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What are the differences between prose, poetry, and drama?

What is prose and what is poetry?Well, we all have heard about these two but not all of us are clear about the fundamental differences between the two. Let us take a look and try to understand.Poetry is art in itself.Either written down or spoken orally, poetry is characterized by an imaginative and attractive expression of one’s thoughts.It is metrical, which means that poems are metered or structured. The structure or the meters give it a pattern.This pattern makes it easier and smoother to read.There are rules which are followed while writing poetry (not mandatory though). Some examples are rhyme schemes, meters, number of verses etc.One can easily distinguish between the verses and stanzas.Prose: Prose is not about rhyming or using ornamental words.It is simple but expressive.It expresses the feelings in a way which is easy to read and understand.There are no verses or stanzas, sentences take their place in prose.It is straightforward.Authors sometimes dabble between the two to give a good combination. Shakespeare uses both in some plays.Short stories, novels, plays etc usually fall under this type of literature.Drama: Drama comes from a Greek word which means “action”.It refers to a play performed on the stage, television, or radio.It is composed in verses or prose to tell a story involving emotions or to portray a character.The actors act out an event playing different characters.The characters may use poetry or prose in their dialogue.I hope this helps.