I Think I Have Powers

I think I have powers?

I could be wrong, but from what you are saying, it sounds like you have powerful psychic abilities. You are really special, most "aware" psychics usually have 1 or 2 abilities, but you seem to have a lot, and i think they would label you as an "alpha" or "super"...
Lets see if i can give a little clarity, the one where you control peoples and animals actions is called "puppeting" not mind control, because mind control only works on people not animals and it involves changing memories to make someone think or do something, but puppeting is different because you literally control everything the person thinks, says and does.
The 12 people in the circle can be 1 of 2 things, it could be your psychic power is so immense you are unconsciously manifesting other "minds/people" to "store/hold on to" or control your psychic power, which is why they are always circling or close to you. or it is 12 of your past lives manifesting around you to guide and protect you, which also explains why they are speaking in languages you cant understand.
The sensing and seeing in the dark is your clairvoyance which means you are seeing and feeling what your physicalcal body cannot, with your power.
The talking to trees and stuff... i really don't know, it could be you felt or shared a bond to everything around you, or you were giving or taking energy from them or you were using your power to gather information about the objects.
Feeling stronger in water is simple, water has always been associated with psychic power(always moving, different forms, deep, full of energy, flowing, can be calm or deadly, plus people under the water zodiac signs are thought to be the most powerful psychic wise) but when you are in water it heightens your powers, it's just basically steroids for psychic power.
Hearing voices can be the 12 manifestations speaking to you or mind reading... but hearing your name isn't a good thing, so be very careful with your temptations or what you are tampering with.

Don't go out of control with your powers, it can lead to death and suffering. I hope this helps you :D. good luck!

I think I have magic powers?

I do believe in magic powers, and wow this is cool. How did you get that?

So I think I have super powers?

There's one thing missing that I need to know: did the paper actually burn. Was it scorched or damaged or reduced to ash? Because if it was, then you appear to have a "spontaneous combustion." These things are quite rare but have happened before, (allegedly) and since you are uninjured, you seem to have escaped the worst of it.

Otherwise you have something that occurred in "nonordinary reality." Ghosts, spirits, other dimensions all are included in nonordinary reality. If you wish to investigate such things further you will likely need to contact a shaman, like a Native American spiritual healer / leader. Some will call this phenomena "hallucinatory" but you appear to take it seriously, so you need to seek out like minded people who--and I cannot emphasize this enough-- are well adjusted. Be careful because there are freaks out there.

I had an experience years ago with a ring of lights that appeared to hover in my house, no larger than the palm of my hand. I think it was a waking experience, though so many years have passed. I told it to go away it wasn't wanted, and for days I had strange dreams.

Good luck with your search. There are many wondrous things to be experienced, if you wish a magical life.

I Think I Have Magic Powers........?

-When im mad Or In A Fight I Get surges Of Energy (not Adrenaline) like i'll move Faster And Hit Harder like the hulk The Madder I get the Stronger I get.
-One Day I was in my room And I was Cold And I Was To lazy to plug in my heater And I Said "Can You please Just Start up?" And My UNPLUGGED heater Started.
-When Someone is thinking about someone else I can hear what they're thinking
-when I jump I go really high and come down very lightly (I don't think its normal) like when I land it makes no noise unless I want it to

Any Answers?

Do you think music has power?

Yes it does! Music is powerful enough to numb your nerves as well as it can leave every nerve of your body throbbing and trembling! Music makes dancers give their all! It is powerful enough to seep into the minds of people an idea of a moment, when used as a background score. It has power to stop your tears as well as bring a downpour of your outpour. For many, music is a lifeline, an emotion, a sense of being. No biggie that the music industry is a multi-billion dollar industry! Music is like 'a legal mind altering drug'. The only thing being you can listen to particular music to get into a particular mood also sometimes you crave certain music depending on the circumstances .Music either makes your head work or takes it away for a vacation. The only reason it is a 'legal and socially acceptable' drug is because your mind has a say in it as to where you want to go. Music rules!!!Something to fill you with awe here,Tansen was one of the navratnas at Akbar's court. He was believed to have mystical musical powers.Read the miracles and legends section under the Family and Influence section.Tansen - WikipediaOne more thing I'd like to add. There's only a few maybe none who do not connect or associate with music. Everybody has music in his / her life. Be it of any kind.Thanks for the read. Feedbacks and comments are welcomed.

I think i have super natural powers?

ok well i was walking to my room and all of the sudden my dog just likes stops moving then i get this high pitched ring in my ear then i look down and my dog's in the same exact spot so she's looking out the windo i thought maybe she saw a squirle then i stared walking towards the computer to check my e-mail then the ringing in my ears stoped so i sat down at the computer was frozen but like i couldn't even here the p.c. running i looked at it and the green light was on and i couldn't feel it going either it was warm but wasn't doing anything then out nowhere a couple seconds later i don't know what i did but the computer starded working agian i could feel it and see it then the dog runs out of the room

I think i have some kind of power or something?

You may be haunted by a spirit that influences your mind. Some spirits such as a genie can cause havoc with a person's life and even make them think that they have powers to hurt or heal. Bad spirits can take the anger you have and direct it toward your intended target such as a person that you don't like and you may then think that you have powers of some sort. These type of thoughts are dangerous because it allows evil spirits to take over your mind and make you a puppet of some sort. While you are doing your evil thoughts these bad spirits are taking more of your goodness away from you and making you evil. As you feel you are getting stronger, they are actually getting stronger and at some point may even take over your life. Thinking evil thoughts and trying to do evil with your mind is a way to lose your life power to evil and hurts you as a person. Not only watch what you say, watch what you think.

Do I have super powers??!!?

I'm not sure if you have specific "powers' but there is definetly someting going on - this happens to me too, but a little differently. With me, a thought will breeze through mind mind, and I don't think twice of it, and then later, something results becuase of it! For example, I was in the ocean one day, and was thinking to myself how so many people had died in the ocean that I was swimming in. Then, about 4 hours later, a man had a siesure, and drowned. I was so freaked out, and felt like I almost caused it! This happens a lot for me - like thinking about tripping and then someone falls, stuff like that. I think me and you, both have some sort of way into the future, and we can't control it! I think it's pretty cool! We are lucky =]

Is it true that wicca do have powers?


Have you seen real Wiccans?

#EDIT - Yes, Wiccans in movies are hot as f*ck, Wiccans in real life are fat chicks dancing around a fire