I Ripped My Mole Off Will It Grow Back With A Vengeance

Toenail ripped off!!!! Will it grow back?

Ok last night my ENTIRE big toenail got ripped off like on the very end of the nail I could see the bottom cuticle part was ripped out too! So will it grow back?? This has never happened to me so your help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks

If you rip a mole off will it grow back?

i want to say that i dont give a **** about the possibility of it getting infected!!!!!!!! id rather it get infected than have embarrassing moles all over my body!!!!! hell, ill put disinfectant on it! and besides, when's the last time you got a cut and it actually got infected? pretty much never.
and by the way, why the hell do i have so many moles anyway? i have like 200 moles on my entire body. i ******* hate them!!!!!!!!!!

I ripped my mole off! will it grow back with a vengeance?

I had this nasty hanging mole in my under arm and it never bothered me until my new bra would pull it. It would sting a bit and it would be soooo annoying to fix it. Then my tanks would tug at it and twist it. I noticed today it was hurting more than usual, I inspected it and it was hanging by a very small piece of flesh! So I asked my brother to just rip it off!!! He did lol. And it bleed like no tomorrow. I see that there is a stump of a mole left. I wonder if it'll come back larger? Because I had a mole on my other armpit, and I accidentaly cut it off while shaving. It didn't come back. I know I should check it out with a doctor for cancer, but tell meeeeeee I don't want to wait

If I just ripped this mole off, would it grow back?

ew! and i dont think so.

I got my toe nail completely ripped off from nail bed are there any chances that it will grow back complete as it was before getting apart?

The nail should if you don't damage the bed, some times it will grow back thicker or not attached but nails are very hardy, gently clean up remove any hanging or loose nail and apply topical such as polysporin cream and bandaid for several days until nail bed toughens up. It will take several months

I have a half torn off nail. Do I leave the part that detached from the nail bed but still connected to the other half of the nail there’s, or should I clip it off?

It depends on how much of the nail bed has been damaged, if the nerves were torn out and it hurts the nerves underneath it’s usually better to remove it. If you can keep it in place to protect it from infection then do this instead. Either way it needs cleaned a lot.You can use things like coconut oil dips 20 or so times a day, the white blood cells will use it as a sort of floating bridge to more quickly knit the nerves if it’s still possible to heal it joined, or otherwise it will biold a sort of calluses over the top so that the nail can be removed. Adding things like lavendar which is good for skin cell regeneration is also good.You can use salt if you can hack the pain to clean it, otherwise get a non reactive antibacterial for it.It’s a good idea to wrap a bandage so it doesn’t catch on things, just make sure it an still breathe.I have chopped through my nail a few times and this has served me well enough. I don’t even have a scar now where I cut half of my thumb nail through in a wierd sort of curve. Though it did take a couple of years before the nail started growing back at it’s normal pace.

If I lost my entire fingernail, will it grow back?

If I lost my entire fingernail, will it grow back?I agree with Jessica Zastoupil's answer.If the germinal matrix of the nail was completely removed (typically this would involve the entire nail being removed, including the 2–3 mm that existed under the cuticle, the nail probably won’t ever grow back.If the germinal matrix is intact, the nail will grow back. It will take 3–6 months typically. Depends on how long your fingernails are and how quickly they grow on you, specifically.

Will a nail grow back if it's entirely ripped out?

I've had my nail ripped out. Yes, it does grow back. but to make it grow faster you still need to maintain it. Try Rejuvacote. I've seen super reviews on its nail growth maintenance qualities.

What's the best way to treat a fingernail that has been partially torn off?

Call me old fashioned, but this is one of those situations where the simpler the better. And I say this with all due deference to my colleagues.No antibiotic ointments. No medicated gauzes. They're just not needed. In my experience they get way overused. I've been on a crusade training residents, including ER, and nursing and OR staff to limit their use.In a situation like this that is relatively clean with a wound with a rich blood supply, all that's needed is to wash the wound. Soap and water will do. Or just water. Saline if you want to get fancy. Plain 3% hydrogen peroxide if you're really concerned about cleanliness. (Yes, undiluted peroxide and no it won't harm the tissues in any significant way). And then a simple band aid. And if it bleeds, great. Like I tell all my patients, we love blood in situations like this. Yeah it's messy but it's good. Pus, boo! That we don't like.The band aid will prevent snagging on fabrics etc...and will keep the patient from playing and picking at it and also avoid having to explain to every other person what happened. If the band aid gets moist, humid, sweaty etc...then change it. You don't want to create an environment for bacteria and/or fungus.The nail will grow albeit slowly if the so-called germinal matrix ie the root that lives under the nail fold has not been damaged. Keep it simple!