I Saw Myself In The Future During A Dream

Why do I dream of seeing myself in the future?

Take it as a sign :) that there is more to reality than most people of western or industrial cultures realize. There can be any number of reasons - probably an infinite number - for you to dream the future. I might ask, how do you know it is the future - and of whom? However, if you feel or see evidence that your dreams reveal some aspect of some future, than you could pray for guidance as to “what now?” and not let it worry you. Don’t fight it, don’t try to make it more anything. Just accept it, and, if they have been proven to be valid impressions of the future - whatever that means - then allow yourself to trust in your dreams.

I saw myself in the future during a dream?

As you are in your early teens you are going through a period of major growth, of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. It is common to wonder what will you be like in the future. There is an old song called "Que Sera Sera" or "What will be, will be." Beautiful melody, and in it the singer is wondering, will I be rich? will I be pretty? and ends by saying whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see. Listen to it if you can find it. It speaks to your question directly, as we all have visions or dreams of what it will be like when we grow up, when we are old, when we get married, when we have our first baby, etc. It's quite normal. As for getting the tattoos, etc. it is only a suggestions in a dream, not the real world, not the reality of you, in your future. It is only you pondering the future! It is the dream of a 14 year old girl. Good luck!

How can I make myself dream future winning lottery numbers? is there a way?

I've heard there have seriously been people who saw numbers in a dream and they played those numbers in the lottery and they won. How can I make that happen to me?

What does my dream mean? I saw a future version of myself come back to try and kill me and then me convincing them not to. The dream contained a lot of running and urgency (but not running from myself) if this is of any significance?

When I was the token Psych major in my university friend group, I got asked to interpret dreams a lot. Professionals don’t tend to put much store by detailed dream content (at least not anyone who’s not a Freudian or Jungian), but there’s still a lot to be learned by the general fears or anxieties in a dream.So let me ask this in the form of questions:Why do you think you were running so much? Are there aspects of your current situation where you feel like you’re running to keep up? Or running away from anything?Why do you think your enemy was yourself? Is there something you’re worried about right now where you think you are your own worst enemy? (Avoidance behaviour, self-destructive behaviour, etc?)What could you do to make those worries better?

What is your dreams for the future?

I see myself doing all kinds of things and living a full, adventurous and happy life. I see myself owning a business and making great money, creating things for others to enjoy, and helping other people. I'll also be doing adventurous things like getting a Pilot's License and SCUBA license. I'd also like to try out all sorts of fun things like shrimp farming and glass blowing. Basically take in all of life's riches as I like and to lavish good energy upon myself and others.

What does it mean about dreaming of my future son?

i recetly dreamt about my future son. He was really cute and looked like he was at least 8 months old. My aunt was also there and she was the one helping me out, and my cousin(she recently had a baby boy too). The strange thing is i never knew who the mother was. She wasn t in my dream not even a slight clue. I also dremt about his baptism. Now im only 14 years old as of me typin this. But what does this all mean. I have thought about bieng a father befor but not a this age. (I was still 14 in the dream.

I Can see the future in my dreams does that make me weird?

I often don't remember my dreams when i wake up in the morning, and a couple days later my day starts as usual and around about 11/12 am i usually have a feeling that ive seen the day before nd i tell my mum whats going to happen but she doesn't believe me and later on it does happen and she says sorry Its really weird because i can tell my mum whats going to happen like if my dogs going to be ill or something and what people will be doing today if it involves us i can also tell my mum whats happening on the news without even watching it Does it make me weird?

What does it mean when you dream about your future self?

I am 15 years old and I was dreaming that I had a party at my house And while the party was going on,I took a shower. When I got out, I heard a man in house. He was like a ghost going in and out of the rooms saying something I didn't understand and whenever he left a room, his voice would echo. I thought that it was some freak in the house so I got scared. I went to the mirror to dry my hair and the guy was behind me. I was frozen place and slowly I changed into probably a 54 year old woman. I was wearing beautiful outwear with a dark purple shall and my hair was neatly in place. I went downstairs and I saw the same man that was walking through the rooms. (he was about my age) I was appalled and asked him his name and what he was doing In my house, but he said he would explain in the car. So we went in his car and I asked him again who he was but he said that I already knew. I looked at him closely and recognized him as Evan. The guy I fell in love with in 8th grade, but he didn't love me and I was also a bully victim of his. I know what you are thinking. "Why do you love him after what he has done to you?" I thought he would be a better person and I thought I saw some good in him. But I don't know, I could be wrong. I dressed up for him at our 8th grade dance and he said that I looked very nice but after 10 min, he danced with most popular girl in school. I ran out of there as soon as I could and sat at a bench crying my eyes out trying to get off the stupid makeup. I called my mom and she picked me up. I went to a different school just because of him. Okay, so back to the dream: I was shocked that it was him and softly said "Evan" while lying on his shoulder. I said to him: "Evan I loved you so much before" He said that he was always in my dreams. We went out to eat then together and after that we parted ways. Please tell me what this dream means because I can't figure it out.