I Think I Have Social Anxiety Disorder What Do I Do

I think I have social anxiety disorder?

I hate meeting new people, especially if its anticipated. It doesn't matter who it is.
I hate eating in from of people, because I always feel like I got something on my mouth, or shirt.
I hate public speaking, I hate reading in front of people, I hate preforming in front of someone.
I hate when other people take my picture, I can take my own picture, but Like I've skipped school just because it was picture day.
I do not like trying something or doing something that I've never done before in front of others. Like bowling for example.
I hate going to social group setting, like parties or gatherings. I just feel out of place. But I can go to like concerts and stuff because the attention isn't on me.
I really don't like talking on the phone, especially if I don't really know that person.
I don't really like touching other people's hands, or when they touch me.
I don't like when people give me gifts, because I feel like now I have to immediately get them something. And it just feels awkward.
I do not dance, at all. I've skipped school over that also. Ive also skipped school over music concert.
I procrastination way too much.
Over all I've just stop desiring to be social. All these symptoms started around 13-14 years old. And its beginning to get to the point where its ruined my life.
Ive never been to a psychiatrist because the thought of paying someone to talk to, and then sharing all of these things and thoughts with a complete stranger seems...well, really agonizing.

So I was wondering, Anyone out there have social anxiety disorder? Do you take medications for it? Have the medications helped?

Do I have Social anxiety disorder?

am 16 years old and female and really introverted and shy.I've been like that ever since I could remember.Even around my family.when I was little people thaught i was autistic because I was reaaly shy> I am extremely smart,honor roll, talented in art,drawing painting. I get nervous especialy when I go into places by melsef I feel as if people are staring at me. I am little anti-social at school,do to my low-self seteem which makes it easier t pick on me. I feel out of place,especially in large groups, and a major art nerd.My mom thinks I'm weird and my brother is very social. How could I be more sociable, so it will be easier to transition when i go to college.some people think just because I'm black I should be more outgoing or loud. I've been feeling more and more depressed lately,at one point considering suicide. How can I be more sociable.
31 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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1 minute ago

I remember being in the cleaners and some guy(the person that works in there) that I was weird just because I really didn't feel like talking to him. nd I don't smile a lot.
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Do I have social anxiety disorder?

I'm constantly wondering if people are talking about me, like if they're whispering, i'd think they're talking about me. I feel like I am constantly being judged, so I just try and do my best to avoid everybody. Now I'm worried because it's affecting my grades, because I don't go in the locker room for gym, I don't volunteer in class or like to get up in front of the class, I sit in the back so that people aren't looking at me, because that bothers me, so I can't see the board or anything like that. I'm a Christian, but I don't like going to church, because I feel like I'm being judged there too. Sometimes I get mad at myself, because I miss things that I wanted to do, or know that I should do, like going to the mall, or picking up something from the store, cause my mom asked me. My family even puts me down sometimes too, not to a severe level, but that's kinda how I take it. This my sound weird, but I walk kinda funny in front of people, because I get nervous that they're looking at me, so my legs feel kinda light, so I start to walk funny. And like in class, i'll start shaking, and so will my hands, for no apparent reason. Its also affecting my weight, cause I dont eat lunch, because i'd rather be alone. Also my mom has been asking me questions about girls and stuff, but when I tell her i don't want one she just keeps asking me why not. But the reason is because the last time I went out with somebody, I just got hurt, so ever since then, I just stopped to avoid rejection. I have ADHD, and take meds for that, and I dont want to have to take any more medication. And how would I tell my mom I think I have it.

What do people think about social anxiety disorder?

They think it's not real.I assume ‘they’ is referring to the general population.Now there is something people call social anxiety but it is not- the introverted extrovert. These people cling to social media, have their close knit group of friends, and don't prefer social situations. They are shy in public or when meeting someone new, but with their group of friends are outgoing. This is what ‘they’ assume you mean by social anxiety. But it's not the same thing. AT ALL. Social anxiety is the debilitating fear you get when someone calls your phone and you know you have to answer it and talk on the phone. Or the panic attack you have at work when you realize you have to cover reception at lunch. It is far greater than the introverted extrovert. Social anxiety is rooted in fear and panic while the introverted extrovert is simply uncomfortable, shy, or inconvenienced.People don't believe social anxiety exists. They think it's all in your head and is because of technology. I've had countless people tell me to ‘get over’ my social anxiety. I have been clinically depressed and have had anxiety for an incredibly long time. I can't just ‘get over it’. I tell this to people and they still don't think it exists.Would you tell someone with a broken leg to ‘get over it’?Would you tell an old person to just stop being old?No you wouldn't. So don't tell people to get over their social anxiety either.The best way I can explain it is this: social anxiety is increasing because there are too many people in this world. People nowadays can pick and choose exactly who they want in a friend, aquaintance, etc. Media makes us believe we should look, act, dress, and be a certain way to be human. And to be included.

Serious Social Anxiety Disorder?

there might be a some sort of anxiety disorder, but it is all in your head. People only see and act the way you feel about yourself. Maybe you are just too shy and from the experience you told, i bet that you dont even ask questions at school, get lost all the time, dont know whats going on all the time, and have a hard time in relationships, am i wrong? if you keep this up you will never get nowhere. Let them think what they want, i mean was missing your stop, wasting precious time and getting lost all worth it so that people WHO YOU DONT EVEN KNOW AND DONT KNOW YOU wont think that you were a loser? i know how you feel because i am the same way with people i know. Sometimes when i am at a place and i know people from school i feel like you feel, but you just need to relax, keep telling your mind that you are cool and there is nothing wrong. You just need to know how to act kool, and even if you need to get up to get a map, do it with attitude, with your head up high, look at the people around you (give them the stare so that you could intimidate them), take your time, and they will think you are cool. If you dont know them them screw them, who gives a **** what they think.
ps. most people who ride the bus are old, old asians, adults, drug addicts and crazy people. i dont think you are one of them so once again, WHO GIVES A **** WHAT THEY THINK.. i really hope this helped and i just didnt waste my time typing all of this up.

I think I have social anxiety disorder but my parents are not taking it seriously. What should I do?

✌️✌️✌Anxiety and worry are major challenges.Worry: a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems. A chain of negative laden thoughts reviewing past issues or projecting future results. Many times worry takes on a problem solving element. An attempt to "figure it out".A couple of things right off the jump: "uncertainty over actual of potential problems"--we must emphasize. In life there are real/actual problems to worry about.. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY IF YOU WORRY. It's normal. Some strategies.1) Try to stay in the present moment. Worry involves an almost compulsive tendency to project future outcomes and/or ruminate on past issues. Staying in the present moment is a SKILL that you can develop over time:a) Daily practice to stay grounded include meditation, prayer, and mindfulness exercises. A couple other exercises include: turning off the music/radio as you drive to work; pay attention to your surroundings; many times we drive to work on automatic pilot.b) In the moment exercises: When you find your mind wandering bring yourself back and place intentional focus on whatever activity is in front of your. Literally talk to yourself. In you mind walk yourself through the activity ("I am now calling the next customer"; "I am now grading these papers" etc...)2) DO NOT try and suppress the worry by berating yourself. DO NOT "worry about worry". As we try and push down a thought or an emotion it tends to gain strength. Instead try to accept and observe the worry and "ride it out".Check out my blog Home | Subscribe. And share.

I think I have social anxiety disorder but I'm scared to talk to my doctor and mom about it, what should I do?

If you feel anxious in social situations weather moderate or extreme you should seek help immediately!Your mother's behavior is not uncommon for her generation. The stigmatization of mental health issues is common occurrence in society. However, social anxiety is a disorder that can create phsycal symtoms as well as mental and emotional issues, career failures, and relationship destruction.The best treatment for social anxiety is exposure therapy. That is slowly exposing the patient to the trigger situation.I know the devastation of social anxiety being in a store creates a situation where I'd rather go without necessities than go into the public situation. Slowly exposing myself to the situation has helped.I recommend getting a support system now before it's too late! Friends save lives.

How do I tell my teacher that I might have Social Anxiety Disorder?

Yes. You most likely have this disorder. You really need to ask yourself some questions. Why do you care so much about other people's opinions of you? Why do you think that you're always the center of attention in public? When did these feelings start? You may need therapy and an anti-depressant if you cannot get to the root of your fears by yourself. You have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to your teacher. She's not going to do anything to you or judge you. Best of luck to you.