I Saw A Pinworm In My Rectum And I


Okay so I know this is totally disgusting but I remember a friend of mine telling me she got pinworms when she was little and it forever freaked me out!
Lately, during the DAY ive noticed a horrible almost unbearable itch around my anus and sometimes my vagina. I noticed its more common when I'm walking around and the skin is rubbing against eachother.
I'm in a constant debate with myself on whether this is pinworms or a yeast infection.
I do not notice any increase in itching at night, and even tho I heard you can't see pinworms in your stool, I checked it anyway. Saw nothing.

Any opinions on what could be wrong with me?

OMG! I think i have pinworms...?

Pin-worms will NOT go away by themselves and they can cause serious problem in your digestive tract including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and colitis which is an inflammation of your colon. Wake up your mom and tell her. Pin-worms can cause a lot of itching and they are fairly common and easily contracted if you have pets. To be sure you can tape a piece of clear scotch tape across your rectum and check in the morning. Pin-worms exit the body through the anal canal at night and they will be present on that tape in the morning. (That is how my microbiology professor told us that you tested for pin-worms in children). Treatment includes medication prescribed by your doctor and excellent hand-washing, almost fanatical hand-washing!!!

How to get rid of Pinworms / Threadworms?

I assume you're in the United States; I couldn't tell from your question or your Profile.

Pinworms are very common. I have had them three times. They are nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. They do not mean you are dirty. They will not affect your ability to bear children.

In the United States, pharmacies carry over-the-counter pinworm medication. One brand is Reeses Pinworm Medication

This does not kill the worms, but it paralyzes them so that when they come out of your rectum at night, they will NOT lay eggs there. Eventually all the worms will exit your body.

It is very, very important that you wash in hot water and dry in a hot dryer: underwear, bedding, towels, and anything that may be come into contact with your rectal area. There might be pinworm eggs on these items, and you'll simply re-infect yourself. If you can't wash the items, put them away for at least two weeks and the eggs should die.

Many people end up re-infecting themselves even after they're treated. Be prepared to take a second dose of medication about two weeks after the first dose.

There are other brands of pinworm medication, and you can still see a physician to get medication that directly kills those little suckers.

Also important: when one person has pinworms, often the entire household will have them, especially if you share towels.

How can i tell my mother i have pinworms?

You must go and see the doc. You are in a cycle and worms are not good for you. Worms reproduce in your gut so itching may make them go away for a bit but they will come back over and over again until you have killed the source in your gut. You need meds for this. If you scratch, you can get eggs under your nails which you can spread to others which is not good.

When we were kids, our school nurse used to check hair and nails. Hair for nits and nails for eggs so it is a common thing and can easily be treated. You need to tell your Mum, she can get you sorted in no time with an appointment with the doc. You will not die of embarrassment and it is just one of those things that kids feel mortified over but docs see every day. As you go through your life, there may be worse conversations to have so take a deep breath and confess to Mum

What will happen if i don't treat pin worms?

Pinworms won't kill you.

You get infected with pinworms when you swallow their tiny eggs. The eggs hatch in your gastrointestinal system and the female pinworm eventually comes out of your rectum to lay her eggs; then she tries to return back into your rectum to die. When you wipe or scratch, the eggs can get on your fingers, and you can end up swallowing them again, keeping the pinworm cycle going.

Or someone else with pinworm eggs on his/her fingers prepares food for you, and you eat the food, and the pinworm cycle begins.

I can't tell what country you're in, but here in the United States pinworm medication is available over-the-counter It works by paralyzing the pinworms so they cannot breed or lay eggs. It can take a week or so for all the pinworms to be gone, as there may be pinworms in various stages of growth in your intestines.

Pinworms can be creepy (and uncomfortable) but they aren't fatal. Please treat yourself, and wash your bedding and underwear in very hot water, then dry it in a very hot dryer, because there may be eggs left on them. These eggs can live up to 2 weeks on clothing and bedding.

Do I have pinworm? 14 year old female. HELP?

Okay guys so this is really embarrassing for me because I don't speak to anyone about things like this. I'm a 14 year old girl and I keep feeling an itchy feeling in my anus, so I checked my pants and there was a white worm and I've sat for about an hour googling things about it and everything has said it is pinworm.. My mum is asleep right now as it is 1:15am here so this was my only option.. As I'm writing this I'm still feeling itchy on my bum but I'm resisting the urge to scratch. I put Vaseline around the opening of my bum because it said that the worms and eggs would stick over night. Is this normal for me to have this? I'm really scared right now because I've never had anything like this. I just finished my period if it has anything to do with that? Please don't be mean about it because I'm actually freaking out and I need to know what to do about it. Thanks in advance.

What does a lot of white worms in my dream signify?

The color white represents purity, innocence, something that has been untouched, child like and new. Worms represent a lower life form, negativity and weakness.For example: let’s say you are up for a promotion at work. You deserve the promotion because you worked hard for it. Others (you did say a lot of worms), whom may also be up for the promotion could be jealous knowing that you would get the promotion before them. They could also be trying to sabotage you so you do not get the promotion.Does my example make sense? You have to put the representation of the white worms into your life and see where it fits best for you. It’s not always an attack towards you. It could also mean that someone in your life really needs to lean on you for help for whatever troubles they may be encountering at this time.