I Think Both Of My Parents Have Cancer I Don

Both of my parents have cancer, need help?

Thats tough. To have both parents have cancer is a lot to go through especially being so young. Like school isnt hard enough right ? Talk to people on your campus and believe it or not they will be your support. I am sure whoever you tell will be really helpful and supportive at this time. Thats something you really need is a good support system. Talk to your parents and let them know how much you love them. I will keep you in my prayers. Also try praying. It does help. God is so amazing and cares about you and your parents. I know your probably feeling why me but everything happens for a reason and god can be your crutch when your feeling broken. Keep your head up and stay strong

My mom has cancer, and thinks I don't care?

I'm a thirteen year old girl. My mom has stage three cancer, and I'm devastated. I've literally cried every night because of it, yet my parents think I don't care about the fact that she's having surgery tomorrow. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified that my mom's going to die, and she thinks I don't even care about her. I feel terrible, what should I do? Please no rude comments. Thanks!

I think I have cancer but my parents don't care?

Hello, I am 14 years old and I am convinced that I have Colon cancer because I have hard lumps inside of my butt and I think I have brain cancer because I have a lot of symptoms. I swear I have cancer. And plus I also think I might have diabetes because I get a tingly burning feel on my fingers and I eat a lot of junk. Whenever I tell them they just make a joke out of it and say "oh yes you have cancer haha" it makes me sad. If I walk into a hospital will they take me? Or do I need a parent? I don't want to die ! And I think I am on stage 3 cancer because I have had those lumps for 2 years. What should I do? THEY DONT CARE :( and if you are going to call me a troll just go away please I just want help!

I think I have cancer but I don't want to go through all those things of diagnosis. Should I tell my parents?

Here are your choices and some possible outcomes.If you tell your parents they’ll take you to the doctor and the doctor will determine the likelihood based on symptoms. They will likely order labs, and if needed follow-up testing.Outcome 1: You find out you don’t have cancer. You might have some other illness, since you’re having symptoms you think suggest cancer, and you can get treatment for whatever that might be if anything. You’ll be less worried/afraid which is otherwise beneficial to your mental and physical health. It might cost some money, depending on your insurance status.Outcome 2: You have cancer. There will probably be treatment, and you may or may not recover, but you’ll have your best chance of recovery by seeking diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.If you don’t tell your parents or seek any sort of medical help.Outcome 1: You don’t have cancer but you’re having symptoms that make you think you do, and those could be indicative of some other illness which you’ll not be getting treatment for. This is bad for you both physically and mentally, and will likely cost in the long run.Outcome 2: You have cancer, and by the time anyone figures it out you’re dead or close to it.Either of the possible outcomes that result from telling your parents seem decidedly better than saying nothing.

What are my chances of having cancer if both my parents have it?

Sorry to hear your parents have both been diagnosed with cancer.

Most cancers are random and not inherited; nobody knows what causes them. Fewer than 10% of cancer cases are due to hereditary factors.

You can inherit a tendency to get SOME particular cancers (not all), but you won't definitely get that cancer. Some cancers are not hereditary at all.

The chances are that you are not at increased risk of either cancer.

Only 5 – 10 % of breast cancer cases are caused by hereditary factors. If a parent (either one) carries one of the faulty BRCA genes responsible for genetic breast cancer, their child has a 50% chance of inheriting it, and an 80% chance of developing breast cancer. But most breast cancer is random, not hereditary.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my oncologist was able to reassure me that it was not hereditary and that other members of my largely female family were not at increased risk.

Fewer than 5% of cases of colo-rectal cancer are due to a high-risk inherited gene defect. Generally you are regarded as at increased risk if you have an immediate relative - parent, sibling, child - who developed it before they were 45 years old, or two immediate relatives who have had it at any age.

An important consideration in your case is that the younger you are when a cancer occurs, the more likely it is that an inherited genetic tendency has played a part. Cancers that develop after the age of 50 are much less likely to be hereditary.

Both my parents had cancer too, and my mother died of it. Of their six children, now aged between 46 and 60, only I have developed cancer, and mine was non-hereditary and unrelated to theirs.

My best wishes to your parents and to you

How do I bring up that I might have testicular cancer to my parents?

I know having any sort of lump or problem down there can be both scary and embarrassing. If you haven’t already you need to immediately tell your parents. There are many things it can be but this really needs to be proven that it’s not testicular cancer.The reason you need to move quickly is due to how fast some cancers can grow and spread. Testicular cancer is one of the most treatable cancers and carries a very good prognoses as far as treatment and cures when found early. Even advanced stages are good prognosis typically.The faster you can get to your doctor and get your ultrasound the better. They’ll know immediately following your ultrasound what it most likely is. Do you have any aching or pain?Telling your parents is the most important thing you can do in your life right now.Here’s how you can initiate this conversation with your parents. It may be more comfortable talking about it with your dad but either one will do.Tell them you were taking a shower and washing down there when you noticed something wasn’t right and you found a lump that needs to be examined by your family doctor.As soon as you tell them this they will guide you from there. It’s really simple as that. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed, you’ve got this! I’ll be praying for you and really hope it’s just something benign like a cyst or something.Also, please let me know if I can answer any other questions. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer about a month ago now and they removed my testicle. Please keep us posted and move fast!

How do I tell my parents that I am terminally ill with cancer?

Aye fuck. This really just broke my heart in a thousand little pieces. To answer you on your question, right now the best thing to do is telling your parents the truth (yes, it's shitty advise, I totally agree.)The second thing to keep in mind is that If you're able to be with them, please fly down and tell them about your health condition in person. I can't imagine how hard it will be for both your parents as yourself but this is just something that needs to be over and done with. Keeping the truth from your parents will only destroy them even more when they find out one day eventually. If there's really no option for you to fly out, the thing that would come as close to being face to face with your parents is to either Skype or FaceTime them. Try to prepare what you wanna say and how you wanna put it. Also be careful with getting emotional, I know how hard it is but keep yourself aware of the fact that you're telling a mother and a father that their kid is severely ill.. I wish you the best and want you to not lose hope, as hard as it is, but have faith. We may not know each other but I promise you you're in my prayers.

I'm scared my parents will get cancer?

Im 15 and both my parents smoke about 20 ciggerates each a day, I think the best thing is not to think about it too much! Like I know my parents need to smoke because there really addicted to them otherwise they get really stressed out after like an hour without smoking lol! But I think the people that make ciggerates should try and take the tar out of them! The end of moms ciggerate after she's stubbed it is like dark yellow yukk

Both of my parents are smokers and have been since I can remember. I know if either of them gets cancer or something like that I'm going to be angry at them. Is this justified?

I think your question is a justified question, deserving of an answer. Please understand that my answer is simply based on my education, life experience, and personal opinion.I have parents that smoked when i grew up. One quit and one still smokes. My mother smokes and has had cancer. I believe she actually has some type of respiratory illness now brought about by smoking. With that being said, I have alot to draw my answer from.Growing up I too was angry at my parents. My clothes smelled, I felt like I always had to cover my nose and head due to the awful smell. I was always embarrassed because I despised the smell and look of smoking. I begged my mother to stop smoking and she just never would listen. Even after she had cancer, coughs her lungs out everyday, and listened to my imploring,,,,,she never stopped.At some point i realized my mother neither could or would stop smoking. She just doesn’t care to stop. At first I felt like she didnt love me enough to consider stopping. As I got older, I developed asthma and now cant even tolerate smoking on the smallest level. And yet, my mother continues to chain smoke whenever Im around. So, do I have the right to be angry at her for the choices she makes, which effect not only herself, but me? What I think is that the emotion shouldnt be anger. Perhaps what you are really feeling is disappointment that your parents dont care enough about themselves nor you, to wuit smoking.Now a days, the quality and quantity of information in reference to the side effects of smoking, is ao vast that it’s everywhere. You can get free medication to assist with smoking cessation! If anyone decides not to quit, they know the ramifications of their actions, and you should free yourself from the burden of anger.They are choosing not to quit. Im sure its so difficult to quit! Smoking is an addiction that is hard to stop. My dad always said, “Don’t start something you have to stop.” In the end, alleviating the pain you have about your parents smoking may be impossible. However, accepting their choices have nothing to do with you and everything to do with their addiction, will help you let go of your anger.

I lost both my parents within a year to heart attack and cancer, life has not been the same financially and emotionally. What should I be doing to get back to my old happy self?

I went through the same thing-sort of- 5 years ago. I grew up with a mom and only a mom. She passed away from cancer when I was 17.I was left to enter college by myself financially. I was left alone without the support of family. What's important right now is hold on tight to people around you who care. They will take you far.There will be dark times. There will be pitch black times. There will be moments where you don't see the "point" in life anymore, but hold on. No matter what you do, you will inevitably need to grieve. Don't rush to getting back to your old self. Just soak it in and let yourself feel whatever you need to feel.I promise you things will get better. Just very slow. Just believe.It's been five years and I'm not my old happy self before my mom got cancer, but I can say that I'm an *almost* happy self now. It's still rough from time to time.It'll be okay.