I Recently Started Cutting Myself

I've started cutting myself?

I started cutting my wrists recently and I did it again today. For some reason it really calms me down and when i'm having anxiety or whenever i'm upset it's always the first thing on my mind to fix things. I don't wanna tell my friends or family because I don't want to dump my life crap on them. I'm not sure what to do, I think I'm becoming addicted.. I don't want to hear how stupid you think I am because I can't help it, I know it's stupid and I feel guilty about, but it still doesn't help me stop. Have any of you ever cut? What did you do? :(

I recently started feeling really bad and the other day I cut myself. How do I stop?

I really hope you take some of the advice you generate here. Self harm is a form of a self-destructive cycle that will never end until you do something about it. The minute you cut yourself, you know you’ve gone too far. I could sit here and throw tasks at you and give you a plethora of reading and resources. But the number one thing you need to do right now is get honest.1. Go to your family doctor, or a Psychiatrist covered by your insurance, or a Psychologist and let them know that you have just cut yourself.2. Take care of yourself. Get in the bath tub and close your eyes and focus on your breathing, knowing that you've done the right thing and are getting the help for yourself.Mental health issues are common and this country is full of people who have them. Nothing to be ashamed about. No crying over spilt milk - just clean it up and ensure it doesn’t topple over again.

Should I tell my mom I'm cutting myself? I started cutting my arm a few months ago and I've noticed it getting worse. Today was rough with my mom.

you seem to be going through a tough time with your mom, which i totally understand. i used to argue a lot with my mom and sister too.what you should do:tell your mom about your cutting. cutting, no matter the amount, is never okay.control your urges to cut. try drawing in that area instead; grab a pen/marker, and doodle away! when i’m angry, doodling helps me collect my thoughts. plus, it’s way better than cutting yourself. :)do you have depression? i’m no professional, but cutting is often associated with depression. check this out, but don’t worry if you do! remember, depression is like getting sick: it’s not your fault, and you can’t just “will” it to go away.bite your tongue. try to control yourself when you start to argue with your mom; think of something else. focus on something, anything else. stay calm, and you’ll thank yourself later.go to therapy if you continue to argue with your mom. again, i’m no expert, but therapy really helps people. you might be any regular dude on the street who has no issues in their life, but therapy can still benefit you. if you have some serious issues that you feel you want to tell your mom but can’t (due to lack of trust, understanding, etc.), consider family therapy. it might help!what you should not do:continue cutting. control the urge!provoke arguments with your mom. does she talk to you with an attitude? calm yourself. don’t get worked up over small things; pick your battles.stay isolated. connect with other people who sympathize with you; hang out with friends. if you feel that you are having issues at home, it’s ok to escape once in a while by hanging out with friends. of course, this does not mean ignoring the situation at home and partying with friends all the time. what it does mean, is that you should be able to talk to your friends about this, so it doesn’t feel like a heavy burden on you. it will help, trust of luck!


so i recently have started to cut myself because of this stress om going thorough and my bf who we just broke up and stuff and recently an ex of mine decided to come back into my life but nothing more but freinds so that doesnt help a 13 yr old girl and im a really good person i do my work i do as im told sometimes and ...
i dont cut deep but enought that it of course sting and school i wear jackets but i wear my sleeves up and i dont care if other kids see my cuts and have questions i dont care if they mock me or call me emo i know what i am or whatever so they can say what they want ..and ive recently started getting behind in school and alot of my freinds know i cut and im fine with it i dont know how many cutters are but i konw i am ...i started thinking i need to stop but im afraid to tell my mom or any adult help please ..

What's wrong with me? I've recently started imagining myself getting stabbed in the chest. I'm not suicidal or anything, I just want to know what it feels like?

Why does there have to be anything wrong with you?As long as you're not self harming I think curiosity is normal, even physically painful curiosity.I want to know how it feels to slice a straight line into my skin and leave a scar. I have for as long as I can remember. I am the biggest baby on earth and I sure as hell wont be doing it. I found a tiny, raised scar on the side of my wrist maybe 2 in long that is a straight line at least 15 years ago, no idea where it came from. Making it feels comfortable in my mind but my logic says, “hey dummy, that will hurt.”Give yourself a break.

What are some alternative ways to self harm? I recently started cutting again and I need to stop, but I'm practically addicted to pain.

I agree with other answers that the best way to stop long term is to identify the cause, but that’s not what you asked.In my experience, best alternatives to calm the urge of cutting include:Rollercoasters, even though they are not as easily available, I promise they’ll have you swimming in adrenaline in a minute… this gets rid of the urge.Scary movies. Particularly gory, horrible violent movies, apparently your brain is not that smart in telling the difference between real life and movies, you’ll get those brain chemicals going.Think about doing it. This one can make it better or worse, it really varies so be careful with it. But sometimes when I get myself very worked up, I’ll sit in the bathroom floor, follow the usual steps of the “ritual” around cutting, and instead of cutting I just trace my finger over my arm and imagine cutting… often that’s more than enough.Postpone it. Tell yourself you will do it, but after you’ve finished your chores, or work, or some really annoying task you don’t want to do. Then go and do those things. Sometimes telling yourself you will do something and setting a time and a place is enough for your brain to check it off the to do list and stop thinking about it.Sleep. If it’s too overwhelming just go to sleep, you can’t hurt yourself while asleep and you’ll probably have rebooted your brain by the time you wake up. Usually crying leads to sleeping so it’s not that difficult to get in bed, switch of the light and force yourself to sleep when you’re very upset.Try lower risk painful things. This is not ideal but if it’s too extreme sometimes it’s best to chose the lesser of two evils. Hit yourself on the thigh with a leather belt for example, it hurts like crazy so all the urges will be gone, but it won’t break your skin (reducing risk of infection, cutting your tendons, scarring etc). Or pin clothespins on your skin, also painful depending on the area but not harmful as long as you don’t keep them on for too long.The urges won’t go away, particularly when the normal triggers are pulled. I’ve officially stopped self harming 15 years ago, I have had a few relapses but rare and far between, but the urges are still there every day… you just need to learn to live with them to avoid hurting yourself. Best of luck.

Cutting myself for pleasure...?

I recently began cutting and burning myself and I can't stop. My wrists and legs are covered in cuts. Nobody knows because I cover them with bracelets, makeup or tell my friends and family that it's a scratch; or they just don't care. Either way, I feel some sort of weird pleasure when I cut and burn myself. I feel some sort of comfort, like I just got rid of a deep burden. I started out cutting myself for degrading reasons and called myself names like "*****" and "waste of human space" but now I find myself feeling comforted and even smiling when I cut myself. Sometimes I do it before bed because it helps me sleep. Please help; I know this is a problem and I want to stop. Is there any way I can quit without attending therapy?

I randomly started cutting myself, now I'm s confused and don't know what to do. Help!?

My life has always been more than decent. I have two sort of carrying parents, they fight a lot, but it's never been bad. We have a lot of money, I have some friends, I get invited to parties, that kind of thing. I'm a senior in high school and I'm in the top 5% of my class. Recently though, stuff started going wrong. I started smoking weed with my friend, but never thought it was a big deal. After all, you can't get "addicted" to it. Plus, everyone I was hanging out with was doing it. It fluctuated from doing it a lot to only a little now. Then some stupid stuff happened, I got a police ticket for drinking, stupid high school stuff. So I started feeling really bad about myself and started thinking I had no friends, and recently I just got really depressed and cried like all weekend. I got over it, but I don't know, I just feel different. I've lost five pounds in four days, and started cutting myself. I'm seventeen and I know it's stupid, but I wanted to try it for some reason and I figured I'd only do it once but I've done it every day since I started four days ago. So anyways, it doesn't seem like a big deal because I guess I'm almost happy again, but I'm so confused. About everything. And I'm scared about my life/myself. Is this a big deal, what should I do?