I Quit Smoking New Years If Someone Smokes Right In Front You Can That Second Hand Smoke Get In

Can you get high off of second hand marijuana (weed) smoke?

Yes you can.It will not be nearly as high as actually smoking but definitely if there is smoke that is being smoked and you are near, even a little bit can give you some mild effect.I was eating at a restaurant in Bakersfield, CA when someone outside started smoking and definitely noticed a high of sorts creep in. Very little.But basically when someone exhales smoke there is still THC in that smoke, so that could get you buzzed. If someone just lets the smoke evaporate and spread, plenty of weed smoke in there to inhale.The fact is if you live with anyone smoking in their room while they are there and you are there, you are probably getting a little bit high.The “no” answers are incorrect, as I’ve gotten secondhand high numerous times. Like I said, it’s a small amount, but it’s not at 0%.In fact, I’ve been in public places and people nearby smoked. Yes, I got a little bit. Now, I’ve smoked hundreds of times, and I know what being high feels like very very well. I know every corner of it and how it works. So, no I can’t say 5 seconds of secondhand inhalation will get you really high, but from my experience, there will be THC entering you, and thus having a slight effect. I’d say for 5 seconds of secondhand smoke, you may get 1/300th high of smoking a full joint…so not a whole lot.But if you spend say 10 minutes around secondhand smoke, with lots of burning smoke not just exhalation, you will likely get buzzed, but it will be in a mild way and not like the same experience as smoking, but in a half assed sort of way.Even a quick whiff of secondhand smoke to me when someone in public smokes and I walk by and forcibly get some of the air, I do feel a little bit of THC enter my head.

Why do so many non-smokers hate people who smoke and find them repulsive?

I don't hate the smoker.  Just the smoke.  And smell.  Of everything they own and wear.  And while you excluded public smoking, the reality is they are part and parcel, which tends to affect non-smokers more negativeky than smokers realize.  Like most vices, we are barely aware and often don't want to admit that our vices could be affecting others because that would mean being critical of ourselves.   But they do.  Particularly smoking.Not showering is a great analogy.  If someone does not shower, they smell.  I have had to pull employees aside and bring up their bad grooming because it is affecting the team.  However, smokers, somehow, are not subject to this same standard.  It is just common courtesy to think of others and, frankly, disrespectful to not consider if you are creating a negative situation.I live in Berlin where there is manadatory smoking at age 14, apparently.  And many smokers here, in general, are completely disrespectful.  Again, smoking while walking down the street doesn't seem all that bad until you consider how bad it smells and how much it is actually harming non-smokers around you.I like to compare it to flatulence.  If we were standing at a bus stop outside and you started smoking near me, is it any better than me, maybe haven eaten a very spicy and bean-y burrito the night before, letting my flatulence rip through the bus stop?  I suspect you would chide me for being rude and disrespectful.  But at least flatulence is a natural process.So, in summary, smoking smells and is extremely unhealthy for the smoker and the person who has to be near the smoker.  If you can be aware of that and treat me with respect, I have no problem with smokers.  It is a hard standard to maintain, though, which is why I encourage you to quit smoking.  You will save thousands of dollars and make people around you much happier.Just don't trade smoking for not showering because we'll be right back where we started...

Am I a jerk for politely asking people not to smoke in front of me?

I’ve been a vehement anti-smoker since I was a child, growing up in a family of smokers. It’s likely that the constant smoke contributed to my chronic breathing issues in my teen years and 20’s. When I was 32 I got to watch my father (who smoked a couple of packs of unfiltered cigarettes (“Luckies”) every day since he was 15) develop lung cancer which metastasized and attacked his brain, killing him over a year that was excruciating and tragic for all of us — almost certainly due to his smoking habit. A few years later, I lived through a rerun of this same scenario, but this time with my mother in law. So you can imagine that I’m not very good at ignoring or tolerating cigarette smoke.Much as I hate it, if smoking is permitted in various public places, I try to recognize that people have the right to smoke there. However if somebody is standing in an area crowded with others who are NOT smoking, and then lights up, I think of it as any other somewhat rude and selfish act. It’s not that it’s illegal, but the majority of people are aware that smoking is unpleasant, and is now practiced by only a small portion of the population: the percentage has been dropping steadily, and the CDC estimates that in 2016 it was down to about 15% of the population in the US. So - lighting up in a crowd of non-smokers would seem to show a disregard for others, whether or not the individual even believes in the harm of second hand smoke.If I’m in a place where smoking is frequent - that’s my choice, and I’ll keep my mouth shut. If I’m outdoors and there’s enough air flow around me so I’m not forced to breathe another person’s smoke, I don’t feel the need to impose my preferences on others. If, on the other hand, the smoker seems to be ignoring general manners, and lights up right next to non-smokers (like me) when it would be just as easy to stand apart and do so, I’ll move away if that’s reasonably easy, or if not, I’ll ask the smoker if he would please smoke elsewhere. I’ve found that asking nicely in such a situation generally works and doesn’t piss off the smoker. Finally - at my home, I’m not shy about this, and people all know that cigarettes aren’t permitted in the house or anywhere on my property - it’s a standing rule, there’s no animosity about it, and no resentment.

I hate it that my boyfriend smokes in the car with me being pregnant so would it be mean and wrong of me?

I think that's perfectly okay! Do you know that if you continue to be exposed to cigarette smoke the amniotic fluid will smell of nicotine and there will be calcium deposits in the placenta, which indicate an aging placenta and poor oxygenation? And even if his kids are okay now, that doesn't mean they will be okay in the future!

BTW, so what if you used to smoke! YOU QUIT! Hooray! You are doing the best for yourself and leading by example, it will help your whole family if you stick to your guns and make some restrictions about smoking in the home and in the car.

Do you smoke cigarettes in front of your children?

I heard something about a new law that you can't smoke in a car with your kids. I like the idea of the law but I don't like the fact that the government is telling us that we can't smoke in our own car with our own children. But I was just wondering about other parents who smoke around there kids.
When I smoke in front of kids I always tell them to stay away from me until I'm finished. They aren't allowed to sit on my lap nor by me.
When I'm in the car I always keep the window opened a quite a bit and if it's to cold I open it a crack and keep the cigarette right by the window and blow the smoke directly out the window and if they complain I put it out.
My question is for other people who smoke and have children. Do you follow similar "rules" or different ones?

Can you fail a drug test by people smoking around you?

truth is No you will not get thc in your system by second hand or being in the room with people smoking it. Unless they purposely blow directly in your face several several times and you purposely try to inhale as much as possible. I once wondered the same thing, and no those over the counter meds wont do it either. I smoked for years and sneaked through many pee tests with different methods and once they caught me off guard and i failed the test and tried to use the otc excuse but they said that there is no way that happens ( they had no idea i smoked).. if you are around smoke it will stick to your hair until you wash it and can cause a positive result for thc in a hair test.. however i have seen websites that claim that some of the otc meds like the ones you described can cause a false positive but i dont think they do and i think why is because a certain amount of thc has to be in the sample in order to give a positive result and the amount of otc one would have to take in order to do that would probably make you very very sick . just my theory but i don't think you have any thing to worry about so pee confident.. no, being in the room and smelling it will not make you fail.

My ex husband smokes around our kids?

My boys 13 and 11 go to their dads on most weekends.Sometimes when they come home their clothes smell strongly of cigarette smoke.I asked them if their dad smoked in the house and they said when he is inside he smokes.I used to smoke but I quit several years ago,and I did not smoke in the house because of my kids.How can I do something about this without causing a huge fight?The boys love their dad,but I am concerned about their health.Seriuos answers only.GOD-bless

Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes?

Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea but it takes away some of our freedom.
Do you agree or disagree?

Why do smokers not care about non smokers around them and smoke freely in public domain?

You have listened to none of my complaints about my smoker friends, I come home sick, eyes burning, disgusting feeling and smelling like an ashtray skin stinky as well, have to take immediate shower. Did you know 16% of cancer deaths due to cigarettes are non-smokers subjected to your secondhand smoke damn stinky tobacco? - no you didn’t know that did you. You don’t care ABOUT YOURSELF since you smoke so why would I care about you? 500,ooo+ US deaths a year due to smoking. You think I am playing around? I am done with all you smokers and I have dumped all my smoker friends, I will not put up with it anymore as the secondhand effects are intolerable in houses with smokers friends that I visit. Your always gonna smoke, once a smoker always a smoker you will pick up the habit again as soon as the next crisis hits in your life. You will die early for the many years you have already been smoking. So you shut your ignorant, uncaring, non-listening, un-empathetic, white trash smoking disgusting pigmouth, fatty. You will take your last breath soon, you will die of cancer, I promise, because of all the ciggs you consumed. Someone in your family will die soon, and it could be you. So I am negative because I vehemately object to smoking, you are negative because you choose to smoke - a negative in every way act. Are you happy about the damage you have caused to everyone around you, kids too, for the years you smoked? Oh wait you don’t give a shit because you dont even care about your own health, lol. I may have a bad attitude but I have pink lungs - at least i did until I spent too much time around dumb smokers like you. Read the statistics about WHO smokes -they are all people with some fucking problem, well your not gonna push it on me any longer. I hope ya got heath care because your gonna need it in a few short years due to the damage done to your lungs. How many years have you cut off your life? I am deadly serious, I DON”T NEED THIS SHIT, dealing with you smokers, I have enough problems already much less adding lowlife ciggs to the mix. When you die you will gasp for breath but no oxygen will be forthcoming because you have cancer riddled your airsacs in the lungs. people like you make me sick, literally.