I Need Love. Will Anyone Accept Me The Way I Am

How do I accept I will never find someone to love me the way I am?

Patience. There's someone in this world who was made for you. I feel the same exact way because I feel that I'm just so different. But I always tell myself I have my whole life ahead of me, and one day I will meet someone who will completely love me.

How do you accept the fact you will never find love?

I will probably be the only one to answer your question. I came to this realisation too. You feel as, the loud, the happy and the materialistic are afforded the chance search for this mysterious emotion. Almost as if you were born centuries late and now you are forced to residue in a time where people look for money, appearances and other childish notions when searching for love.I accept it by recognising that not everyone was born to be loved. Some of us will live a lonely and sad existence. Our lives will be forgotten. We are the lives poets feared.You might find people here telling you, don’t worry there will be someone out there for you. But they know and more importantly you know most of us will never find true love. The only advice I have is suffer through it, but do the dignified thing and don’t accept the pity people here give you. I am not saying you will be happy but at least you could live knowing you aren’t lying to yourself.

Will anyone ever love me with my 2 kids?

Never give up hope of finding true love. You're young. Although it seems difficult right now try not to be so hard on yourself. You did nothing wrong. Had you know the situation would turn out like this you surely wouldn't have put yourself or your children through it. The best thing you can do now is to surround yourself with those that truly care for you. Are you close with relatives? Friends? Now is the time to let them know you need them and their support. Concentrate on making a good life for youself and your sons. For self preservation you need to focus some attention on making yourself happy. Find out who you are without a partner. What do you like to do? There's nothing to say you can't lead a perfectly happy and fulfilling life with just the three of you. Focus less on what you thought your life would be and more on where you want it to go from here. Find peace and satisfaction within yourself. I've often heard it said that a woman is never more attractive to a man than when she is happy in her life and not looking for one. There will be brighter days. They're not that far away. Just hang in there.

Can anyone love me for the way I am?

If your question, "The way I am" refers to physical appearance.. Look hereLaxmi (Acid attack survivor)If that refers to someone's character, Do you know who she is?Now you will get an ideaRuining the lives of tens of millions of people, being responsible for more deaths than anybody else in history, and destroying an entire continent…all within 6 years. This is what Hitler is remembered for. Eva Braun, was in love with him for more than 10years, attempted suicide twice for him. Killed herself along with him after 40hours of their marriage.However bad you are, however ugly you are, however rude you are.. There will always be someone who loves you unconditionally for what you are

Are you willing to change for someone you love?

I can say the exact same thing happened to me. I went through over a year of arguing and breaking up, then making up and getting back together. And this pretty much happened on a weekly basis. I constantly tried to change so that i could make things better and make it work and he did the same. But in the end it never did and i ended up hurt. I think we probably should have accepted that it wasn't going to work out from the start, but that's hard to do when you think you love someone.
I'm completely over it now and have come to the conclusion that you shouldn't HAVE to change for someone you love. There's definitely someone out there for everyone though. And when you meet that someone there'll be no need to change! Because they'll accept you for who you are!


I don't think anyone could ever love me.?

Growing up in a family that has no idea who I am as a person, and who has only said they love me when they are forced to, I raised my self and inturn became completely indepent and strong.

I don't think anyone could love me because no one in my life ever has.
I'm not doing this for drama or for "sorry" replys, I was just wondering how many people in the world think they are completely useless and have ended up happy and married. Do you know someone??

I would really like to hear a story where someone says they love someone so much, they are willing to risk it all. Because of right now, no one has ever cared for me or loved me, and I just wonder if love exists at all with such high divorce rates.

There must be at least one story, right?? ......I would like to believe it, but somehow I just can't. :(