I Show One Personality In School And Another In Home. In School Low Angerness And In Home High

Homeschoolers, how do you feel about being isolated? Homeschooling parents, how do you feel about isolation?

and have moved out of home. thank god.

Anyways, I know about 15 home schooled kids, via the internet and stuff. The all have issues interacting (except online). so I know a lot of home schooled kids. So when I say most, I mean most I know. If they are isolated, how would know about them? Kids that are isolated don't come out.

"Most tend to severely restrict who their children are allowed to be friends with. Most believe that public schools are "dangerous" and subject their children to temptations that they should be guarded against." THAT DESCRIBES MY PARENTS EXACTLY! The person that said you were lying, obviously doesn't know their crap.

"I can't help but noting how many of the answers are posted by the parents who chose to home school their kids, and not by the the kids themselves." EXACTLY. I mean really, how many parents here would actually listen to their children? How many of their children actually had a say in what happened? Thats what pisses me off in my own exper

Why does school depress me?

in short, excuse my language, because school fucking sucks.we wake up freakishly early. as teenagers, our brains are literally not ready to think at 7 am. our circadian rhythms are different than adults and little kids, which is why we stay up late and sleep in. We aren't LAZY, we sleep the same amount, we just do it at a different time. But for school, we are forced to wake up, when our brains are being programmed to sleep more.We sit in our chairs and listen to someone talk at us for 7 hours straight. What ISNT depressing about that? We’ve had the same school system since the industrial revolution, where kids were basically taught to go into factories. Luckily theres more research coming out about hands-on-learning and stuff like that.after suffering through the day, we come home, sit at another desk, and do more work for three more hours. We already spent so much time learning stuff, and now we have to do more. Its exhausting, and its impractical.On top of the physical and academic hardships, we have to deal with the ridiculous amounts of social problems and drama. In high school this improves significantly from middle school, but god if it isn't still there. Our adolescent minds want one thing - acceptance from our peers. even us “weird” kids want that. People stress about who likes who, who’s friends with who, do enough people like them. and that is horrible in its own right.School is a terrible system. Learning is fantastic, and I love it, but our current school system is so fucked that instead it literally gives us all clinical depression.

I'm confused about my personality and unsure what I want in life, any advice?

I am a 21 year old black male. in high school, I was your average teen; I had a good group of friends, but there were some people that made fun of me.
I took it more seriously than I should have and got angry with myself for not being "cool" or accepted enough.

But, it still got to me because it was personal. I was called crackhead on the wrestling team because of something stupid someone said to me. I was called monkey face behind my back by this one guy didn't even know him really.
This other guy called me "boring"

But it really got to me when people started calling me white boy; this was by people who were white themselves, like 7 different people!. They said I hung around white people too much, was confused about my personality, acted "white", like wtf? and these are WHITE people saying this. I was cool with black people even though I didn't have any black "friends".
It's like I didn't know who I was, or where I fit in.

This one girl said, I don't know how you'll survive in college if you're so wtf I'm not quiet, I just didn't have anything to say to you...
How can you be yourself and still care about what people think especially if people keep saying $hit? When in Rome do as the Romans do, right?

Who are you without some kind of external validation?
Who are you if you're not accepted for who you are? A nobody?
In high school I got angry with myself about the teasing and I became unsure of myself.

I failed my first year of college, went home and took a job as an assistant manager with my family's business. when that closed, I became an armored truck guard with Dunbar.

I'm stuck,I don't know how to make my life how I want it, I don't want to be wondering what I'm doing with my life until I'm 50. how can I find out what I want?, because I don't know.

What are the different high school cliques?

preps- typically good at sports good at being social and rich. These kids used to run schools, and get picked as home coming queen. (my year two band geeks got picked as homecoming king and queen)

jocks- good at sports, sometimes they date prep girls

goths- wear black, act sad, desperately try to make statements. They may wear clothes of the opposite gender, make out more openly in the hallway than other people, or protest general injustices in a angry and ineffective way

emos were after my time, but they fall into a similar category only they don't try to shock quite as much

band geek- in band and maybe orchestra, choir, or other musical clubs
tend to be clean cut, and fairly smart may also be jocks or brains

nerds, or brains- this was me- you get asked to be other people's lab partners because you're smart, sometimes get picked on for liking school too much, especially as a freshman.

sluts and druggies- come to school stoned or hung over sometimes, typically do poorly in school, often from a lower class. This is who your mom does not want you to date.

poor kids- they smelled bad in elementary school, and now that you're in high school they keep to themselves. but it always seemed like they were having fun playing cards in the cafeteria after school. They tend not to be in many clubs or activities.

depending on the size of your school there may be large activities that develop their own cliques. In my high school there were cliques around:
dance team
show choir- it was hard to get into it and there was a lot of work required so they spent a lot of time together
and we had theater kids - i was one of these too.

any club with long hours can become a clique

Psychology homework help?

Take each of the situations below and write out how each of these approaches would explain the behavior: Behaviorism, Psychoanalytic, Humanism and Neurobiological.

1. Road rage or the extreme anger and behavior towards other drivers.

2. Helping a fellow student who had dropped all of their books down the stairs.

3. A new student not wanting to join in any activities at their new high school.

Anyone help?

BEHAVIORISM - Caused by observable determinants from the environment

PSYCHOANALYSIS - Caused by unconscious instinctual drives and suppressed traumas from childhood
HUMANISM - Caused by our free will; Our drive to self actualize; Split between the “real” and “ideals”

NEUROBIOLOGICAL - Caused by genetics, chemical imbalances, and organic problems
18 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

[ Don't tell me to do it myself, I'm asking for help. If you don't want to help, or don't know then don't answer, I will report it. ]