I Think I Am An Indigo Child Help Me Understand

I think i may be an indigo child? help?

There's something you need to know about Indigo Children. Everybody is one.

I'm not kidding, that's how it works. Indigo Children are actually only recognized by one 'religion' in the world, and that religion is new age spiritualism. And they made the whole thing up.

Yes I know, you looked at the list (there are many) of Indigo characteristics, and you said "holy crap, that's totally me". Of course you did. That's because those characteristics, while they sound really specific, are actually so vague they apply to absolutely anyone and everyone.

If you want to see how that stuff works, go to any vampire fan site (for kids who think they're vampires) and look up their "am I a vampire" page, and see how well you fit that list of character traits. Then go to a Harry Potter fansite and see if you're a wizard, then a Percy Jackson site and see if you're a demigod. Note how amazingly close you are to being each one. Who knew you were so versatile?

Then, if you're incredibly bored, go look up the Forer effect. You'll be getting into some really dry academic stuff if you do that, but it will explain how the process works. It's basically (very basically) the power of suggestion mixed with telling your mind what it wants to hear, and it's wickedly effective. Psychic fortune tellers are experts at it, because it works so well.

But you really are an Indigo, and you can say that and get away with it. The fact that so is everyone else doesn't matter.

What is up with this Indigo Child thing right now?

To put it quite bluntly, it's a load of rubbish. So-called "Indigo Children" are defined by a series of broad characteristics that could apply to any number of people - strong will, creativity, independence, strong intuition, restlessness, an affinity for animals, etc. They're so vague that they could pretty much be twisted to describe anyone.

One child psychologist has suggested that the fascination with Indigo Children is one manifestation of the feeling among the public that we are overmedicating kids with ADHD and not looking at the underlying problems. Many alleged Indigo Children have been diagnosed with ADHD - the theory is the diagnosis has such a negative connotation, and it's hard for some parents to accept that their child might be in any way imperfect. It's much easier for them to believe that those symptoms are an expression of their child's special, magical nature and that the government and drug companies are trying to suppress the Indigoes' powers through Ritalin.

(And of course there are people who make a lot of money peddling this little myth.)

tl;dr... yeah, it's a load of rubbish. ;)

Are you an Indigo Child?

Indigo child is the name given to the new type of human being born in this generation.  Displaying amazing feats of intuition and intelligence beyond their years, these indigos have started to become a much more common concept within the spiritual community.  This is a list developed by play therapist Jan Yordy, a former elementary school teacher and child counselor who has been working with parents and children for 25 years.Their traits:May be strong willed independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parentsHave a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experienceTraditional Parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective  with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome.Energetically, Indigos are vibrating at a much higher frequency so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balancedAre creative right brain thinkers, but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brain school systemOften Indigos are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused.Indigos are very intuitive, and may see hear or know things that seem unexplainable.Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more finely tuned.When their needs are not met, these children seem self centered and demanding, although this is not their true nature.These children have incredible gifts and potential, but they may be shut down when not properly nurtured and acceptedCredits: Spirit Science and MetaphysicsThey say I was the one!

INDIGO CHILD!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

hi, so i know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but... i think i'm an indigo child.

I can see auras... It is like this mist that i see either floating above your head, or if you are special in you stomach area. The mist is usually all different colors. and i also see feelings and numbers and days of the week etc. in colors and different fonts (ex. Pain is orange, if i stub my toe i see it in orange, the #7 is purple and written in bubble letters and sits in a bow, and Saturday is green and written in cursive) I am also very hyper, and cant pay much attention (much like i have A.D.D but i have yet to be diagnosed) how ever i pull all A's in school (i also have a photographic memory) this has all been going on since i was born, but it has grown stronger over the years, and is really strong is becoming annoying.

... so how do i cope? my parents love me, but they don't understand me... i fell kind of alone, never having met another indigo child, and i kind of what it to go away, yet i like it... do you know an indigo child? are you one? how do i cope?

thanks, and please don't hate :(

I'm scared to talk / tell my parents that I'm an Indigo Child, help?

Last night I stayed up 4 hours later than I usually do, due to me being sick right now I didn't mind but I that's the first time in a long time I didn't go to bed when I was suppose to. I'm 17 and last night I found out I am an Indigo Child, still a little freaked out and still have a lot of questions. I want to tell my mom or dad ( their divorced ) but I'm not sure I want to because they might send me to some camp or get me checked out or something. All of the characteristics of an Indigo Child fit all my characteristics which is why I'm very questionable about talking to my parents or someone about it, I may just find someone online and get answers from them. Please help should I talk to my parents? I have plans to enlist in the military after high school, I have plans to work my part time job more often, I don't want me to tell my parents and have them do something to affect my plans for the future, especially my truck.

What am I supposed to do if I'm an indigo child?

I'm asking only to the people that believe in Indigo/Crystal children/adults.
It's a fact that we are here for a reason right?... but what is it? Some of us have realized we are different than the rest... but then what? What are we supposed to do with those "gifts" we got? I've heard we are supposed to "show the path of a new era..."


Do any serious thinkers give any credence to the theory of the Indigo Child and where does this idea come from?

Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, are children who are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The idea is based on concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. WikipediaIf one looks at the traits said to be associated with indigo, rainbow, and crystalline children. They tend to be fairly common. So either most people are indigo or none are.