I Need Some Short Story Ideas

Jealousy Short Story Ideas...?

Well, at least you have plenty of time to work on it. You could start out with a main character, show what the person is jealous for and why, and then show how that jealousy hurts that person or the people around that person. I suggest that you also scrap that homeless person idea. It sounds a bit in bad taste and might not be well-recieved by your teacher or classmates due to its subject matter. Oh, and perhaps you could substitute words for jealousy, such as envy.

Short story ideas about the holocaust?

For my English, I have to write a short story (900 words) based on an element in the book I chose to read. I read Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels and so I've decided to base my story on the holocaust. I need some ideas on the plot please? It can be anything to do with the holocaust, being in a concentration camp, escaping one, or life after the holocaust. Thank you :)

What are some dystopian short story ideas?

This idea came to me during my evening walk around the block with my dog. I don’t write fiction, but it would be awesome if someone took this idea and ran with it (and gave me a little credit for it):One day, while wheeling a patient to the morgue, the patient comes back to life. He has zero memory of being dead, but he was only dead for about 30 minutes.Then, a few hours later, another corpse in the morgue comes back to life with absolutely no memory of anything that happened after his death. No visions of Heaven or Hell or anything. Just like he went to sleep and woke up.Then, the next day, it happens to someone else in the morgue… Someone who died one day before the other two people.This is happening all over the world. Finally, people figure out the timing: people are returning to life in the reverse order in which they died. That means…… People who were recently buried need to be exhumed… quickly.Sure enough, on the third day of the event, people who died three days before the event started come back to life. Still, not a single one has any memory of anything that happened during death.There’s celebration as people who were recently mourning the loss of a loved one are reunited with them.Months roll by, and people keep coming back to life in the order in which they died.People slowly realize they’re going to have some problems. They’re exhuming bodies as quickly as possible. All of those “new” people have the same needs as everyone else. Supplies become scarce. People start to horde food and gas.A year into the phenomenon, and people who died two years earlier are coming back to life and encountering spouses who’ve remarried.Crime victims are able to ID their killers.Religious leaders don’t know what to make of any of this.In addition to coming back to life, people have also stopped dying.Scientists calculate the speed at which the human population is now booming, and realize that within a decade, there won’t be enough resources for everyone. But no one will die. They’ll just all be really miserable.Unless…They stop exhuming bodies. They let the people come back to life in their coffins, and stay buried in them forever, unable to die.

Short story idea . . . has to have the line "..he had no choice...".?

A guy could get drafted into the military and you could do a story about his feelings about war, etc.

Or he could have pushy rich parents who push him to go to Harvard when all wants to do is be an artist of some sort.

Just use your imagination.

I need short story ideas, maybe having to do with music?

Okay, here are a few ideas:

Young child goes exploring around grandpa's attic and discovers his old violin (or clarinet or accordion ... whatever) and tries it out. He spends hours up there playing, grandma and grandpa come hunting for him around dinner time. They are mesmerized and discover that he really does have a knack for music.

In the same vein, street urchin hanging around the theater district discovers the stage entrance open at the theater. Walks in during rehearsal and is called on to audition (curious circumstances?) and makes the cut for a lead role.

Ne'er do well has time on his hands while mom and dad are away and takes apart the family piano. Examines each part of the action and comes up with a simple, but effective solution to improve on it. -- or destroy the whole thing (it's kind of up to you.)

... you develop it.

I need an idea for a short story about growing up/adolescence.?

boyfriend/girlfriend, the jocks, emo people, loner, popularity,