I Ran Out Of Reasons To Live

Why do live ants carry live ants?

Ants that don't respond to another's signals, either through scent or antennae touching is either an enemy, or dead. Either way, it is seen as food. Ants have become a very successful life form because they don't care if their food is their dead cousin. Protein is protein. They do not have burial rituals, or a heirarchy within the colony. Each ant is born to do a certain job, which it does until it dies, they do not change roles. The loss of one, or many ants, will not make any difference.

My xbox live gold suddenly runs out for no reason?

I bought a 12 month gold pack on February 11, 2015, and on June 11, it said that I was silver and didn't not give me a reason why. I tried buy another one, but it wouldn't let me and wouldn't say why. I'm pretty sure my payment options are correct and I have no idea why it won't work.

What do I do when I've ran out of reasons to keep being alive?

Have you asked yourself what keeps you happy? Are you so alone in this world that you have no one to share your joy with? Even if there is no one, one can still be “alive” at work or in their profession, so long as you know what keeps you motivated or passionate.“Passion can be defined as an intense emotion, a compelling zeal or desire for something. There are different reasons why individuals are motivated to work. One of these includes passion for the job at hand. When an individual is passionate about their career, more work gets done with more job satisfaction. These same individuals have higher levels of psychological well-being.1 In R. J. Burke’s and Lisa Fiksenbaum’s article, they cited that when people genuinely enjoy their profession and are motivated by their passion, they tend to be more satisfied with their work and more psychologically healthy. When an individual is unsatisfied with their profession they are also dissatisfied with their family relationships and experience psychological distress. One of the crucial reasons why people are motivated by their passion for their livelihood include the effects of intrinsic motivations driven in a large part by our intrinsic talent.”The above is an excerpt from the article : How Does Your Personality Affect Your Passion, Talent and Competency at Work?Click on the link before to read the full article :, R. J.; Fiksenbaum, Lisa (May 2009). "Work Motivations, Satisfactions, and Health Among Managers: Passion Versus Addiction". Cross-Cultural Research 43: 349–365.doi:10.1177/1069397109336990Hope this helps.

What are some reasons to not kill myself ?

Just tell me one thing.What benefit would be there by killing yourself?You will attain salvation. What is that? Forget it. It is nothing for you people.You will get heaven. What is that?Forget it. It is nothing for you people.You will get peace. Is that so? If it were, I would have died a long before.You will get freedom from this world. Yes, you will but what after that? Nothing. Nobody knows. You too would never know.The thing is that; problem is nothing but your present thoughts. You are thinking too much. You are occupied with absurd thoughts. You will think such things only. You think that happiness, comfort, money, peace, etc they are everything. Yes, they are but they have no meaning without pain, restlessness, chaos, etc. They are meaningless. Try to understand this life. This life is for living. Death is the truth. No doubt about that but why to take your life with your own hands? You are not superior than almighty. It is a sin to commit suicide. Cowards do it and not brave.Do one thing. Occupy yourself with positive thoughts. Make your mind that everything in life is a miracle. When you do it, you will find life interesting. It is all about getting occupied.When you party hard, you find life is beautiful. When you lose things, you ask such questions. Isn't it? Have you ever thought about asking such questions when you are enjoying such things. Certainly not. You would never do that. This means everything from your side is an illusion. You are just afraid of loneliness, emptiness, sadness. Nothing else. So, there is no reason to commit suicide. Chill. You are just directionless.Here are 10 reasons to live:To see yourself being respectful in your own eyes.To feel proud that once you asked some crap question on quora and then you discarded that question, being brave, you fought and won.To see the miracles in life that happen everyday.To feel the goosebumps when any random person comes to you and says, " Sir! You saved my life. Thanks! "To see the stars at night who are calling you to talk to them.To kiss your partner who took pledge to be there with you throughout life.To see yourself fighting the odds and coming out clean from the other side.To inspire millions of lives by setting yourself as an example.To encourage people to never give up in life.To see beneath that you are so beautiful.

Why is everyone muted on Xbox Live?

My Gold Account hasn't expired, I just renewed it with a new 12+1 month card in February. I can still play in Live Matches, but the in-game voice chat is muted (wherever there would be a megaphone symbol, there is a 'no' sign), and I am unable to unmute anyone (their Gamercard says that they are not muted).

I ran out of bugs for me bearded dragon and cant get anymore for 2 days.?

He will be just fine on greens and veggies for a couple of day. Please don't go out in the yard and find insects. You don't know what they have eaten and what they eat, your dragon eats. I am posting my list of foods which might give you some more choices
Collard Greens
Dandelion Greens
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Acorn Squash
Butternut Squash
Hubbard Squash
Green Beans
Scallop Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Summer Squash
Sweet potato
Cactus Pad/Leaf

Bok Choy
Bell Peppers, red & green
Bell Peppers, yellow
Potato, russet
Pumpkin, raw
Yams, raw
Zucchini, raw & peeled
Orange, naval
Orange, mandarin
Pear, not asian
Pineapple, canned
Pineapple, fresh
Prunes, canned
Raisins, seedless
Beans, garbanzo
Beans, kidney
Beans, lima
Beans, pinto
Peppermint leaves
Wheat grass

rose petals

Brussel sprouts
Green peas raw
Rutabaga, raw
Star fruit
Rice, brown, long grain

Ground beef
Pork chops
Spaghetti, cooked
Meal Worms

Why is nitrogen essential to life? What happens if we ran out of it?

Nitrogen is vital for life, but at any one time only a tiny fraction of the worlds nitrogen is actually inside living organisms. Animals, plants and other living things that live on land are bathed in nitrogen. Nearly 80% of air is nitrogen gas, but most living organisms cannot use the elements in this form. It is essential part of DNA. Most living organisms obtain their nitrogen in a roundabout way through the nitrogen cycle.Understand more about - Nitrogen Cycle

My sister (18) ran away from home with NO money?

My little sister is 18 years old, but naive about life so I'm really worried about her. She lived at home with our mom, but they've been arguing for some time. Our mom doesn't want her to have a job (for whatever reason) and she wants to be like her friends and live out on her own.

She had a friend drive her to the airport yesterday (without telling ANY of us what she was doing-very sudden) and she only had enough money for a one-way ticket to New York. So now she's stuck in New York, with NO money for food or shelter. New York is at least 700 miles away from where we live. She's making a REALLY stupid decision right now.

We know she went to New York because she stuck two sticky notes on the freezer door that said "Gone to New York, be back soon". We all think she's acting kind of nuts to be honest....I've been calling and texting her phone and haven't gotten any replies.

I don't know what to do. Any advice? She's 18 so there's not much we can do.

Should I run away from home to live with my boyfriend?

Um you're just gonna have to deal with it until you're 18.. Your parents can call the cops on you if you just "run away" .. They are gonna know where you are so this isnt a good plan at all.. I may be coming off harsh but i've been through this . During my teen years i thought about running away too but let's be realistic.. You're still a minor and can your bf support you fully ? Do you two get along well enough to actually live together ? My mom has always hit me too growing up but being the age that i am now (18) i realize that this was the only way she knew how to deal with anger so i dont blame her. Yeah its tiring but running away will only make things worse for you . Maybe suggest to your mom to see a therapist ? psychologist ? Hitting is never okay so i can see how you're over this situation .

My real suggestion is to Not run away but maybe when you're at home stay away from your mom so she doesnt have a reason to hit you.. Visit your bf maybe.. if you can be over there a lot then by all means do that but i dont suggest you living there .. How are you gonna finish school and all that ? You realize its all gonna be difficult if you run away but it's gonna be way harder than you think .