I Talk To Animals In My Dreams Is That A Sign

Have you ever dreamed of a talking animal?

Sure but the animal often had several functions in the dream or representations. like I had a girlfriend who was much younger and she would appear in my dreams but in the dream, she was interchangeable with both my cat and my little brother. All three had a specific meaning or role in my life in that I was responsible for them and had to take care of them but I worried I was neglecting them. So when my dream was expressing the feeling of responsibility for someone's life whom I was worried I was neglecting, all three of them would appear in my dream as a single “person” hence the cat would talk, etc. Though everyone in your dream is an aspect of yourself so what I was really dreaming about was the feeling of responsibility for myself or needing to care for or nurture a part of myself I had neglected and it was being expressed through the three “people” I was responsible for. So the reason the animal in your dream is talking is that the animal is an aspect of you.I’m afraid most people on quora don’t understand what dreams are and they are not giving analyses or interpretations correctly. I didn’t read past Katy but you won’t learn about your dreams the way they are going about it. Don’t look for meaning in dreams look for causes. dreams are emotion based and they are the mind attaching images and representations to emotions you feel or are suppressing or just affected by.There are premonition dreams, I occasionally have one, but they are not reliable predictions usually, for instance, i dreamed about a pitbull biting my arm and holding it and I was unable to get free of it. I felt no real pain or danger just the feeling of “get this damn thing off of me!” the next day I was walking down the street and a transient guy, drunk, grabs my arm and won’t let go. It was the same exact feeling and i immediately thought of the dream.premonition dreams are evidence that time is an illusion created by our minds so we don’t have to deal with everything at once.

I'm having weird dreams with talking animals. What could this mean?

to see animals in your dream represents your own physical characteristic, and primitive desires, depending on the qualities of the animal.animals symbolize the untamed apsect of yourself. what each animal symbolizes in your dream depends on what animal it is.
If you are fighting the animal in your dream it signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject or push away.
dreaming of talking animals represents superior knowledge. its message is often some form of wisdom. a talking animal denotes your potential to be all you can be.

What do tiny animals mean in a dream?

Okay so three nights this week I have dreamed about tiny animals. Very random. First I was eating tiny scorpions, then I had a tiny kitten (which I accidentally killed because of it's size) and last night I dreamed of tiny turtles--which were lost when I was on a bus. When I say tiny animals, I mean about the length of a quarter. What does this mean?

Dream interpretation about wild animals?

To see animals in your dream, represents your own physical characteristic, primitive desires, and sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the particular animal. Animals symbolizes the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious. Refer to the specific animal in your dream.

To dream that animals can talk, represents superior knowledge. Its message is often some form of wisdom.� Alternatively, a talking animal denotes your potential to be all that you can be.

To dream that you are saving the life of an animal, suggests that you are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics represented by the animal.� The dream may also stem from feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed.

Dream about possessed stuffed animal?

Last night, I had a dream about a stuffed beanie baby dog my mom has. She ALWAYS makes it talk and makes it move and annoy me. She has been doing this for about 8 years now. She also makes things around us talk and have human feelings and characteristics. I have realized this has rubbed off on me and I am getting sad by leaving a stuffed animal out or even a pencil. I have asked her to stop, but she said she can't when I know she can. Anyway, last night, I had a dream that I was sleeping at my grandparents' house and my grandfather was holding it and making it talk. He had a crazy look on his face (my grandfather) and he jumped on me and the dog told me it was possessed. If I lay a certain way with my arm, I have dreams when I'm tickled really hard and painfully. Please help! I want my mom to stop and for me to stop!

Animals that snore/ talk in their sleep?

Our cat was doing exactly the same thing last night. She was in a very deep sleep and kept growling and snarling in her sleep. I think that she was probably continuing the fight that I had broke up earlier that night between her and our other cat. I guess that she didn't want to let it go... Cats can be so funny!

Talking Cats Dreams?

To see a white cat in your dream, denotes that you are going through difficult times.

To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. And if its talking it means u need something to say.

What does it mean to dream of BEING an animal? Not just seeing one or talking to one or turning into one?

Two things come to mind....

First, do you feel that you sometimes let your instincts go unchecked? Are there ever moments that you wish you could 'take back' or 'redo' in a more proper way? Your dreams may be telling you that some type of refinement is in order?

The second thing that comes to mind is empathy... What do you learn from inside an animal's body that you wouldn't learn inside your own?

Without some details of the dream, it is hard to intuit a meaning, but those are the first angles I would ponder.

Why do I keep having dreams of animals transforming into other animals. It is getting a bit creepy.?

To see animals in your dream, represents your own physical characteristic, primitive desires, and sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the particular animal. Animals symbolizes the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious. Refer to the specific animal in your dream.

To dream that animals can talk, represents superior knowledge. Its message is often some form of wisdom.� Alternatively, a talking animal denotes your potential to be all that you can be.

To dream that you are saving the life of an animal, suggests that you are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics represented by the animal.� The dream may also stem from feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed.

Laboratory Animals
To see lab animals in your dream, suggests that an aspect of yourself is being repressed. You feel that you are not able to fully express your desires and emotions. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to experiment with your fears, choices, and beliefs. Try not to limit yourself.


To see an antelope in your dream, symbolizes your high ambitions will be achieved through a great expenditure of your energy. You will experience a sudden improvement in your financial status.


To see a coyote in your dream, denotes weakness and deception.

To dream that you are undergoing a transformation, indicates a need for change or a deviation from your usual routine. It also suggests your expanded awareness and a deep-level personality development.

To see a metamorphosis take place in your dream, denotes sudden and rapid changes in your personal life. If the metamorphosis is a smooth one, then it indicates necessary changes for you to adapt to a new situation. However, if the metamorphosis is a complicated and unpleasant one, then it suggests that you are ill prepared for the changes in your life.

Hope this is useful sorry about it being long.