I Need Help With My Emotional Coping

What books could help me emotionally coping with a permanent disability?

It might seem to be a disability to you, but it might turn out to be a blessing from God. Because one day you would do something that no “able bodied” person had ever done. Thus, inspiring a whole generation after you, to push the limits of life.As far as the book is concerned read-Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic. It is one of the most inspiring books ever.Best of luck for your future. You’ll be the best of your time.

What are your emotional coping mechanisms?

Every person on this earth has to learn to control their emotions in one way or another. This learning process usually takes place when you are a small child with the help of good parents. Often something goes awry and true emotional control is never achieved. If your life is ruled by your emotions and you cannot seem to gain control of them you are in for one hell of a ride in life.If you never developed inner emotional control and you want to learn some skills in dealing with them as they seem to have control of you in negative ways you will have to deal with this problem one step at a time.The first thing you should do is get some help. If you cannot afford professional help find an understanding friend or get involved with a group activity of some kind where there is emotional interchange of one kind or another. If you attempt to do this on your own your chance of success is very slim. You will learn to cope by interacting with others. If you wall yourself up in life your emotional turmoil will only get worse and spiral even further out of control. You will experience emotional pain in your involvement with others but you will also experience emotional growth and develope ways to cope.For now I will leave you with this one coping mechanism suggestion and that is to get involved. We learn by doing. Get out of yourself.

How do you cope with huge emotional stress?

Hi Angelia,

There are different aspects to coping with stress. You can act to relieve it. And you've already got some good answers to that. But over the longer term you want to work to reduce or eliminate it.

Stress happens when the events of life show you that what you thought was true, really isn't.

Sometimes this might be that you thought someone was more honest that they actually turned out to be or something was going to happen and it didn't.

To overcome the stress you have to update your view of the world so that the world can be as it is without causing you the pain that it currently is.

Usually people fight against this and justify why things should be better or fairer. But the fact is, you can either be right or happy. You get to choose.

There's a series on how you can deal with stress here;

How to cope with emotional problems?

I dunno how i do it, but I just don't care. Really, I honestly don't care. If something starts bothering to the point that I notice it, I make a conscious effort to stop caring. And it works.

How can I cope up with the feeling of an unknown emotional void within?

It depends on how bad it is. If it is minor, self help will do, else professional help may be needed. Sometimes, some ailments could be beyond professional help too.I assume this is minor. The words “cope up” and “emotional void” put you in victim’s role and keep you there until you decide otherwise.We may come from whatever background, experience history, but we do deserve a clean slate to script our future. That requires us to think and feel clearly with no ailments. But this can be catch 22, as our ailment may not allow that to do so, hence one goes to professional help, but there is no guarantee that professional help works all the time.In case of self help, hence, there is a need to pump up with positivism, positive energy and positive affirmations. While this is not a natural state to be, it helps to seek better and balance.I am only touching the tip of the iceberg here as it is not prudent to get into various details without knowing your realities.We do have four realms, body, mind, heart (feelings) and spirit (energy), they are interrelated at the level of being and the same around us. It helps to get a good grip of all these four realms within you and around you. Your answers could be as simple as the hungry one needs to eat some food. So, if you are starved on the feelings side, it will haunt as emotional void, which is only a signal to do the right thing, not to cope up and stay affected for long time to come.Hope this video will be of some help for you to stumble on the next clue.Wish you the best!

How did you emotionally cope with being denied for disability, and did you go straight for a lawyer's help for the appeal?

I admit, I was disappointed & a little upset about the initial denial. I was expecting it, though, because my lawyer made sure to explain that most people are denied on their initial applications. I made an appointment with him around the time I initiated my disability case to make sure I did everything right. I just didn't know enough about the disability process to feel comfortable doing it without a lawyer.

How do I cope with my emotions as a Scorpio Moon?

Ok, I think as a scorpio moon myself and having similar problems in the past, I can definitely answer your question.First, let me congratulate you on taking the first step, which is to identify this as a problem and seeking solution. Now that you have taken this first step, unless you take some impossibly dark turns in your life, all these problems will be gone as you age.The intense emotion associated with Scorpio(a private sign) and that too with moon(even more personal) sign can’t be understood or handled by other people. Only Scorpio sun and Pisces people can understand the emotional depth. This depth is not even understood by the Cancerians. So, unless your friends are Scorpio Sun or Pisces Sun, draining your emotions on them in return of an understanding nod won’t work. Even Scorpio moons wont give you budge unless you are very close to them.Also, ask this question to yourself. Will you really like it when another person would totally understand you or your emotion? As much as you seek another understanding person who will validate/understand/appreciate your emotions, this will also increase a subconscious resistance in you that will try to guard those same emotions from being opened up to the world. Yeah, that’s a contradiction all Scorpio moon has to deal. They want them to be understood at the same time they don’t want them to be understood and keep the mystery intact. So, my advise, just learn to handle your emotions by yourself.Ok, so how would you do it? Know this, all this emotional intensity is a power and it’s not just for you. It’s given to you(or rather you chose it before birth) so that you can use this power to help/heal the world. So, use your emotions to gain access to other people’s emotion. I am sure you can do it pretty easily. Practice more to understand this and start helping them. You will soon be master of doing it. Don’t use it to manipulate people(another tendency of scorpio moon) to your own advantage. Be genuinely sympathetic and use your emotional container to absorb their emotions and then help them. Start with people closer to you, then slowly spread it outwards, soon you will be helping people at large scale. You will be amazed at how it solves your own emotional problem along with rest of the world.