I Really Need Help To Lose Weight Pic Included

Is my maltese over weight? pics included!?

i have a four year old maltese and he weighs 6 kilograms which is 13.2 lbs. we went to the vet last year and he weighed 11 lbs then and the vet said to lose 2 lbs. but now he needs to lose 4! but i can feel his ribs PERFECTLY. i can even count them! he was always a big dog. he was bigger than his brothers&sisters and was the 'leader' of them. we have walked him during the summer EVERYDAY twice a day for at least an hour each. but he has not lost an ounce! he does not even eat his own food and sometimes we starve him because we know table food is going to gain him more lbs. but my mom is a softie so she secretly gives food sometimes. but not a huge bit.. just crumbs. idk how to lose my dogs lbs.. hes not HUGE but hes not skinny either. but i can feel his ribs! what is wrong with him? will my vet scold me when i talk about his obesity problems? we cannot walk him now because he hates snow and nj has been snowing alot lately.
pics are included:(i JUST took them just for this question (: )

please answer(:

If i lose weight, will my legs look leaner and longer? pic included?

Yes. Every single time I go from a bulk to a cut, like now during summer, people always tell me that I look taller. Your legs, torso, and arms all look longer when losing weight; burning fat to be specific. The upper portion of the legs is one of the most stubborn parts to lose though, so you have to make sure your diet is on check. Also there are lots of good supplements that'll help stubborn areas, but thats with a good routine and diet.

Tummy help! (pics included)

hi there,

crunches would not help it stick out more, instead it will help burn that layer of fat off your belly
to work all parts of your abs you need to include abs workout for each part
upper abs -> your regular crunches, also incline
obliques -> oblique twists, reverse crunches on decline
lower abs -> leg raises, bicycle crunches

you can youtube any of these if you have no idea how to do them

for each, if you're new to these exercises, i'd try 20 reps x 3 sets to start (for each abs part you work on, upper/lower/oblique), then work your way up to 30, 40, etc

a healthy diet is definitely needed, and to work it out after well is to do a nice 30 minute daily jog

then you should see some nice results within a few weeks to a few months

take care and good luck

Why is running every day on a treadmill not helping me to lose weight?

This is a common “myth” taht many women (and some men) still think will get them leaner, and fitter….I unfortunately used to follow this myself. ONLY to find that I kept gaining weight. ..and I am sure that in your mind, running “burns calories’ therefore the scale should be a lower number right?Not necessarily.Let me clear up a few things first.I was at my heaviest in my early 30s when I did 2 hours of cardio daily, ate diet foods, and skipped meals. Now, at 58, I wear a bikini, have maintained my weight for over 20+ years, and NEVER do cardio by itself.I created a digital product that has sold thousands of copies that will help you when you click Final Fat Meltdown >>> 30 Days to Weight Loss to get you to a slimmer, more youthful body….but first you HAVE to change how you think about exercise, and eating.This is how I coach in our gym so that people can transform their bodies.If you are doing 1 hour of cardio. Your body will burn a certain amount of calories, and in the process, burn through muscle tissue which is the only metabolically active tissue.When you are done doing cardio. You are done burning calories. Unlike short bursts of bodyweight or strength training, which can burn calories for 24–48 hours AFTER you are done exercising.Strength training creates muscle tissue. Which weights more than fat, but takes up less space. SO, you might weigh the same, but in the process lose inches, and firm up flab, while looking and feeling better.Eat for energy, NOT for weight loss. Strict diets make you obsess about what you are “not allowed” to have. Counting and cutting too many calories is a pain, AND will leave you hungry, miserable and promote cravings. Eat nutrient dense foods that support a healthy and lean body.Cutting out ANY and ALL simple carbs is key.Eating healthy carbs before and after exercise can help maintain energy levels.Eat approximately 1 gram of animal or plant based protein per lean pound of bodyweight. This will keep you fuller for longer periods of time, and repair, rebuild and restore lean muscle tissue.Sign up for my free SPECIAL REPORT that will kickstart your fatloss plan, while energizing your body and flattening your belly. This will give you access to my http://newsletter.www.ConstantEn...Set your mind up for success. PLAN your meals and workouts, and get ready to see a leaner version of YOU come through that doesn’t pound your joints and doesn’t involve hours of exercise. Hope this helps!

Do i look like i weigh more than 112.5 pounds? Please help me, pic included.?

Should i lose weight? I am 5'3'' tall, i weigh 112.5 pounds, and i hav a body fat percentage of 23%. I just want to look better and be at least 105 pounds, but i hav a hard time dieting.
Please, tell me your height, weight, body fat % and if i should lose weight....
O i don't hav any makeup on and my hair is pulled back in these pics, so i look gross, sorry guys...

Does exercise help in weight loss?

3 min. to readThanks for the A2A.I’m not sure why you think exercise is not helping to lose weight where there are plenty of people out there can prove the exact opposite.Here are some of pics I pull out from the net:BEFOREAFTERBEFOREAFTERBEFORE-AFTERBEFOREPROCESSAFTERAll of these people are my superheroes. The tricks are:10% exercise.90% daily intakes (food and drinks)If you have been workout hard and still not losing weight then take a moment to re-think of what is wrong on your diet plan.If this is what you do every day or every so oftenThen you need to choose either:Stop your exercise and just enjoy till the last drop, orStop your unhealthy diet and start making a better food plan.It is not necessary to lose weight, what you need is to gain muscles and please don’t worry that you will have or need to develop a muscular physique, it’s all about how you train.SAME WEIGHT-SAME PEOPLE-DIFFERENT BODY SHAPEI think from all of the pictures we can tell that being overweight does not look good nor healthy nor pretty. I won’t judge overweight people, it might not the time for them to make a change in their life. That time might come or not, but if you feel tired of people bullied and underestimating you, your appearance then my suggestion will be: MADE THEM SORRY! by changing your life into thisYes, do it for the “Damn, You Got Hot!!!”These last pictures are one of my favorites, where the whole family decided to regain passion in their life by doing weight loss program.No matter what your race is or how old you are, you can do it.I guess exercise does help with weight loss.Stay sharp and healthy.links:-I Finally Started My Weight Loss Journey And It Completely Changed My Life-After Neglecting My Body For 10 Years, I Started Making Small Changes And Went From 300lbs To 150lbs-10+ Incredible Before-And-After Weight Loss Pics You Won’t Believe Show The Same Person-50+ Amazing Before & After Weight Loss Pics That Are Hard To Believe Show The Same Person-Chinese Family Spends 6 Months Working Out, And Here Are Their Before-And-After Pics

Can someone help me get back into shape... pics included..?

Well, its hard to say without knowing what your current diet/ exercise regimen is. To be honest one of the best ways is to consult a nutritionist or dietitian (not doctor) on what a good diet would be for you. Ive noticed that many individuals think they eat "right" but once their eating habits are evaluated, alot of mistakes come out. I highly recommend not following a diet plan. Why? because diets, after one is done you resume to your old eating habits. This will lead to going back were u were. What I do recommend is this; start eating healthier ( more fruits and veggies if you already don't), with balanced portions, and keep track of your calories. Now a days you can find a calorie calculator that will give a good estimate of the number of you should consume a day to weigh a certain amount. There, you will insert your sex, age, height, and target weight.|17841|calorie%20calculator||S||4852958183&gclid=CIv8iYT_16QCFaxd7AodXSf5JA

Also, just to keep in mind, a couple of common mistakes alot of people do when dieting is :

* they want to loose weight very fast, so they drastically cut their calorie intake ( <1200kcal/day). Therefore, their metabolism slows down ( as their body senses a deficit and enters a starvation mode), and they end up not being able to lose weight

* Dieters might also begin losing weight so fast that it is unhealthy ( usually over 2lbs a week), they lose mostly muscle a water. Wich explains why they tend to regain the weight "yo-yo effect"

* A great tip that I noticed has helped the majority of ppl is the old saying that goes, " Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper." The quote exists for a reason, at night the food we consume tends to be converted to fat, so a good rule of thumb is a small dinner like a salad and nothing past 7.

* eat as natural as possible

As for exercise, you seem in the right track mixing cardio and weights ( I would concentrate mostly on cardio at the beginning). Also, I have the feelings you already know the basics since you have a personal trainer. Just remember, exercising does not necessarily mean you can start eating more.

Good luck I really wish this can help u!
be patient in obtaining your goal, do it right and the weight will stay off :)

Need to look good in a bikini in 2 weeks (pics included!) - starve for a week?

So basically I am going to Hawaii in two weeks and I need to look really good for a bunch of bikini pics (flat and toned stomach) and i already have a pretty good figure and slender waist/abs (my stomach is fine to wear a bikini), but want to loose a little more last-minute weight for that slender look so that I can have good photos and look hot

I don't care that this is unhealthy (its temporary) but I want to starve myself as I get closer to my vacation, just so I can look thin. Should I stop eating now (ill still be drinking water) or should I wait a few more days? I know this is not healthy, but I have to look really sexy for these pictures with fully flat abs. Also, should I drink any sorts of teas/juices, or will that make me bloat/not loose weight? Will eliminating water altogether (like some models do) a couple days before I go make me look even skinnier? I just want to get as slim as possible before going on vacation because I don't want to have to suck my stomach in while taking pictures

I know ill gain all the weight back lol its just to look good for vacation...also don't say I'm already fine the way I am, I want to look a little thinner for myself

this is kind of how my stomach looks right now (again, its fine, its not fat):

I want it to look more like (tiny, toned waist):

How much do i need to loose? *pic)?

lol...lucky b/f...well your not fat. you are thick, theres a difference. if you feel like you should lose some weight and tone up, that can easily be done. especially since you already like to eat. with an active lifestyle and good eating habits (4-6 healthy meals a day), your metabolism will skyrocket and your body will adapt greatly to the exercises.

go to the site in my source box to learn exercises for home and the gym (always advise a gym) and good info on how to get and stay fit. totally free and there to help

19, F, help with getting into better shape? (pics included)?

So I used to be in really good shape but in the past couple years I've gained some weight and I hate it. My boobs are average sized so they shouldn't be sagging like they do. My stomach has gotten a little bigger and my nipples (which you can't see because I blurred them out) have gotten a lot bigger it seems. Anybody have any tips on how to lose all this extra weight?

I'm posting a couple pics (nsfw but blurred out) so you can see what I'm talking about. Please no weirdos

