I Really Need Braces But Parents Can

How do I tell my parents I need braces? They are conscious that I need braces, however they think I'm a cry-baby and I won't bear them. Nevertheless, I really want to get braces.

I have had many cases where the parents wanted braces, but the kids resisted or refused, but rarely have I seen it the other way.It is possible that your parents are unwilling to make the financial investment in your smile. Or, it is possible that they don't feel that the appearance of your teeth is so bad. At any rate, you should have a frank discussion with your parents as to why they are resistant to your desires.If the true reason is financial, you could offer to earn some money by working part time to contribute to the cost.If the reason is that they don't feel it is necessary, then you have to convince them that you feel very self-conscious about your smile. Enlist the help of some of your friends who wear braces. They are often the best advertisement for braces. Also, ask the opinion of your dentist.

I really need braces but my parents cant afford it at all?

I know the feeling! My parents couldn't afford braces for me while I was in high school but I finally got my wish this year, i'm 22. I know how it feels when you say it's embarrassing to smile or talk, my two front teeth overlapped quite a bit and I hated for people to see them. A lot of orthodontists have payment plans where you pay a certain amount per month. My suggestion is to try and compromise with your parents. Perhaps get a job and ask if you can pay a certain amount and your parents could pitch in the rest. Explain to them how much this means to you.

I really need braces but my parents can't afford them?

I can't describe how bad my teeth make me feel.
I've got a tooth that's crooked, so it's pushed to the front and it's very noticable.
Because of this tooth, another tooth is being pushed down. I also have a crooked tooth at the bottom.
It's not that bad, these are the only teeth that are bothering me, but I really hate it.

I never smile with an open mouth cause it looks so damn ugly, I'm so insecure about the fact that I always have to smile with closed lips. Reallly, I'm worried.

I asked my parents if I can get braces but my mother absolutely hates the idea of that, it's way too expensive and she thinks I don't need them.
I wake up thinking about my teeth and I go to sleep worrying and being upsad over it.

I've had several fights with my mother about this, I even offered her I'd pay half of the braces. I also mad an agreement with her that I only need braces for my upperteeth, and still she thinks it's too expensive. I'm 15 years old, I can't believe how fücked things are if I need to pay for my braces. But I am more than willing to, cause I NEED braces.

How expensive are they?
How long will they stay for just 2 crooked teeth?
How am I going to pay them all by myself?
How do I get the money for it?
Is there any way I can save money for them?

Please, help.
I appreciate it.

I think I need braces, but my parents don't think so...?

Well, i'd tell them to look thouroughly or get your orthodontist (or dentist) to check them out next time you have a check-up. I had braces for 2 years and that created the gaps inside my bottem teeth.
You probably just need a retainer for a few months, so you should tell your parents that. if you want braces to look cool, then you're outta luck.

I really need Braces but my dad wont let me :( help?

okay so, my Mum & i went to my dentist earlier ago, and she said i REALLY need braces, momma said yes! and i was happy about it :) then, when we got home, i ask dad about it, but he wont let me :( (ouch) i was really concerned about my teeth ;( my brother will buy a mac book pro this week and that is the reason why he wont let me have braces :( i cried. Can anyone help me how to convince my dad to let me have braces? please.

I need braces but my parents can't afford them?

I know someone and they're getting braces for like 300 dollars instead of 5000 because they're getting them done at like a place where they train orthodontists, and its way cheaper but not risky because the teacher does it as a demonstration in front of the class

I need braces but my parents won't pay for them?

I'm 16 and I really need braces but my parents can't afford them. Not only do I need them to straighten my teeth, but my crooked molar in the back of my mouth is hurting my gum. My dentist said I need them. We went to see how much it is for me to have braces and is about 8,000 dollars. Everyone at my school had braces and I get so jealous seeing how straight their teeth are. My parents never had braces so they don't understand how important having straight teeth is. I tried telling my mom that my teeth is hurting my gum and all she said is that I can get them when I'm older so I can paid for them myself. My mom is so selfish. Why is everyone else's parents paying for their braces and I have to pay for mine? I can't get a job because my mom won't even buy me a car! Without a car how am I suppose to find a job? All my friends parents pay for their car and braces and mine don't. I feel like God punished me for being in this family!

How do I convince my parents to get me braces?

Braces are a very expensive investment for parents to make. I don’t want to sound mean, but just because you say you need them does not mean you really need them. The first step is for your dentist to say you need them and for him to refer you to an orthodontist. After that examination, you will know to what extent how bad your teeth are. The orthodontist will give your parents different options, discuss cost and financing. The money is what can be a problem.Depending on how old you are, you could offer to get a part-time job or a babysitting job on the weekends to help pay the expense of getting braces. If money is an issue, your income, no matter how big or small, can make a huge difference in when and how soon you are able to get braces.Try to put yourself in their shoes before you get too upset with them if they are unable to pay for braces. Remember, they most-likely have rent/mortgage, insurance (at least auto), there are lights, phone, water, cable/satellite, and probably internet they are paying. Plus they have to pay for food and any expenses that arise medically. Also consider they are paying for your school expenses too. You know lunch, clothes, school pictures, etc. And then, if they are saving money for you to go to college, that is another expense.I am not trying to discourage you from asking them about braces. They may have insurance that would pay for them once they meet a deductible. If you have a part-time job or are babysitting, mowing lawns, etc., you can help pay the deductible with your income.The way I have always gotten my best results in a situation involving an expense the amount of braces is to have a plan written out. Do your homework. Find out if you have insurance, and if so, what the deductible is. Make sure you have every base covered when it comes to the financial side. The medical/dental side will come with the referral from your dentist.I wish you much success in fixing any issues you have with your teeth whether it is braces or simply a retainer.

I need braces but my parents say they're too expensive! any help?

Braces are expensive...
maybe you don't realize how much they cost.

* Fees average $5,413 but can go up to $7,625 for straightening your teeth with traditional braces (orthodontics), according to Add about $500 for "tooth colored" ceramic brackets; and behind-the-teeth (called lingual or concealed) braces are an additional $2,000-$5,000.
* As an alternative, the Invisalign company says its clear plastic trays start at $3,500 and average around $5,000 nationwide, but can cost more. Most dental plans cover orthodontics for children up to age 18, but not for adults.

Like it says, most insurances cover it.
So tell your mom and dad about that.
But if you don't have insurance...
you might want to think about what's more important,
a house, food and clothes or straight teeth