speech on why i thought it should be legalalized. I remember the comments i received at the end, some agreed with me and some butchered me.

Nevertheless, i received an A+ because the teacher said a good topic is where you get everyone involved, you get people to listen and you get people to want to do something about it. That'll give you an A.

Besides that i think HUMAN CLONING and animal cloning is a very difficult topic. Animal cloning is currently being done but human cloning is in the works as well.

What about topics on pregnancy? Today parents can choose the sex of their baby and tomorrow they'll be able to choose the hair color and eye color as well. You know a lot of people love others that have blue eyes and blonde hair. Imagine in 50 years your grandkids will be in school and all their friends are going to be blonde hair blue eyed.

Here is my list of good topics:

Death Penalty
English- Official language?
Genetic Engineering- Biotechnology, cloning
Internet censorship
Marijuana (medical use)
Racial profiling
Search and seizure

If you want God believers and athiest controversy then you go with Creation v. Evolution.

I'm sure that would get people talking.