I Only Have $15.57 In My Account And I Don

What does "Don't get up on my account." mean?

It means do not change what you were doing because I just arrived. Basically it means continue what you are doing. It's a way for some one to say they are not interrupting.

Why is it that when you don't care for a woman she wants you more, and when you show your feelings it pushes her away?

For something as grey as the assertion you make that women want those who do not care about them and are repulsed by those who do, there cannot be a single, simple, complete or accurate explanation.  I will provide some perspective that could be of practical value , but I must warn that it is far from being an attempt to provide an authoritative analysis of the matter.Most men do an aweful job at recognizing a woman's interest or lack of it.  And, they are more likely to be wrong when they think a woman is interested in them than when they think a woman is not interested in them.  A woman's interest needs to be assessed with a lot of objective thought and consciousness and attention to detail, something that is not easy for a manWomen throw proceptive signals at men many times.  These could be looks, talk and many other actions.  A proceptive signal should never be mistaken for interest, unless there is an unambiguous invition.  Many women like doing this just for the fun of it.  Men think women are more consistent with their interest.  Nothing can be farther from the truth.  Women are as fickle with their likes and dislikes as men.Women are more averse to the risk of rejection than men.  Hence they try to disguise their interest and this does not help men to understand their real feelings.Even if a woman is interested in you, she would expect you to pursue her.  This is the case with the majority of womenUnder these circumstances, effort is the right thing to look for to truly identify whether a woman is interested in you or not.  If you think a woman is interested in you, look for significant, bold and consistent efforts on her part to express her interest to backup your assumption.  Alternatively, take a bold step like asking her out for coffee and gauge how well she reciprocates your interest.  If you can do this well, meaning you can identify real interest very well,  you will realize that most assertions like the one you make do not hold water.