I Need Some Opinions I Have Baby Fever

Is a 101.3 fever from teething for a baby unusual.?

Please note, people, that while fever is common during teething it is not caused by the teething process. Fever is a typical response to infection of any sort. Trauma in and of itself does not cause fever (you cut don't have a fever). The cutting of teeth while traumatic will NOT cause fever. However, the teething process is an added stress to most children which can make them more susceptible to other infections, colds, etc. Most likely this fever is related to something other than teething, but made worse by the teething stressor.

My 8 months old baby fall from bed & got fever, no vomitting. is there any effect on my baby in the future?

If you checked with a doctor and as he/she said not unconscious or vomiting the little one should be just fine. Babies fall they are pretty tough, mine use to pole vault out of the of luck...

My one year old has high fever over 2 weeks?

My 16 month old baby has had a high fever for over two weeks strait we were admitted to the hospital for a week with what they called a pneumonia when we were discharged her temp was 101.9 they said it was ok keep giving her antibiotics and Tylenol and motrin we have been doing this for almost three weeks nothing is working has anyone gone through this before i cant sleep without setting a alarm so i can wake up and give her Tylenol am i paranoid please help

Baby has a 105.7 fever for 2 days. Ibuprophen brings it to normal for a few hours, any suggestions?

Dr says most likely a virus, she did a cbc (slightly elevated) and throat and ear test (neg). Says to wait it out. At what point do I get a second opinion?

Seems to go way up when sleeping. She is still alert and eating a little.

I'm 16 and have baby fever big time! How do I get rid of it?

Most hospitals have opportunities for people to volunteer as "baby holders." The programs are popular and can be hard to get into, but it will provide you with a chance to spend some time with babies and see first hand how demanding they can be! Volunteering also looks very good on a college application.

Keep in mind that your "baby fever" is your body's knee-jerk, hormonal reaction - it's physical, and you are feeling this way because your body is now physically able to have a child. This does NOT mean, however, that you are emotionally or socially ready for a baby! If anything separates humans from animals, it's our ability to make well-thought out decisions based on thoughts instead of physical yearnings or instinct.

5 month old's fever is 105.5 F!?

Take him and put him in a tub full of lukewarm water. Give him tylenol or motrin. Put a cold compress on his head and call the doctor. As soon as the fever goes down, even a degree, go back to the ER and DEMAND someone do something. This is ridiculous. Infants can handle higher temps than adults can, but with a temperature this high he could go into a seizure, so be prepared just in case. It's the body's way of reducing the fever on it's own. There's some kind of major infection going on here, and he needs medication. I hope he feels better soon.

edit: I had a doctor tell me that at the ER once as well about the fever. He told me that the worst that would happen is that she would go into a seizure, and the fever would break. Now I understand that medically, but who wants to see their child have a seizure? Tylenol will only mask a fever won't get rid of it. The infection causing the fever needs to be tended to. Either way this means he needs to be seen again. If that means not giving him tylenol so they can see how high his temp is, do it. That baby needs antibiotics or something!! Go back to the hospital...go to an urgent whatever you have to do.