I Need Some Ideas For My History Paper

Please help me with ideas for my U.S. History paper!?

Pleas note this type of research is not difficult....playing HALO actually is harder!!!!!!!!!

Robert Owen (14 May 1771, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Wales, UK – 17 November 1858) was a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of socialism and the cooperative movement. Owen's philosophy, which Karl Marx would later name utopian socialism, was derived from three fundamental pillars of his thought. First, he believed that no one was "responsible for his will and his own actions" because "his whole character is formed independently of himself." Owen firmly believed that people were the product of their environment, which fueled his support for education and labour reform. His views made Owen a pioneer in the promotion of investment in human capital. Owen's second pillar was his opposition to religion. Owen felt that all religions were "based on the same absurd imagination" which he said made mankind "a weak, imbecile animal; a furious bigot and fanatic; or a miserable hypocrite." [However, he did embrace spiritualism towards the end of his life (O'Hara, 2006, p.75).] His third pillar said that he disliked the factory system

read carefully may include various Robert Owen

Research Paper Ideas for my History 102 class?

I have to do a short 2-3 page history research paper. It has to be on something that is important to history and why. It has to be something that has happened from 1877 to present day. That does give me a lot of options but I just don't know what to do. I was thinking about the Women's Suffrage but it looks like that started BEFORE 1877 so I changed my topic to The 2008 Presidential Election. I think I might go with that but I would like a few more ideas before committing to that. Any ideas would be appreciated!

What are some topic ideas for a history IA?

I feel like it’s trite to say this, but I’ll say it anyway.You need to come up with your own original history IA topic.I know for a fact that you’ve already heard this advice. I know for a fact that your IB coordinator has told you this, alongside all of your IB teachers. I know for a fact that IB wants all of their IAs to be original creations that are specifically by individuals, so they push for people to come up with their own history IA topics.IAs are not a joke. You’ll hear funny stories online about people bullshitting their IAs and getting 7s, and while these stories are true those people bullshitted their IAs organically. They did not scan the Internet for random topics, and write accordingly.IB prizes originality above all else. You aren’t going to get a good score on your IA if you do a topic that everyone else has done, and topics that are offered online are definitely going to have been done before.Furthermore, I’m not sure if your school told you this, but the penalty for plagiarism is automatic failure. If IB thinks that you plagiarized any bit of your IA, they’ll fail you for your exam. If you’re IB Diploma, you’ll get your diploma revoked. IB scans the whole Internet to make sure plagiarism doesn’t happen in the papers, so I wouldn’t risk it here.If you need help with your history IA, please go talk to your IB history teacher in depth. If your IB history teacher is incompetent, talk with your IB coordinator or another IB teacher on campus to help you formulate a question. Moreover, talk with the students in your class to see if they can help stimulate your mind.IA topics need to be unique enough so that there’s something original to write about, but broad enough so that you don’t run the risk of having too little to say. This can be difficult to find, but if you work hard enough you will get material.I am telling you all this in your best interest. I’m not trying to police you or anything. If you want to do well in IB history, please try and craft an original IA topic on your own. IB is looking for originality, so anything less than that will be penalized. Moreover, IB is fastidious in their search for plagiarism, so you might get marked if you take an idea off of here. Please, for your best interest, try and create an IA topic organically.

Ideas for early US history paper.?

1492? D:. i was going to say write about the Kensington Runestone, and Americas possible ties to the Knights Templar (look for Holy Grail in America on the history channel website, or anywhere really, if you're still interested, i found that show fascinating).

Hmm.... How about some of our founding fathers ties to the freemasons? You could write a paragraph or two describing the freemasons, then a couple on who were masons, then how many signed the declaration then how it could have affected America. If you do this, just realize that the freemasons aren't evil, as some websites might try and tell you (this is actually where the argument can be, some peoplel think they're an evil cult because they're so secretive, and others deny the fathers were mason members simply because it's not a part of the catholic church, along with others). This website below can help you with some of it, along with the second:

You could also write about the original state plan by Thomas Jefferson for the territory between the Mississippi river andAppalachiann mountains. He wanted them all to be square shaped, partly adding into the state equality idea. I'm not sure if this is better, because it's hard to research, and i can't think of many arguments for it. Search for "pelipsia" for a start if you want though.

Some other ideas:

What would happen if the French DIDN'T join the American War for Independence?

What would happen if General Lee won Gettysburg, and didn't make the strategic mistakes he did (the fight for horseshoe hill, for example)?

The effect native americans had on our settlers argument being that we may not even be here without their help, at Jamestown and Plymouth).

And if you just want to do something strange, you could try arguing that the Salem Witch trials necessary for the safety of Salem's citizens or something O_o.

Anyways, here are my ideas. hope you find something you like :)

Ideas for Roman Art paper?

I am writing a paper on Roman Art and was hoping to get some ideas on the topic. No I would not like anyone to do my work for me, but I like getting other perspectives. What would be good aspects about Roman Art to write about, in your opinion? Also, this paper is around 12 pages so I have to be able to find enough information that I can write in that kind of detail about. That, so far, has been my problem.


Can some writing/history teachers tell if you BS a paper?

Absolutedly! And here’s why:(1) Teachers were once students, and often time they were the good ones. This means that they are perfectly aware of the techniques that students use to take shortcuts or circumvent the rules.(2) Teachers usually have read a great deal of papers written by students, graduate students, researchers, and authors of books and journal articles. If a paper is put together as a patchwork lacking coherence or unity, it’s very easy to spot.(3) Teachers usually know a subject well enough to instantly spot bs, plagiarism, patchwork, or any inconsistency in terms of style and coherence in your writing. Plagiarism, in particular, is extremely easy to identify, especially if you are plagiarizing from online sources.(4) Teachers are curious creatures by nature. If they don’t know about something, chances are they will look them up. So, if you are fabricating numbers and making up facts, be ready to be busted.Also, many TAs or GAs are fully capable of doing all of the above when they are reading papers written by undergraduate students. I have read many papers when I was a graduate TA, and I can usually tell whether or not a paper is going to be a good read by the end of the first paragraph, if not earlier. Some TAs grade very harshly, too. So, having a TA grading your paper is not necessarily good news.The lesson of the day: It’s generally a good idea not to bs on your paper. Do the real work, so you can be proud of what you do.

Need help on my research paper for my History of Mexico class. I have no idea where to begin. Can someone give me some tips?

I would start right in the Hernan Cortes expedition to what now is México. Before that there was no México. Of course there was the aztecs and the mayans and the other fellows, but you cant talk about them individually without telling that they were enemies, not a single nation or a series of friendly nations.I would start from where the nation that today's México started: from the conquer by the spaniards. Then the vice-reign. Then the independence and the wars with France, Texas and the USA. Church-State division. The economic growth within Diaz's dictatorship. The Revolution. The Callismo and the Lazaro Cardenas precidency. The PRI-ist populism. NAFTA and the Error de Diciembre. The PAN-ist Neo-liberalism and the war on drugs. And finally America's future with a dumbass as a President, Peña-Nieto.

What should I write my 20-paragraph history paper about?

If I were to choose a topic; I'd pick a more recent but very historic event;The events that took place on 9th of September 2001 would be a great historical but modern topic to write about.The world knows this event as “911”; a scary event that if you choose to take this topic on; should be looked further into.What really happened on that fateful day?Who was truly behind this horrific event?Does the physics of the impacts add up?How can a building that was claimed to have fallen still be standing as the news is reported?You will find a lot on this topic through Google and one Wiki has just caught my eye; here is the link:9/11 Truth movement - WikipediaWhatever topic you choose there is a lot information to be found on the big Worldwide Web.I wish you luck with whatever topic you choose.

What is a good research paper topic for history 1877 to present?

Since the Civil War happened in the early 1860s (from about 1861 to 1865), that would putt 1877 a little more than a decade after the last guy died in that war. Perhaps you might want to research what happened in the American south a decade after the Civil War, as I'm sure that there were many changes that were happening at that time...

Another idea might be to assess the relationship between America and Britain at the time, because the Revolution happened about a century earlier.....

Another idea might be to research the photography of the time, perhaps historical photography or the biographies of certain photographers at the time and the kind of photographic equipment that was used. There was no digital photography and all film had to be put in a black box to be handled and put in the camera since there was no dark room to put the film safely in the camera. Out popular 35 mm print film which is being phased out, is in rolls so we can't see the film - in essence the roll itself acts as a darkroom so the film isn't damaged when we put the film in the camera......

Just some thoughts....