I Need Help Will Choose Best Answer

Static friction help - - i will choose a best answer?

The 102N to start it moving means that the Static Friction was overcome at 102N. Meaning that the force of static friction was 102N in the opposite direction.

Now u hav the Fs = 102N
U need the Fn = Fg = (9.8)(105) = 1029 N

Coefficient = Static Friction / Normal Force
= 102 / 1029
= 0.099

Therefore, the coefficient of static friction is 0.099

$**~~i really need help i will choose a best answer~~**$?

**$~well can u guys make up questions for atomosphere~$** lithosphere and hyroshere also bioshere like u can make up any kind of questions and have any answer for ur questions and ****i will choose a best answer****

Please help, why is my face so oily!!?? I will choose best answer. =]?

Hi, I just woke up about an hour ago, and i looked in the mirror, my face was so oily! i wiped it off with a facecloth, and now its fine, but why was it so oily? I use Cetaphil daily facial cleanser twice a day for the past week. I've treid neatrogene, and clean and clear but they dont work, so now im using cetaphil because its gentle, but ive used it before and my face was never oily!! Please help, why is it oily, and how do i stop it being oily without switching cleansers???
btw im 13. =] thank you so muchh!!!

Need help!!! please give advice! i will choose best answer!!!!?

i have recently started taking 40 mg of ciliptopram daily. I have begun expieriencing brief (as in one to three second) periods where, i sort of space out and my vision goes slightly unfocused and my brain almost feels like it is, sort of, contracting. I don't know if thats exactlay right, but its the best way i can describe it. I was wondering if this is the "brain zaps/ brain tremors" that i've heard about, or if anyone has expierienced similar sensations. it seems to happen when i am very, very tired.

ALSO, can some people just share their expieriences with ciliptopram with me, side effects, how it worked, personal feelings. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO ANSWERS!

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ONE PHYSICS QUESTION! Please help! (will choose best answer)?

at is the equivalent energy in Joules of 1.0 Kg of Apples? (1 Joule = 1 kg � m2/s2)

a. 3.0 x 1011 J
b. 9.0 x 1019 J
c. 3.0 x 108 J
d. 9.0 x 1016 J

PLEASE HELP! Significant Figures...!? Will choose best answer! DESPERATE!?

Whenever you multiply or divide two numbers we look at the number with the least significant digits. This is how many digits the product or quotient will have.
a) (2.3x10^6)(8.57x10^3) = 1.9711x10^10 We must convert this into a 2 sig fig digits. Since we have a 7 in the hundredths place we round up to 9 and remove all but two sig figs to get 2.0x10^10.
Now for the division:
(2.0x10^10)/4.3x10^2 = 4.6511x10^7 Again we need to chop off all but two digits. We look at the 5 in the hundreths place and by convention we usually leave the 6 as is because it is even.
Thus we obtain a final solution of 4.6x10^7

b-e are essentially the same as a.

f) This is a more interesting problem as some conventions seem to vary with dealing with zeroes to the right of whole number digits and to the left of the decimal. Usually for clarification a decimal point is added to show the trailing zeroes are significant. (so for example 70000 is 70000.) We will go ahead and assume that these were indeed exact measurements so we include all of the zeroes.

Making that assumption it follows that:

70000.x60000. = 4.2000x10^9 We have 5 sig figs by our assumption.

(4.2000x10^9)/1500. = 2.800x10^6 This time we only have 4 sig figs because that is how many 1500. has.

Just to cover all my bases I suppose that those zeroes on 70000 are just filler. In that case 70000 and 60000 have only 1 sig fig and:
70000x60000 = 4x10^9
(4x10^9)/1500 = 2.66666x10^6 which we may round to 3.000x10^6 and pull off insignificant figures to obtain 3x10^6.

Please Help. Diels-Alder Lab Question. Will choose best answer.?

Are you sure you have all the reagents in I have seem this reaction with KBr. If that was the case then colouration maybe caused by the formation or loss of bromine compounds.

Ok its possible that the change to due to the lose of aromatic resonance. In antrancene there are 3 aromatic rings fused together, this will emitted a light at a set wavelangth. Then the diels-alder product is formed there is a lose of aromaticity due to the middle ring losing its aromatic structure, because the rings are not fused the resonance is not spend through out the 3 three rings. Since there is a change in the aromaticity there will be a change in the wavelength of the light emitted.

How does Quora choose the best answer to a question?

Quora is never open about its algorithms for fear that people may learn to beat the system so one can safely assume that no insider is going to answer this question. All of us can simply guess and try to guess correctly.To me, it appears that the longer the answer, the better chance it has of reaching the top. Views to votes ratio may or may not be relevant. I have often found an incongruity in this relationship with the position of an answer given that the lengths of the two answers are comparable.A person who has greater number of endorsements in a particular topic seems to have a better chance at being in top.Similarly if a person is a Top Writer, chances are that if their answer is long enough, it could be the top answer.All factors being equal - length, views to votes and popularity, the newer answer has a better chance of being on top. The key factor appears to be the person's ability to write twenty words in place of five. I think I have written a long enough answer. If this manages to reach on top of the answer chain, my analysis would be correct.... Otherwise, I shall come back another time and add some block quotes with links to various pages and we shall see how that goes. Watch this space for developments as I try to crack the QA (Quora Algorithm)... Actually, not. I don't try.