I Suffer With Social Anxiety Disorder And Am Very Afraid Of Going To Seek Help

Help! going to the mall with social anxiety disorder! ( 18 year old male)?

Going to the mall to try to make friends and also have social anxiety disorder its saturday so its going to be sooo crowded =( im so nervous how do i talk to people and make friends without it being freaking akward ?? i know it normally involves getting there facebook or number or something like that . but i dont know how to ask that i just dont know how to not make it akward...........i hate SA disorder

I suffer from social anxiety. I want to go to RCIA, but I am afraid. What should I do?

Having taught RCIA, I feel I can add something. The process of RCIA can best be described as a pilgrimage. You are on a journey while becoming a community. Most people with social anxiety do function within some group. Be it your family, co workers, friends from school. You probably developed these relationships over a long time before feeling comfortable. RCIA will take you from now until Easter, plenty of time to get comfortable. Bless you as you embark on your journey of faith.

My social anxiety is so bad that I'm afraid of going to the doctor to seek treatment. Is there anything I can do?

Only you can decide when you’ve had enough suffering, want to lead a real life, and go get some counseling.There’s also online counseling, and some counselors will do phone counseling—just not for free.THINGS TO DO: Also, lifestyle changes have been scientifically shown to reduce anxiety: house cleaning, Japanese “Forest Bathing”-going out in nature, hanging out next to a body of water, 8–9 hours SLEEP, proper nutrition, and lots of regular daily physical activity. 2 squares of chocolate-daily, fruits, coffee, tea, turmeric spice, high fiber foods, plant proteins. Daily Meditation, Yoga, take art classes, or do art.CUT BACK OR STOP: Online surfing, videogaming, texting, chatting—as it’s isolating & shown to increase depression. Sugar (including fruit juices). Replace all sodas with tea, coffee or water.SYSTEMIC DESENSITIZATION: start pushing yourself to do whatever the triggers are, 5 minutes a day, and increase it daily. Volunteer and tell the organizers what you want experience in doing. Join or create a meetup group for fellow anxiety people and have them all help you with progressive desensitization.Sources:Forest bathing - WikipediaSystematic desensitization - WikipediaDesensitization (psychology)SensitizationFlooding (psychology)Immersion therapyCognitive behavioral therapy

Serious Social Anxiety Disorder?

there might be a some sort of anxiety disorder, but it is all in your head. People only see and act the way you feel about yourself. Maybe you are just too shy and from the experience you told, i bet that you dont even ask questions at school, get lost all the time, dont know whats going on all the time, and have a hard time in relationships, am i wrong? if you keep this up you will never get nowhere. Let them think what they want, i mean was missing your stop, wasting precious time and getting lost all worth it so that people WHO YOU DONT EVEN KNOW AND DONT KNOW YOU wont think that you were a loser? i know how you feel because i am the same way with people i know. Sometimes when i am at a place and i know people from school i feel like you feel, but you just need to relax, keep telling your mind that you are cool and there is nothing wrong. You just need to know how to act kool, and even if you need to get up to get a map, do it with attitude, with your head up high, look at the people around you (give them the stare so that you could intimidate them), take your time, and they will think you are cool. If you dont know them them screw them, who gives a **** what they think.
ps. most people who ride the bus are old, old asians, adults, drug addicts and crazy people. i dont think you are one of them so once again, WHO GIVES A **** WHAT THEY THINK.. i really hope this helped and i just didnt waste my time typing all of this up.

I think I have social anxiety disorder but I'm scared to talk to my doctor and mom about it, what should I do?

If you feel anxious in social situations weather moderate or extreme you should seek help immediately!Your mother's behavior is not uncommon for her generation. The stigmatization of mental health issues is common occurrence in society. However, social anxiety is a disorder that can create phsycal symtoms as well as mental and emotional issues, career failures, and relationship destruction.The best treatment for social anxiety is exposure therapy. That is slowly exposing the patient to the trigger situation.I know the devastation of social anxiety being in a store creates a situation where I'd rather go without necessities than go into the public situation. Slowly exposing myself to the situation has helped.I recommend getting a support system now before it's too late! Friends save lives.

Fear of going to the Mosque due to social anxiety?


Allah (swt) knows your intent and may he accept your good intentions. It was difficult for me to go to mosque at first, too. As a convert, I got a lot of negative comments, suggestions, and just plain rudeness. I dreaded going - I would have preferred a dentist appointment. Fortunately, however, I came to realize that when I go, I go only to please Allah(swt) and that's it. I do not have to engage in trivial conversion or be stressed out. I only have to say ASA, AKS and that's it. So I just focus on Allah(swt). Who cares what people think? If they are judging you, then the sin is on them. As long as you are pleasing Allah(swt), you can be happy.

As for ADD, I actually think prayer helps. You can practice on staring at one spot, listening to the words, and visualizing what is being said. Since I don't speak Arabic, I constantly imagine heaven in front of me and hellfire at my back. It has helped my focus.

Make yourself go three times. If you feel better each time you go, then keep going back. If it gets worse, then don't stress yourself out.

EDIT: ASA again, have you tried homeopathic treatments? I know many people who altered their diets and tried some homeopathic treatments with good results. Just thought I would bring it up since you don't have insurance yet...