I Need Help With Understanding My Eye Prescription.

Help me understand my eye prescription?

You are far-sighted in your right eye with a little bit of astigmatism. Your left eye is more far-sighted and has more astigmatism. If this is your fist time with glasses, it may take a while for your brain to adjust. The best way to adapt is put them on and leave them on if you can. I am a bit concerned about the disparity between the two eyes. Sometimes, with such a difference in prescription, the brain can't fuse the two images. If you are still having problems after a week, call your eye doctor. I feel you would be better suited to contact lenses with this don't have to worry about the disparity between the two eyes in that case.

As for the laser treatment...the answer is: potentially. You have to be of a certain age, and meet certain requirements as to the physical state of your eyes.

Need help understanding my eye glass prescription?

So, od is right.

os is left.

your right eye requires about double the power the left eye requires

ds means diopter no astigmatism in the left.(the lens needed to correct vision is spherical)

The right requires the smallest amount of astigmatism correction that is made in a lens, and is really so small that it's not too important..

You are lucky it's not too strong ! :)

Help with understanding my eye prescription?

I am having a sight test tomorrow so I decided to phone my last optician for my prescription details.
Here's what they gave
Right eye 0.00 -0.75 x1.77
Left eye 0.00 -0.50 x10
Is this much of a prescription? my current glasses seem to make a difference when I read or focus on the tv, but then looking at this it seems so mild?

I need help understanding my eye prescription?

If this is all that there is to your prescription, you probably do not need glasses. Virtually everyone out there who is doing fine without glasses would end up with a prescription like this one. In your right eye, you have the smallest amount of astigmatism possible to prescribe. In your left eye, you have the smallest amount of myopia that is possible to prescribe for. If you had glasses made and them on, you might notice that things were slightly clearer at distance if you paid extremely close attention to the details.

Help understanding my vision prescription?

My eye doctor must have been in a bad mood because he really didn't explain anything to me today. He only told me I have mixed astigmatism and my prescription says this:

right eye
sphere: +0.50
cylinder: -1.00
axis: 90

left eye
sphere: plano
cylinder: -0.75
axis: 70

Mostly, what does the "plano" mean under the sphere category for my left eye?
What does the axis category mean?

This is the first time I've ever needed vision correction and I don't understand any of this. Thanks for any help!

Please help me understand my eye prescription?

The other guy explained it pretty good but didn't quite say what number goes where.

When you go on the web site you need to put it in like this:

right eye sphere - 3.50
right eye cylinder - 0.75
right eye axis 103

left eye sphere - 4.50
Left eye cylinder 0
left eye axis 0.......[you have no astigmatism in the left eye]

Double check very carefully that you put in the correct numbers in the correct place. Also, the minus signs are important, don't forget them!

As the other guy said, you have no add's, they are only for bifocals, if the site insists you select a number for it, use 0.

You will also need your interpupilary spacing, (distance between your eyes).

Can some one help me understand my eye glasses prescription?

No, there's nothing to worry about.

The reason that they look different is that one doctor (probably an optometrist) is using minus-cylinder, the other (probably an opthalmologist) is using plus-cylinder. Let's convert the 2009 to minus-cylinder so we can compare them directly.

Right = Sphere +0.50 Cylinder -1.00 Axis 003
Left = Sphere Plano Cylinder -0.75 Axis 003

The sphere numbers indicate that your right eye has gone from being a tiny bit farsighted to needing no near/farsightedness correction.

The cylinder numbers indicate that the left eye has gotten a tiny bit more astigmatic. 0.25 is the minimum increment, and is hardly noticeable.

The Axis number is a direction, and it goes from 0 to 180. If you think of 0 or 180 as being up-and-down, and 90 as being side-to-side, you'll see that 003 and 172 are actually very close. (There's only 11 degrees difference.)

So, there is very little difference between these two prescriptions.

How do I understand a eye prescription?

The first thing you should in order to understand your eye prescription is to identify what OS and OD mean. OS stands for ocular sinister (left eye) and OD stands for Ocular Dexter (right eye). On the other hand, if OU is written in your eye prescription don’t freak out or feel nervous. It means that your left and right eye have the same measurement.How to Read Eye Prescription - Medium

How to understand my eye glass prescription?

I got this for my prescription
OD Plano/-0.50 x 145
OS +0.25/-0.75x045

Just trying to understand what it means as far as buying glasses online. I think the plano is 0 sphere

How do you understand an eyeglass prescription?

In the absence of further clarification, this is what I think the eye glass should mean. The prescription is either for each eye or for both eyes. Listing one doesn't mean that there isn't another eye. It's possible that the prescription was just written for one eye.The word "Plano" or "Pl" or "00.00" at the beginning of a prescription means that the power reading along that meridian is zero (0). There might be a "RE", "Right Eye" , "R" or "OD" in front of the the numbers and likewise an "LE", "Left Eye" , "L", or "OS" for the left eye. This denotes which eye.A + sign in front of the first number is hyperopia and a - means it is myopia. A - sign in front of the second number is the kind of astigmatismAn "x" or "axis" or other in front of a third set of numbers means the orientation of the astigmatism.There are so many ways to write a lens prescription that it is unlikely that the aforementioned could accommodate all of the versions.