I Think I Have Add . Help

I think I Have ADD? help?

ADD can be a pain. I have it too. The best thing you can do for yourself is accept that you have it, start experimenting with medications, and start developing strategies to help get it sorted out. It will take a lot of work, but you just have to accept it and get whatever help you can.

some tips:

- Get a whiteboard, a BIG whiteboard, and write stuff down you need to remember
- get a planner and force yourself to keep it. It will take a lot of practice but you can do it.
- start thinking about SIMPLE ways to organize, don't make it too complicated because you just wont have the motivation to keep it up.
- Find ways to make your living space as minimal as possible. Get rid of all your junk.

There are a lots of self-help books out there, but a lot of them I found to be pretty useless. Medication WILL help- don't be scared of it. Its really not a big deal- any time you don't like taking it you can always take a break. Just experiment with it. Think of it as taking matters into your own hands. I've taken ritalin since I was in the first grade and I've never become addicted. I sometimes go off of it for a year at a time, or a few months, if I don't have much work to do. Ritalin is also cool because it doesn't last very long. I take it when I need to do work, it wears off, I'm done with it. No sweat.

I'm 14 and i think i might have ADHD/ADD?

i think i might have adhd/add but im not sure. i havent talked to my parents or a doctor but i have started to notice and my friends have started to notice that sometimes i get really chatty and talk alot. I'm also very fidgety and always have to be doing something like biting my nails, clicking my fingers or playing with blue tack as i get bored easily and start to day dream, loose interest or zone in and out of conversations. When i start a project or book i loose interest quickly and tend not to finish them unless i am forced to because im not motivated. im always late to things as i get easily distracted and i have a terrible memory as i can sometimes forget what was said to me just minutes after someone has told me. what should i do? i dont particularly want to talk to my parents or doctor but if i have to how should i approach it?

I'm 15 and I think I have ADD/ADHD?

Like I looked over the symptoms and most of them are totally me. Like all my problems in my life that I can think of relate to impulsiveness. If there is something that can stop me from having those symptoms it would totally change my life around. Especially during school. I mean I'm not dumb, its just.. ugh. I mean I'm not sure if I have it but either way I want to find a way to stop like.. having the symptoms. I just talked to my mom about it and she thinks I dont have it even though there is so much evidence from the time I was in elementary school that I do. It makes me mad.. because if there's a way to stop it, then why wouldn't she want me to do it? I just saw the thing about Ritalin.. holy crap I dont want those side effects! Hopefully there are other things I could do.. but anyways, like what do they do to test me? and like how would I find out? I'm getting a physical done soon cause I'm trying out for my High school's vball team.. should I ask then and be like "I think I may have ADD?" I dont even know the difference between ADD and ADHD.. anways.. yeah.. I just don't know what to do in this situation.

Do you think i have a.d.d?

around two years ago i felt like people could read my mind and it was sooo bad i was afraid to think. now its not so bad. and sometimes it seems like i see things. well i do see a black shadowish thing. and it scares me. and sometimes i feel like im i cant even explain it ill just doze off into maiah land without thinking of anything and do things without controling myself. and if not a.d.d then what else could i have? only serious answers plz! dont say stuff like oh your crazy plz plz with sugar on top and cherry dumplings DO NOT say that kind of stuff

I think I have ADD and/or Anxiety?

When I talked to my professors, one of them suggested that it isn't my effort, but my brain. At first I was offended but then he explained that there is nothing he can tell me to do to fix this problem, that I do everything I am supposed to, but possibly I had a different type of problem. He said go to the psy department. I did and I tested 99% odds of having ADD.

This wasn't an actual diagnosis, simply an online test but I think I might really have ADD and anxiety. I talked to my parents but my mom doesn't believe in ADD and thinks that all anxiety should be self-managed. I know many people with this opinion, but does anyone have a similar experience to me? I am not lazy, I am not too dumb for my major and I am so wiling to try. But sometimes when I study it is the equivalent of having Japenese in front of me, if you know what I mean. Things just don't click for me a lot of the time, but college doesn't give you as much time as high school did to teach it to myself. Still more:

Do you think my friend has ADHD/ADD?

Its impossible to guess at a diagnosis. She needs evaluation face to face with a doctor. He not only will ask her questions but will also be visually observing her affect and movements of her extremities.
It must be very hard on you seeing her struggling with this, but the best help you can give to her is to openly talk to her and let her know you are genuine in your caring for her and want to help.
Ask if her parents are aware of her struggles? Try and have her see the school nurse and share her struggles with her.It is difficult to see your friend this way, however, she needs more than just your help.

What should I do if I think I might have ADD or dyslexia and I need help in school but if I am diagnosed I will be disqualified from the military?

Get the help you need. When I was in school back in the 60s, there was no help and I had to muddled through on my own. That being said, I joined the Navy and was involved in the Intelligence gathering group (NavSecGru). My son was in Special Ed from the time he was three years old. Last year, he retired from the Army National Guard and, yep, he was in the Intelligence gathering group. The more help you get and the better you learn, the more chance you have of being accepted into the military. That being said _ Go Navy!!!

Why does everyone think they have ADD/ADHD?

I am a very analytical person, maybe more so than average, but how can the general public be so stupid as to think that anyone that has trouble focusing needs to take methylphetidates(very similar to amphetamines ie. meth). ADD and ADHD are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Not your adolescents laziness. If you or your children can't focus, it is most likely not ADD. It is a generic loss of motivation which is totally normal among human beings. I am fed up with large pharmaceutical companies and doctors essentially working together to move a dangerous drug. When Only a very small percentage of people with "ADD" actually need to take these drugs. I am currently in college studying medicine and would never prescribe Ritalin to a child who is having trouble focusing in school because ultimately it comes down to how mature the kid is and how good his priorities are. There has to be some serious underlying issues to require these drugs. I also don't understand how it is cheating when someone without a prescription uses Ritalin on a standardized test or organized sporting event, but when someone who's parents went to a doctor when the child was young and said "his grades are slipping and he isn't concentrating in school" can use Ritalin and it is perfectly acceptable. It is like an artificial boost for a motivational deficientcy so they can bury themselves in a book for 6 hours straight and study. Why does society allow the loose prescription of such dangerous drugs?

I think that I am forgetful, friends tell me I have ADD. Can a psychologist help me figure out which it is?

Hello :)The way this is “Normally” done is to go to your own doctor and talk to him. Tell him about your symptoms. There is a list of 9 very common symptoms of ADD and if one “scores” at least 6 the doctor will send you to a special doctor in psychiatry who will then do a deeper investigation.You can of course choose to skip the doctor and go straight to a psychiatrist but I will recommend the doctor first since your problems may be due to other things. Friends can tell you about symptoms they observe which is good. But if they are not doctors then they dont know if it can be other problems showing the same symptoms.One love!