I Really Want A Cat But My Mum Says No .

I really want to have a pet (dog), but mom says it's a big no-no. How do I convince her?

Sorry friend. If mom says no, it's a NO . Any amount of diplomacy, cute puppy-faces, buttering, convincing, clinging to her feet is not going to work. My mom's answer was a straight no too. She said having a dog in the house is like having a new, independent individual who will need all the care that would be given to a baby, and that I wasn't ready yet. That's what your mom probably thinks too. I really wanted a pet, so I asked her If I could have a cat instead, she said yes. She probably thought that cats are low maintainence.I now have 6 cats.That's my best mwahaha moment. So this is a good opportunity for you to give a kitty a lovely home. I found that having a cat is an equally big responsibility as having a dog. But cats can fend for themselves if they were to be left alone for a few hours, unlike dogs. But if cats are not an option for you, you can do what I did. I still yearned to have a dog, so I made friends with all the stray dogs in my lane. I feed them everyday, give them their shots and vaccines, give all of them a good hour-long petting too. I am always welcomed with plenty of wagging tails and happy woofs! There's always plenty ways of having a dog. Adopt a stray dog as I did. So what if it doesn't live under the same roof as you? It'll still love you and drown you with doggy-drool and give you a hero's welcome each day!Hope this helps!

I really want a cat..?

My mum's convinced they'll bring bugs, get hairs on the carpet, go to the toilet everywhere and bring in mud.

I told her they can be trained to even go on the toilet, there is an anti-static spray to get hairs out easier, and if the cat likes water I can bathe it often. I'm happy to do all these.

I even told her about the Sphynx cat, with no fur, but all she said was 'No, no, no.'

All because her friend bought a cat from a FISH MARKET, she's convinced every cat is bad. It's not fair, that cat was neither spayed or neutered, unvaccinated, and sold as a newborn so they couldn't really be bothered to toilet train it. It didn't even come with a paper! Just pay and take.

I've wanted a cat all my life, with a big desire in my heart. I want someone I can cuddle at night if I feel troubled, be sensed I'm sad and to be cheered up, have fur to stroke and relieve my stress, a cat that can rely on me for food, water, bedding and health.

I've had trouble sociallizing all my life. I still struggle finding friends that understand me, which makes me feel lonely and sometimes depressed/stressed. I want an animal, nobody that I have to speak to to gain a friendship, but understanding deep inside, I want a cat that I can grow up with.. I want one so BADLY!!! Help please?

I really want a cat but my mom's allergic.?

Research SIBERIAN hypo-allergenic cats. Natural breed from Russia. A lot of people have allergies, but live perfectly with tis cat!!

My mom is sever;ly allergic, and I'm mildy allergic, and we just reserved a beautiful kitten. will !. Not let you test out if you aren't allergic to their kittens, 2. Will not even let you pick the color, they just ship it to you once they get it!
3. They cost over $5,000 dollars!

Also try using medicated allergy relief wipes [if you get a normal cat], HEPA air filter etc.

Poster below: Shedding has nothing to do with it, and they barely shed, usually once or twice a year. . The cost is for the well being and the care of the kkiitten, while you don't have it.

Edit Edit: Hairless cats still have the Feld1 protein from the natural oils in their skin. Hair has nothing to do with it! It is the dander!

My Mom Hates Cats, But I Really Want A Cat?

Okay, actually my mom hates all animals. My dad only likes dogs, but my religion can't touch dogs. D: So I really want a cat. My mom always told me she'd never get me a pet. But one day, my aunt offered to give me two bunnies and my mom actually agreed!
But those are really mean bunnies. They hate me and even though I let them run around, and feed them, and give them water, and take care of them my mom thinks I mistreat them and won't get me a cat.
My dad finally agreed to get me a cat. But my mom is the important one because my dad doesn't work. My mom does.
I've made a whole Power Point full of goods of cats, bads of cats, cat things, and why I should get a cat. My mom says cats shed and they smell. I even know what to do about that! I put it on there. There might be enough money if we give away one or both of the bunnies.
But my mom won't listen! Each time I try to ask about why she doesn't want a cat, or anything about a cat, she doesn't listen and ignores me.
I love animals, and its unfair that because of my moms hate for animals, means I can't get a pet during my childhood.
I haven't shown my mom my Power Point yet, I worked so hard at it, and finding out all that, and even finding pictures of cats...but what if my mom doesn't read it, or reads one slide and leaves, or reads it all and says no anyway! My whole work completely for nothing.
Maybe I sound like a brat, I'm sorry but I want a cat so much. D': And I can't talk to my mom about cats at all because like I said: she ignores me.

My dad hates animals, but I really want a cat!?

I've always wanted a little sliver tabby cat, in fact any cat actually.
My dad loathes animals (hates them), my mum said she'd be happy for me to have one but my dad won't even let me have an outdoor rabbit!
How do I convince him?
I think I'll actually be depressed for the rest of my life if I don't get one...

I am 14 and I really want a dog. My dad is on board but my mom said I can get one but she won't take care of it. What do I do?

Ok. I am there too, so pretend I am your mom. I also have a 14 years old, and he also wants a dog. And I also said it is ok, but I won't even look at it. I have a lot to do and I don´t want to take care of anything else.So if you want it so much, take a dog home. No dog is low maintenance, however. They need a daily walk in the outside, or living in a yard. It is no fair for a dog to live unattended in an apartment. They need several bathes a week, if you fail on this, your house is going to stink so bad, you won´t want to eat, watch TV or sleep there. They need fresh food and water everyday, and make sure it never lacks of water, especially in summer. Set a place so it can poop or pee in there, and train it properly to do so. And while it is learning, clean whatever it is needed.When you go on vacations, find a place to leave it. Ask for your parents help for money, but it is your responsibility to find places where your dog is properly cared if you travel or go somewhere in the weekend.Now let´s talk about sex. If your dog is a “she”, and you plan to breed her, take special care during her period. She will leave blood in the floor (an extra task to take care of), and be careful when you take her to her daily walks. If it is a “he”, the same, always keep him away from female dogs in heat, which is difficult and can be dangerous sometimes.Take care of the vet visits, make sure all vaccines are updated, make sure no fleas or other diseases. Make sure you train it to not destroy anything in the house, but take special care with your mom´s shoes and clothes! If needed, clean once a week or once a month all hair in the rugs, beds, sofas, etc. And cuddle it daily, dogs are loyal and loving, they need daily love and care.And at last, you can never give up from this responsibility. Dogs live like 15–20 years, and if you are tired in 3 months, you can never ditch it, neglect it or abandon it. The compromise of having a pet is like having a son/daughter. You have to take care of it till death tear you apart.If you compromise to do so, I don´t see no reason for your mom (I wouldn´t say no either) to refuse to let you have a dog. Tell her that you will sign a contract, agreeing in all these points.What is worrying me is the low maintenance part from the question, because no dog is. A cat is low maintenance, a dog isn´t.

I want a third dog, but my mom says no with one bad reason!?

Okay, Hi! I am 13 and my family currently has 2 dogs and 1 cat. My mom calls that a farm... Well she's crazy, haha no no I love her she is just unreasonable! I found a puppy who was COMPLETELY free and was abused and needed a home. He also came with food, a leash and a collar AND 200 dollars toward his care. I also have amazon money in which I ordered toys, a name tag, and a food and water bowl set. I would pay for everything!!! I asked her and she said, I quote, " If it was up to me we would have 0 dogs, I don't like many pets and I don't want to take of another!" Well... First she doesn't with our two she only yells at us to do everything, which I do! (P.s. us meaning my siblings and me) My oldest dog , Bella is more my brother's and our newest and you best dog, Bentley is more my sister's I have always wanted a dog that was mine, it was adopted for me and I train it and feed it, etc. I really want a golden retriever also but my mom hates shedding and I already lost that battle, haha! I will wait until I am older for that. This dog though needs a home and deserves it. I want to give this dog my home and my love and care. I would pay for everything! Yes, word comment people I would; he already has every shot, vet checkups and he comes with a collar leash and food so I have money for anything else. I truly would take care of him but my mom says no. I need advice on how to get him... I really can think and tell myself in fights with my mom, oh I should be in her shoes I should say sorry I was wrong, but with this it isn't finance, not family problens , it is merely my mom thinking she will do everything. Please, advice!! I want to save this pup! P.S. He is 7 months Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/ Dashund mix. No rude comments please!! :-) thanks!!

I want a cat but my parent wont let me get one?

Okay, here is the truth of the matter whether you like it or not:

1. Who pays the rent or mortgage where you live? Unless it's you, then you have no say so in this matter at all. It's their house and their rules.

2. Why on earth would you bring a cat into a home where the people who own the home don't want it and don't like cats? The first time the cat barfs on the sofa or has a urinary tract infection and pees on the carpet instead of the litterbox, your mom is going to send the cat to the pound or kick it outside. You NEVER bring an animal into the home if it isn't being welcomed with open arms by everyone living there. From what you describe, you don't care about the future of the animal only your own wants no matter what might happen to the cat.

3. There is NO such thing as a free cat. You have no proof her cats are healthy. If they are kittens then how did the cat get pregnant, by going outside? Has the mother cat been tested for FIV and FeLV? Have any of the cats? Have they been treated with Advantage, Frontline, or Revolution monthly for fleas? Have the kittens or cats ever been dewormed? Have the kittens or cats ever gotten basic vaccinations including rabies shots? Have the animals been spayed or neutered? If no to any of those questions then the cost of that is up to you or your parents.

4. Who is going to pay for future vet visits (cats need to go semi-annually or yearly)? Who is going to pay for the cost of buying cat litter every month? Who is going to pay for canned cat food and kibble? If those are kittens they require kitten food until they turn one year old before you move them to adult cat food. Unless you have a job and absorb the costs then your parents who don't really want a cat will be paying for things for an animal they don't want.

You need to re-think this and stop putting your own wants first and think about those of the animal you want to bring into the home and force upon your parents. Very very selfish. Move out, get your own place and adopt 2 cats. But now isn't the time.

My mom hates a cat, but I want one. What should I do?

Okay. So I've liked cats my whole life. I've never gotten to guts to ask for one until a couple months ago. For the past month or two, I have been doing research on the animal. I found how to break their bad habits, and what shed less, etc. However, my mom just says no everytime. You see, I talked to my dad about it. He's completely fine with it. But my mom says she doesnt like cats, and wont give a good answer. At first, she said "you're allergic". I was as a child, but I have grown out of it. Then she said, "I dont like them on my counters". I found out how to break that habit. THEN, she said the cat would snag her furniture. Cats have sheathed claws! How on earth can I convince my mom that cats are a good pet choice?