I Think I Have A Focusing Disorder Adhd Help

Help, I think I have ADHD?

I'd like to recommend a book that was given to me by my closest friend, who knows me as well as my own family, titled, Healing ADD, by Daniel G. Amen, MD. I was always a very conscientious student, perfectionistic actually, and have had a successful life in some ways; worked my way through college, raised two fabulous kids, and have done well for 30 years as an elementary teacher. Yet I have had some of the same experiences as you. My friend saw me in this book. It describes six different types of Attention Deifict Disorder. You know, human beings are all quite complex, and the better we can understand ourselves, the better we can make our lives. I am not embarrassed in the least to say that I have some shortcomings, because I know we all do; I am just relieved when I can put a name, of sorts, on some of my behaviors that don't seem to jibe with what others seem to be doing, or expect of me. I am learning how to work with myself; to recognize my strong points as well as find the areas where I need to "tweak". You probably are a very fun person who is enjoying life; at the same time, you're liable to make some impulsive choices, as I have, that can impact your life, and maybe the lives of others, in a very big way. Read this book, or explore some others, so you can find out more about yourself. Learn how to cherish all the good that is in you while you are also discovering areas that may be hurting you but that you really do have the power to finesse. Good luck!

Whats the best music to listen to to help me focus? I have ADHD and of course it really makes me want to do anything except what I'm meant to. None of my usual strategies are working.

Studies show that Mozart and Haydn (Classical Composers from the same era, where music was structured and still taking many cues from mathematical arrangements in the same fashion as Bach’s Chorales/Cantatas) is typically the best general focus music.There’s also music that has been crafted specifically to stimulate your alpha waves- responsible for alertness, focus, critical thinking. They are kind of new-agey sounding and not really my taste- but some people love them.There’s also some great 1970s/1980s records I have called enviroscapes- that are superb, high-fidelity recordings of natural environments. The one I have of Okeefenokke Swamp at Dusk is amazing for concentration. I think it has something to do with Nature Deficiency Disorder, which is a correlative of ADHD, from my limited experience and even more-limited research.I have two things that help me the most, personally…One is the music of Jane Campion’s ‘The Piano.’ Its a movie score. Its incredible in how it helps me snap into the zone. Its tremendous music to put on when I need to write a long document or grant proposal. I’ve also probably trained myself to associate its melodies with getting sh!t done. So, whatever you pick- be consistent with it. The other music that I find keeps me highly focused and in a productive/efficient zone is hip-hop instrumentals from the late 90s and early 2000s. By people like Kanye, Dr. Dre, J Dilla, and especially DJ Premiere. I’m not sure how these work for me, something about the repetitiveness and the open space that’s created for the vocals, but that is open for your thoughts when heard as an instrumental.

Are there any ways to help me focus on things when I have ADHD without medication?

Of course.You can meditate.Meditation is to concentration what pushups are to physical force. Focus on your breathing at the tip of your nostrils, in a sitting but kinda straight position, for 10 minutes a day.It will be very hard at first, you won’t be able to concentrate for a complete minute. Be gentle with yourself, and when you notice you mind was wandering, just kindly focus back on your breathing.You’ll improve fast on the breathing exercise. And then, after some time, your concentration will improve too !

Can steriods (prednisone) help those with ADHD by improving focus?

If Prednisone helps to calm you down and improve your attention to details and focus issues - Adderall or that other ADHD drug that sounds like Vance but it’s Vyvanse (don’t know spelling) will be much more effective.Like the others have mentioned Prednisone has a multitude of nasty ass side effect with long term use. I’ve even seen lasting side effects with high dosage shorter term use.My brother had to have both of his hips replaced at around 30 years old. Since then, he’s also had cataract surgeries on both eyes. One of my yoga clients had to have her hips replaced (one at a time) in her 60’s and then 70’s.I always carry at least 100 mg of this crap on me at all times (along with my ever present Epi-pen) because of the various life threatening food allergies that I have endured for now close to 3 decades.ADHD is the least of my worries.Prednisone ultimately does more harm than good. Except on those two occasions where it’s literally saved my life. For this I am tremendously and eternally grateful and I will chew it up like dessert if my throat closes and I turn an odd shade of purple-blue around the lips.It also makes me insanely, crazy/mad (think enraged) at bad drivers which leads to making me feel awful for being such a foul mouthed human being with an apparent penchant for violence.It also causes bloating and massive weight gain AND if you’re female it makes you hairy in all the wrong places. If you ever see a terribly grumpy woman of any age and she has a beard, but no mustache, she’s likely taking steroids for medical reasons.Be kind to her. Please.To top it off weight gained on steroids doesn’t come off like regular, I-ate-like- a-damn-pig-for-a-year weight gain does with a healthy diet and exercise. Oh no!Since I have been in my Pilates Teacher Training, I swear to you now that I work out (intensely) a minimum of 2 hours six to seven days a week. If it’s during one of our classrooms that number jumps to 3–4 hours for three days straight!Guess what? I still have that same freaking more than 13 lbs, but less than 15 lbs to lose that I gained last summer from taking prednisone the entire time I was home in Hawaii and my cousin’s hubby kept cooking me things and putting corn in it.He’d tell me after the fact (while broken out in hives, itching and wheezing like a fiend) and pretends I don’t have real food allergies. Some shit about it being in my head. As if.He sees my symptoms, so perhaps he’s trying to kill me slowly and on purpose.Family!

How adderall help you focus in school?

Adderall wont do anything to your health, it does make you concentrate though... You will feel good if you take it, and be able to focus on your test more... unless you dont have ADD, then you will go crazy... You wont be able to focus at all, you will be all over the place. Ive taken Adderall, just study for your test. Dont cheat.

ADHD?! I'm 14!! I think I have it!?

I'm 14 and I think I have ADHD. I've always been very talkative, loud, and hyper. I can never sit still. As I'm typing this I'm shaking and twitching my feet. I have random outburst And like muscle spasms. My mom thinks my brother had ADD. So could I possibly have ADHD? I've tried getting tested when I was 12. I can't focus on anything for a long perio of time. I'm very unorganized, annoying, and a procrastinator. I can't do simple task with out gettin distracted. I have to have people tell me what to do one step at a time. I can't even concentrate in math at all. What should I do!? Do you think I have ADHD!?

I think ADHD is made up and here's why... Who agrees with me?

Well take a look at the articles I read about ADHD and focus...

Article 1

"In order to get the neurotransmitters we need, people with ADHD latch onto the tasks that stimulate us, like playing a favorite game or reading about a topic we enjoy. We can then enter a zone where we're lost to everything around us, surrendered to a single task."

Article 2

"Those with the inattentive type ADHD have difficulty concentrating on tasks requiring focused mental energy. They appear to daydream and not listen, even when someone speaks directly to them.Teachers and parents mistakenly think that these children are listening and processing information during these periods of apparent calmness. In reality, they are zoning out and daydreaming, frequently without even realizing it."

To me, this sounds like someone who's just lazy and doesn't feel like learning. I mean why can you foucs so much on your video games, but when it comes time to learn you all of sudden daydream and zone out? I feel like I have a REAL case of Attention Deficit Disorder because I RARELY zone out and find it impossible to tune out noise. I get distracted FROM EVERYTHING. Whether it's a task I enjoy like Chemistry, History, Video Games, Pokemon, or a task I hate like Chores, Dishes, Yardwork, Math...etc I can not focus on it. I do not daydream it just seems like I can't concentrate. I cannot work because of it. I cannot sleep well because of it. Even taking a shower is work. I cannot play my fav video games either.

Is adhd a real medical disorder?

i think they should just call it onry little boy syndrome and the medical community should stop trying to drug our kids in order to line their pockets with our money!!

What medical problem is it when you can't focus on one thing for long? (I think it's a mental disorder)

I don't have it you don't have to worry but, I would like to know, because I am writing a story. And one of character's has a tint of it. Please if you are a doctor can you help? (I do not have this dissorder)

Can regular meditation and exercise of focus cure ADHD?

It seems you're trying to find natural ways to cure/manager ADHD.I have inattentive ADHD. In an effort to my improve my focus, productivity and thinking clarity, I have read several books and run a lot of diet/exercise/cognition experiments to check what helps. I have also tried Adderall for 2-3 months which helped me focus for 2-4 hours in the morning, but stopped them due to the side effects and the general belief that big pharma drugs just fix things in an adhoc manner rather than solving them wholistically.After 1+ year of experimentation, the following things work really well for me and are now part of my daily routine. I have seen a drastic reduction (50-70%) in my ADHD symptoms with them. I also think very clearly now, listen better, am more positive with people around me and about life. Experiment with these natural tweaks/lifestyle changes and see how you feel.- Food o Quit sugar and grains (bread, pasta, rice, wheat, even whole grains). Try to follow a Paleo diet. See supporting research Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs,  and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers eBook: David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg: BooksThrough out the day, increase the intake of omega-3 fatty oils in your diet (wild alaskan salmon, coconut oil, avocados).o Mornings -- Boost your brain chemicals with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. 1) Try strawberry + blueberry + chia seeds + whey protein smoothie to boost antioxidant + basic amino acids.2) Try drinking (just gulp it down even if you find the taste slightly awkward) 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil and see how you feel for few hours.- ExerciseIn the morning, I daily do aerobic exercise like swimming or do weight training in the gym. Check out this book for supporting research: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain: John J. Ratey, Eric Hagerman: 9780316113519: Books- Supplementso Try high-quality omega-3 supplement. Multiple pubmed studies show that omega-3 fatty are helpful.o Vitamin-D supplement. Get the levels tested with your physician. Many folks with indoor/sedentary lifestyle are deficient in this crucial vitamin.Vitamins ‘effective in helping ADHD’o Also use a multi-vitamin.o 5-HTP supplement for overall positive feel throughout the day.- SleepTry to sleep at least 7 hours and see how focused you feel the next day.