I Need Someone To Read And Give Advice

I read someone give financial advice on here that said buying a home was a bad investment and to just rent. I was raised that buying a home was important for my financial future and that renting was throwing away money. Was I taught wrong?

In 1971 my wife and I looked to purchase a house for $15,000 in the historical part of Charleston, SC. If we purchased the house, we would have been required to restore the house to it’s original appearance. We figured that would cost us about $50,000 which would have been loaned to us at a reduced interest rate.Unfortunately, my job required me to be transferred if wanted to be promoted with the company for whom I worked. I left Charleston never to return. Today, I can look at Zillow and see the house is worth in the 2 million dollar range. My worse decision regarding a house was to leave Charleston.Since leaving Charleston, I have purchased five houses and sold four of them as we moved around the US. I have never lost money when selling a home. Unlike renting where you generally pay more for rent than your payment would be if you purchase a house, I had a profit in each house and as a result, did have something to show for the money I put into the house.If I had rented, I would have nothing to show for the money I spent to rent.

Need advice? I need to tell someone, please read my story?

Honey, You've already told your story to me and a hundred more souls and I deeply sympathize with you however in my opinion you cannot share it with any family member or all which you have been through would be for nothing but a close friend who you trust would be very good to share it with as it will make you feel free and a burden would be taken out of your heart.
I definitely recommend you see a psychiatrist because of the years of abuse you've suffered.
Hope I helped.

What advice can you give to someone trying to write a book?

There are four questions that every prospective book author needs to ask before they start writing.Why do I want to write this book?There’s no wrong answer to this question, but starting to write without knowing why you’re doing it is a recipe for losing steam and/or interest after a few days or weeks of writing. Why do you want to share this book’s particular message with the world? What do you want your readers to think, feel, and do when they read it? Just as importantly, what do you want the book to do for YOU? Do you want it to make you money, grow your business, establish you as an expert, make you the next ________? Get clear on these questions before you start writing, and you’ll be able to come back to them for inspiration and motivation while you write.2. Who am I writing this book for?This is a question that many authors either miss or misunderstand. Yes, you’re writing the book for yourself, but the question isn’t about you. It’s about your audience. Think about who will read this book. Think about why they’ll read it. Think about what they will get out of it—what’s in it for them? Your audience has issues, problems, and pain points, and it’s your book’s job to solve at least one of them. Before you start writing, figure out what that pain point is and plan your writing around fixing it.3. What am I writing about?The great thing about this question is that it naturally follows from the last one. Once you know who you want to talk to and what their pain point is, what to write about is a lot easier to figure out. Simply call on your experience, knowledge, and/or depth of research to plan a book around making your audience’s lives easier.4. How will I write?“On my laptop, duh!” Okay, there are a dozen cute answers to this one, but what it’s really about is strategy. As much value as there is in the advice to simply sit down and start writing, authors who write without a plan are much less likely to finish their books, let alone become successful writers. Start with when you want the book draft to be done, then work backwards from there. Figure out how much you’ll need to write every week or even every day to make that happen. Put that writing time into your schedule. Build in some wiggle room, since nothing ever goes 100% as planned. Then when you start writing, stick to that strategy as best you can. Make following it your goal, and finishing the book will take care of itself.Thanks for reading! Read more from me at James M. Ranson – Medium.

Can someone give a life changing advice after reading my story?

Yes, ofcourse! Advices are free of cost… We(Indians) are very good when it comes to advising people. And many a times these advices are like gems which can really change your life.Whether or not to implement the given advice(or in most cases, choosing which one is best fit for your story) is upto you.So go on, let ‘someone’ know your story to help you out.Take care.

I want someone to read through all my texts, then give me stepwise relationship advice to win the girl. Can I get a counsellor like that in Bangalore?

Having never been to Bangalore, I can’t answer your question specifically, but probably there are. Also, I’m sure someone will be available if they hear that you’re willing to pay “whatever is required” for such advice. But I think you should take a step back and view the situation more calmly. If this girl is a good relationship for you, then she should be a reasonable person. Ask her if she can meet for coffee or tea and just ask her what’s going on. If she is a reasonable person, she will give you a full explanation, and then you can go from there. If she refuses to meet with you, then that probably means that her emotions are quite strong and easily activated. In this case, maybe it’s best to move on and find someone else.An alternate approach is to just find someone who has had a long-term relationship and ask them for advice about the situation. People with experience and perspective can help you a lot too.Good luck.

Have you caught yourself giving advice to someone and realized you do not do it yourself?

I’m a novice learner in the art of shaping lives,I’m basically a student-teacher..While teaching my kids, I often find myself asking them to do the the things I’ve never done myself..No, not any bad stuff here..I have always been a shy student.. Shy for those who don’t know me.. So despite of knowing all the answers, I seldom speak in class.. And now I have realized that it was a huge mistake..If you don’t speak, people around would either think that you have nothing to speak/know nothing, or consider you too rude or proud to speak.. Both conditions or assumptions are dangerous.. They will ultimately become a reason of losing those opportunities that you need a lot in your struggling career..So few days back in class, during an activity, I was working with groups and I wanted a volunteer from each group who could do the demonstration with me..From some groups, students volunteered confidently while there were some who, instead of volunteering their own self, started taking other’s name and pushing each other..I tolerated it for some time, giving them time to think and decide.. But when situation remained same for the next 10 minutes, it enraged me..The words that slipped from my mouth at that time, literally surprised me:“You know something?? Speak up.. Because no one is gonna speak for you.. That way you will always left behind in the race of life..”When I thought about it after the class, I was surprised to see that I needed to learn this lesson the most.. I have learnt it now though, but I learnt it the hard way where I had to lose first..So, speak up, first for yourself, then for others..Thanks for reading.. ☺