I Need Help With Js Code

I need help coding the js file.Can someone help me.Please?

That's a lot well I can guide you to codecademy where you take online courses to refresh your knowledge on programming in html+css, java,javascript,python and ready to take notes and learn, the Python course alone is 13 hours long.

I can't help you here, there's not enough room... You need a Tudor or courses buddy, best of luck to you...

Need help with var symbols and and meanings in JS?

<> is NOT used in Javascript. != means not equal to; for example a != b is true if a and b are two different (not equal) values.

<= means less or equal.

In your example salesCost <= 25 is true if salesCost is less or equal 25. Otherwise, it is false.
if the variable salesCost is defined, your code works fine in Javascript of course if it is based on a correct design logic.

Javascript has these comparison operators which result in either true or false based on the left-side and right-side oprands and their relational values:

== (equal)
!= (unequal)
< (less)
> (greater)
<= (less or equal)
>= (greater or equal)

What do I need to know to code in Node.js, do I need to use C or C++ in Node.js. I will start learning this but I need to clear these doubts.

You should know a minimum of two things to write programs in js and run it locally in the NodeJS installed on your PC:JavaScriptProgramming (using any language)But the main purpose of NodeJS is to develop servers , for which you need some more things like JSON, AJAX , RESTful APIs etc.

How do I run C code on node.js?

I normally don’t like to say that stuff is complicated, but this topic is no trivial, and there is lots to it. But since I needed to run some C libraries in my NodeJS project, I decided to take the time and write a technical article with very simple and small examples to show how to use C in NodeJS through C++.davidgatti/How-to-use-C-in-NodeJS-through-CPPUnder the link above you will find a detail explanation how this works which will give you a good foundation. After my article, if needed, you can take it further and do more complicated stuff.

Can someone help me write a Javascript code please?

In the order.html file add the setData() function. The purpose of this function is to get the quantities stored in the cookies q0 through q4 and use them to set the quantities in the form elements qty0 through qty4 on this page. In the script element below the script element referencing the cookies.js file add the following code:

Create a for loop. Have the for loop use a counter variable (i) that starts at 0 and, while the counter is less than 5, increase the counter in increments of 1.

Within the for loop write the following code:
Call the getCookieValue function and get the cookie name "q" + the loop counter (q0 through q4) and assign the value returned to the quantity variable.
If the is the quantity null then
Set the value of the "qty"+ the loop counter (qty0 through qty4) element associated with the first (and only) form on the page to 0.
Set the value of the "cost"+ the loop counter (cost0 through cost4) element associated with the first (and only) form on the page to 0.00.

(Note: You cannot reference the form element this way: oform.qty+i.value the addition in the element name does not work! Instead use the document.forms[0].elements[] collection and reference the "qty"+ the loop counter field in the square braces - do the same for cost)
Otherwise If the is the quantity is not null then
Set the value of the "qty"+ the loop counter (qty0 through qty4) element associated with the first (and only) form on the page to the value of the quantity variable.
Create a variable named price that references the price + the loop counter field, that is price will reference fields price0, price1, price2, price3 and price4
Set the value of the "cost"+ the loop counter (cost0 through cost4) element associated with the first (and only) form on the page to the value of the quantity variable multiplied by the value of the price variable. Display the value of the cost object to two decimal places;
After the end of the for loop call the calcTotal() function.

If you are using the starter order.html page provided with this assignment (instead of the one created last week) you will need to add onblur event handlers for the qty0 through qty4 fields, running the calcCost function whenever these fields lose the focus of the Web browser. If you completed the tutorial - these will already be there!

I Need Help Connecting My JavaScript/JQuery To My HTML File Using CODEANYWHERE?

SO I've been fooling around in Codeanywhere for a little just so that I could make a little interactive website. I could easily set up the HTML skeleton and the CSS and link those two up perfectly, but I've been having some trouble linking my interactive JavaScript/JQuery code.
I wrote my code in a file called script.js and here is what my code looks like in the index.html file:

I'm just trying to make it so that I can click certain things and the code I made in script.js should be doing this but I can't seem to link it for some reason. All help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Do I need to know Javascript or any code to use Bootstrap?

Bootstrap consists of basically three parts: CSS, Components and JavaScript.The CSS part focuses on stuff like the grid system, typography, tables, forms, images, etc...The Components part focuses on stuff like dropdowns, button groups, paginations, progress bars, panels, etc...The JavaScript part focuses on stuff like modals, scrolling, collapsing, carousels, etc...So to answer your question:, "Do I need to know Javascript or any code to use Bootstrap?" I'm not sure what you mean by "any code" part but you will need to know HTML and CSS at least to be able to handle the first two parts of Bootstrap: CSS and Components.As far as JavaScript goes, it depends on your end game. Are you in to harness the power of Bootstrap, then the answer is you *should* understand JavaScript to be able to customize some stuff offered to you. If you're in to just have all the Bootstrap defaults decide for you, then understanding CSS and HTML will suffice.Hope that helps. Bootstrap 4 is coming soon by the way.

How do I code in JavaScript?

That naturally depends on what you define as "good" and on your previously gathered experience with programming languages, language families, types, paradigms and design patterns. Not to mention JavaScript itself.JavaScript offers a lot of concepts and constructs that are quite powerful - and therefore should be used with care and a good understanding of basic concepts.If you want to write "good" JavaScript in terms of "structured and clear", "testable" and "extendable" be sure to familiarize yourself with the concepts of functional and object oriented programming principles, class-less prototype based languages, asynchronous event driven design and - in particular - anonymous vs. named functions, variable scopes, closures and callback functions.Take a deeper look on the code of other well-designed JS projects for the client (e.g. => Backbone) but also server side (e.g. => koa for node.js) and try to understand the structure and ideas - ignore details!