I Randomly Started Crying

Why did I randomly started crying?

This morning, I woke up and randomly started wanting to cry.. i didn't have tear, just the strong feeling of crying.. seconds later I realized I don't know the reason to cry, so I stopped and laughed about it... I think this might be a medical condition, my fingers have been ticking and somethings i get dizzy or out of breath...

I know this might be caused by deep down feeling or whatever, but I can't think of any.. besides my long distance relationship and being away from my parents for so long. I just don't know.

Anyone think this might be a physical condition? Heart problem or anything? I know crying can be relate to more than psychological things.

Thank you

Why do I just randomly start crying?

It's happened on numerous occasions.
I'll randomly start crying for no apparent reason, and no matter what I do I can't control myself.
I'm pretty sure I'm not depressed, and it's not my time of the month, I'm only a teenager, and I have ALOT to live for. Is it just teen angst or something?

Randomly started crying?

You can feel emotion without thinking about it. Maybe you were sad because you were lonely or missed your gaming. It could be something little and seemingly trivial but you never know it can be too much for that moment in time. You could have also been freaking out about being thoughtless, that's a really weird state to be in. Whatever the reason try not to worry, a little crying is perfectly normal.

Why did I randomly start crying?

I have a book recommendation… wait! two book recom… wait! three book recommendations. I will give you links to inexpensive secondhand copies. If you read them, it will open a path.First, Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy Wilson. Fascinating: how do you study the part of you that’s unconscious (and thus hidden from conscious view?)Wait! Four books.Descartes Error by Antonio Damasio which describes the role of emotion in the human mind. (My own opinion is that emotion is the language by which the unconscious communicates with the conscious.) Did you know that those who have suffered a brain injury that renders them incapable of feeling emotion are unable to make any decisions?A Life of One Own by Joanna Field is an intriguing non-fiction account of woman’s decision to keep a journal, expecting only to find which things made her happy, and instead turned out to be quite a journey. This book is the author, a successful psychotherapist, looking back and commenting on what she learned from that journal.Finally, do try the 12-week exercise described in The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron . She mentions in the book “artist’s dates,” which amount to going out of the house and being observant.If you read those, I think it will give you tools to explore the crying.

Why did my mom just randomly start crying?

I had took a shower and when I got out of the shower there was no underwear in the drawer. I told her and she put some in there. She then started to close the drawer before I grabbed underwear. I told her to stop closing it, in a polite way, and she left my room crying. She is in her mid 50s so maybe that has something to do with it. Please give me nice input.

I randomly started crying over my ex boyfriend?


Many people have been in a situation similar to yours and I'm sure some ask the same question to others if not, themselves. Of course you still have feelings for him. 8 months is a long time in someones life to influence, connect, love and share with. If someone was worth spending enough time with such as 8 months, then there must be a special place in the other persons heart for them. That goes both ways. While you didn't mention why you two broke up, the feelings in the heart don't change, they are only clouded over with bad memories or thoughts. With each day that goes by, the clouds begin to clear and the sun comes out again, which in your case, brought some of those great memories back that the beginning of relationships have. It is normal to have the feelings, you're only human. Being emotional and interconnected to the relationships you have, regardless if they failed or were successful just makes you that much more likely to hold onto the ones you love. Try writing in a journal or blog the feelings you get when you feel the need to cry. Sometimes dropping a few tears is exactly what you need to inch past the pain of memories, good or bad. I found turning to my friends when I felt that way helped a lot, more than I thought when I first broke up with my girlfriend. Relax, breathe and be grateful for the boyfriend you have now. Every relationship builds us up with more experience for the next one, eventually for the long lasting relationship so many people are looking for.

Good luck,

Why am I randomly crying?

Sometimes I randomly start crying and I don't know why. I was sitting at my computer yesterday looking at some parenting articles about how kids are supposed to get 9 hours of sleep (like that's gonna happen) and I randomly started crying. I was sobbing for 5 minutes and then I layed in bed for at least 30 minutes before falling asleep. This has happened to me multiple times in the past month. I'm in middle school at a private school that is really difficult, so it might be stress. My parents have also been argueing multiple times a day. What is causing this? And what can I do to stop it? Please don't tell me to draw a picture or listen to music because it happens at times when I'm doing stuff like that alone. Thank you so much for any help.

I was fine then I randomly broke down and started crying..?

This happened a few minutes ago.. you see.. I'm enjoy being alone.. and I'm home alone right now.. I'm listening to some music and texting.. I'm was fine... then I randomly began to cry.. I furrowed my brows and sunk into my arms and there were tears in my eyes... I wasn't thinking about anything.. I wasn't thinking of anything.. bad.. I don't know what's wrong? Tbh.. yeah I have a suckish life but other people have it worse.. and.. I keep my emotions in.. sometimes.. I guess.. I don't talk to people about things.. much.. bottled up emotions? Can someone explain..?

Why do I randomly start crying about my life decisions?

Because your mind is running all around the place. You are one of those people who are either too worried or have made soo many quick decisions. The only thing you can do now is, look forward, forget about the past, there’s seriously nothing that’ll help looking back, except learning from mistakes. Crying about the past won’t benefit you financially, because there’s no rule like you get a penny for every tear, neither would it benefit you healthwise, “a gram of fat burned for every tear”, neither would it benefit you academically, “A free course for a degree for every tear”. So stop doing things that won’t benefit you in those areas and instead do things that would benefit you. In the end, your purpose should be fulfilled.

Why do I keep crying randomly?

It sounds like an anxiety attack or a panic attack. I would definitely advise seeing a professional about it soon. I know many people advise working through it and sucking it up but frankly that's not how some people are made.Anyway, the reason I felt the need to answer the question is that my wife started suddenly bursting into tears for no reason. I don't mean that I'm an insensitive guy and didn't realize but she was actually explaining through her tears that she should be happy and that she didn't have a reason to cry. This happened about five or six times. She was a bit anxious and worried about all the insecurities in life as well with these episodes. Turns out she had concieved a week or so before the episodes started. They lasted for about a month then went away as the nausea and headaches set in. We're expecting our first child, a daughter with long legs according to the ultrasound technician. I don't know how relevant this might be but I was reminded of it by the question. Cheers and I hope you can get a handle on your life and find a way to overcome your fears.