I See Stuff From My Dreams Just Not In The Same Way

If you see your ex again and again in your dreams, does it mean he is missing you?

I have seen what others have written and in no way am I trying to trample over what has been stated. When most people give advice it is from a place of sound logic and there is nothing wrong with that. I am going to come from another perspective on the matter. I do believe that dreams come from the spirit realm and logic can not help comprehend them much. Depending on how much you are in tune with your soul, your dreams will mean something in your waking life. Most of us are taught to disregard dreams but they have been essential to me understanding or decoding my life. I do believe that if you are not the one interested in reconnecting with your ex that a) they could miss you or b) there are unresolved issues between you two or at least on his end. On the flip side, if you have been contemplating over your ex than it is you that may need healing. In this high paced world, sometimes we forget to slow down and listen to our hearts so those feelings come through our dreams. His conscious self may not even be aware of how his soul feels. Dreaming of someone repeatedly denotes a strong connection. Now, whatever that connection may be is up to you to discover. If I were you, the next time he comes to you ask him what he wants from you. You may be surprised. Love, light and blessings to you.

Are dreams fake?

Well, yes. Dreams are hallucinations with your eyes closed. They occur because the brain has nothing else to do when you are sleeping.
I think.
But they often occur to a subconcious part of the brain burying something deep. If you bought a new umbrella and forgot avout it, that night you would be dreaming of raining and umbrellas. It's incredibly surreal and scary sometimes. In the olden days, people believed a nightmare was a demon that sat on your chest as you rested and made you dream terrifying images.
Or sometimes a horse that was aggressive and found its way into your bedroom at night, hence the mare suffix.
Some people have lucid dreams which are dreams that one can control at will whilst asleep.
Some dreams feel like hours long, when in reality they will only last ten minutes.

So to answer your question yes, dreams are fake, but they can feel so real you may be able to touch, or remember them in detail, or develop sense memory.
Research the man who can taste words.

My dreams predict the future?

Well the human mind is not used to its full capacity, so you could possibly be predicting the future (using a part of the brain that most people do not). You always dream, but depending on the night you might not remember them.
The human race has progressively been losing touch with their instinct and ability, however some are still in strong contact with it.
So–based on this, your predictions are caused by many things.

First of all, Rosicrucians held a doctrine "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm. " The essence of your grandfathers religion might have rubbed off on you.

Second of all, your mind is sensing a change, or event and is translating it into your dreams, because dreams are the way things that cannot be talked to or seen communicate with you.

Thirdly, it could be fate. If you are already aware of an event coming up (Party, election, a class) your dreams are playing the possible outcomes based on the one with the highest probability. For example, the early election was between John McCain, Mit Romney, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Based on your opinion and the sensing of others opinion you might have a dream that tells you Obama will win.

I never wake up from a sleep, and I rarely move either. But when I wake up it is always because of a nightmare (a typical one) and its always for a good reason. One time I was sleeping in my dorm and I had this dream about jumping off a building, I woke up, looked out my window and a parade of hot air balloons was moving across the sky. Most magnificent scene i've ever experienced. Another time a dream about a skeleton woke me up, I went to go get a drink of water and I found that my little cousin was on the floor suffering of an asthma attack, and I got there in time to grab an epi pen and inject her.

So it all works around the same theory
Hope that helped :)

I have dreams where im not myself. is this normal?

First off, dreams are never "normal", because they reflect your subconscious, which is the most moonstruck freakish thing (I'm not talking about your subconscious, but subconscious in general). Well, that's playing on words, so I'll try to answer your question anyway.

If I understood correctly, in your dreams, you exist mentally (opinions and thoughts) but not physically (you see somebody playing you). I disagree with previous answers: "not being yourself" would, I think, be represented by the opposite (i.e. seeing with your own eyes but having no control).

The fact that, in your own words, somebody else is playing you, is the most striking to me. Without more precisions, I can only give general ideas:
-If (s)he is some particular person that you know, it may mean that you feel like this person is taking your place, literally o metaphorically. Since you had these kind of dream for a long time, I guess this is not the case.
-If (s)he is nobody in particular, but has some common traits with you, it may represent another facet of yourself. Kind of a dark side, except that it may as well be your light side that is bugging you, e.g. by being generous and polite with total assholes. Or it may represent your father/mother, in which case it's clearly linked with your Oedipus complex.
-If (s)he is just an undefined person, or a person without a face, this may symbolize people in general overshadowing you.

Well, that's a lot of "may". I'm not an expert or anything, just throwing a few hypothesis. By the way, I have the same kind of dreams, along with dreams where I don't exist at all, so I'm interested in any answer.

Why can you sometimes feel things in your dreams?

When we are dreaming, the body’s nervous system is severely anaesthetised, but not cut off totally from our dream consciousness. If the body’s nervous system were totally shut down, we could not be aroused in our sleep. This might prove disastrous in case of a fire for instance. We would not hear the fire alarm. On the other hand if the body’s muscular system was not blocked to at all, we would act out our dreams. This too could prove disastrous if we dreamt for instance that we are stabbing our bedfellow with a kitchen knife. Yes, we would sleepwalk into the kitchen, get a knife from the drawer and return to the bedroom to do the evil deed. Who would be guilty then for the murder?

Experiments in dream laboratories have shown that during dreaming the body’s nervous system is still electrically active. If you dream for instance that you are playing tennis, the electricity in your racket hand will be greater than in the other, free hand.

It is for this reason that young people will have wet dreams for instance. They usually occur towards morning when the sexual organs are stimulated by the last dream. At that time the body is gradually getting back to waking state. Hands will be able to get active enough to take part in the dream, like a sleepwalker, and cause an emission.

Hypnosis will also help to explain this connection between the sleeping body and dreams. When a person is put under deep hypnosis he will have REM just as the dreaming person has. It is during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) that we usually dream. Now if the hypnotist will tell his subject that he is holding a red hot coin in his hand, the subject will believe it. Then, when the hypnotist puts the coin in the hand of the subject in REM trance, there will be a red welt in the hand of the subject. This shows that the body is never totally out of it and it also shows that the body can get physical symptoms, physical marks through hypnotic suggestion.

So when you dream that you are being kissed, you will feel it on your body as if you were awake. But by the time you wake up, the dream will have lost its effect much in the same way as the red welt in the hand of the hypnotised subject will disappear when he wakes up from his hypnotic trance.

What does it mean if you dream the same dream continuously?

A dream that you keep dreaming over and over is known as a Recurrent or Recurring Dream. Recurring Dreams happen when you did not remember, or understand the dream message information the first time you dreamed it, also known as solving the riddle of the dream. This was seen in many of the multiple dreams of the dreamers in the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, based on the Diagnostic Dream Research Work of Duke University Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk. Your inner-guidance is using dreams to communicate something important, but you are not “getting it.” The majority of recurrent dreams usually appear as a nightmare so you won’t dismiss the information. It is easy to forget a nice dream but difficult to ignore a frightening nightmare. Recurring dreams reflect the presence of an unresolved or persistent conflict in an individual's life. Remember, dreams may speak to us with signs and symbols. If you keep missing the message, your dream environment may shift into a nightmare to get your attention. Recurring dreams appear during tough or emotional times in our lives. Like nightmares, they are also often a call-to-action.Photo credit- Pixabay FREE Image no Attribution required.

What does it mean to have the same dream over and over?

In my experience, which is limited, there are two main types of dreams that repeat. The first is some constant emotion, these can be traumas, or some condition in your life that keeps you feeling a certain way. So the dream repeats as it is unresolved or unprocessed. You re-live some experience as codified in the dream. Sometimes they appear mundane, but on questioning and examining associations, they connect to negative feelings. Usually this has to do with fear. Often fear of change. Another is loss of a sense of self and a sense of incapacity. But others are possible, regret, guilt, rage. Sometimes they are only an image, like a photo of someone.The second type which can blend into the first, is that there is something coming into being. This dream repeats, but it tends to be different every time in the details. Same character, same situation, same location, but variations on the theme.For example, a guy kept dreaming of being on a building, in a small town. The building was four stories. As he was on this building there was a parade of beautiful women doing parkour all over the other buildings and in the street. This dream kept coming, sometimes the women were doing other things, such as a parade. Sometimes one women in particular stood out. Sometimes they were nude. These dream turned out to be related to the person’s impending divorce. They got married early, they at the time had a good financial situation that changed radically and they both knew they needed to go their separate ways. They both were afraid, and proud not wanting to admit to in their minds failure. At the same time they both knew and isolated themselves from each other. Going through the motions. The dreamer was not having any intimate relations, and was attracted to women wherever he went. When he admitted to himself that he really wanted to find another partner, got excited about that, then he saw the future with a sense of adventure and possibility so the dreams changed. He got divorced and moved on with his life.

If a person is born blind, what do they see in their dreams?

DREAMDreams are an integral part of our sleeping hours. Dreams are the succession of ideas, emotions, sensations amd most prominently images that occur of their own acord in our minds during certain stages of sleep.VISUAL INFLUENCEAlthough humans are equipped with five basic senses that work in harmony to help us experience the world around us, the amount of information that we feeds us on a daily basis seems to overshadow some other senses such as touch and smell which are not used as frequently as our vision.We keep our eyes open during most of our working hours and therefore look at practically hundreds of thousands of things each day.we do tap to our sense of vision for an incredible amount of time through out our lives. So visual influence is more in our daily dreams.DREAMS OF BLINDA study conducted by group of researches to analyze what dreams of CONGENITALLY BLIND and LATE BLIND look like.It was found that people with congenital blindness( blind since birth) had no visual influence in their dreams.People who lost their vision later in life did see images in their dreams but the amount of visual impressions in their dreams depend on the time period during which they saw.HOW DO THEY DREAMBlind people DREAM too…Their dreams are disimilar to those of non blind people. Their dreams have a mix of lot of sensory information other than vision.From the observations, almost 18% of Blind participants reported tasting in at least one dream whereas 7% of non blind participants did. About 30% of the blind reported smelling in at least one dream, opposed to only 15% of non blind participants. Nearly 70% of blind reported having a touch sensation as opposed to 45% of non blind participants. 85% of blind reported hearing as compared with 65% of non blind participants.OBSERVATIONS MEANVery much like people with healthy vision, blind people dream too and their dreams have more sensory informations and sensations than others. Both Blind and Non blind participants reported that they dreamed about their past, feelings, attachments, success and failures.So people who are visually impaired may have a more sensory stimulating experience in their dreams.Blind people have more Nightmares than sighted people.T. H. A. N. K. Y. O. U.SOURCE : WIKIPEDIA

What does it mean when you have dreams that end up happening in real life, i.e., is deja vu a skill, something else, or nothing at all?

I have had this happen many time throughout my life. Most of which happened as a child.My first and one of the most recognizable times was when I lived in California. We had just moved to a new home in Hollywood and I had had a dream that my Dad and I walked to a park nearby. The next morning, I asked my Dad if we could go. I took his hand and led him to that same park from my dream. My Dad insisted that I had been there before so, I learned to not be so open about the weirdness of it all.Another time, I was older, about 11. I awoke from a dream that was kind of eerie to me because it seemed so real. I was at my nieces birthday party. Nothing out of the ordinary except that I did not spend much time with her so I dismissed it. A couple months later, I was invited to her birthday party. Nothing seemed strange until I was there and remembered my dream. I knew each gift she had before it was even being opened because of my dream.I’m not real sure what causes it, I am not a spiritual or religious person but, what if our time lines are not fixed, what if subconsciously we can float through our time lines and witness our lives through our future selves at any given point. Who knows really but, makes sense to me.