I Think I Live With A Ghost

Do ghost live in the 4th dimension?

Ghost are spirits trapped between dimensions, usually third and forth dimension. Ghost have their own frequency signatures.

Ghost usually have much details because they are so close to our dimension......Are you sure these aren't spirits from a higher dimension, they have a faster vibration, they appear more like a shadow or mist with not much details. Like a fan that spins at fast speed, you don't see much details unless they slow down their vibrational speed, like a fan slow it down and you can see more detail, but these higher dimensional spirits can only do it for a short time before they disappear.

There are many stages of manifestation, so if they are ghost, they are at that stage of not fully manifestation. Why ghost are confused with other spirits, they are similar, just in different dimensions, and different awareness's.
Hope this helps clarifies that you understand.

How long do ghost shrimp live?

My ghost shrimp have been alive and well for @ 1year. They key to keeping ghost shrimp alive is to not put them in an aquarium with fish that will eat them. I think they do better by themselves or with snails, corydoras, plecos,etc. Good luck with your shrimp. Aren`t they fun to watch?!

I think I saw a ghost for the first time in my life, what do I do?

My whole live I've been that person that doesn't believe in ghosts.
But, this morning I was laying in bed crying, (I've been going through a rough patch) I had just gotten done praying and I rolled over and opened my eyes. I swear I saw what looked like a little girl (though I couldn't really see her body) and she was wearing a white dress. I got really freaked out, because well I don't believe in this sort of thing. I blinked and it was still there. I felt like it was just watching me.
I grabbed my cell phone and put light on it and it was gone in the light. Then I moved my phone away and I could still see it.
I kept my phone light in that spot for awhile longer and I couldn't see anything...
I probably sound like totally crazy and like I'm making this up, but I promise I'm not.
I'm genuinely freaked out by this and afraid to go back to sleep..

Could this have been a ghost? Or spirit or whatever?
What do I do about it? Should I be worried?

How do you make a ghost feel welcome , sent I have to live with them?

Actually talking to them helps.They're stuck there so all they can really do is listen.
It'll seem like talking to yourself but remember,this ghost use to be human to,you tell it its welcome here,and you can also strike a deal with it,like telling it to leave family members alone and stuff.
Telling it its welcome will work ^^

How do I get a friendly ghost to live in my house?

I want a ghost to live in my house. Like one I can talk to and see and that will talk back. My house isn't very old and i highly doubt anyone has died in it. And i don't want to use a Ouija board because i hear they can be very dangerous. Any ideas?