I Think I May Be Depressed And Don

I think I'm depressed but I don't know if I am. How can I tell?

If you feel like not wanting to do anything, not wanting to eat or over eating... have been feeling this way more than 2 weeks... You need to be seen immediately if you are having suicidal thoughts... go to your emergency room. They can help you. OTHERWISE, call your family doctor and make a list of the way you have been feeling.1. How long has this been going on2. What caused you to feel this way3. Do you have a lack of energy4. Are you eating or over eating5. When did you notice this6. Are you having any thoughts of hurting your self or others7. Are you able to clean your home8. Are you able to care for yourself... i.e. take showers, personal hygiene 9. Are you caring for a child or someone else? Have you been neglecting them10. Have you lost interest in social activities 11. Are you skipping appointments, or going to work 12. Are you hearing voices or seeing thing things that aren't that others can't see13. Do you have a plan to harm yourself or someone elseIf you answered yes to most of all of these... see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise call your family doctor.

I think I'm depressed, but I?

Depression is a widespread condition, affecting millions of people, Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, such as a loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, or psychological problems such as abuse or low self-esteem.

God apparently intends for us all to live joyful lives. This is not easy for someone suffering from situational depression, but it can be remedied through God's gifts of prayer, Bible study and fellowship among believers. We must make the conscious effort to help them and take them through these. Feelings of depression can often be solved when those suffering with depression move the focus from themselves to Christ and others.

Clinical depression is a physical condition that must be diagnosed by a physician. It may not be caused by unfortunate life circumstances .Depression can sometimes be caused by a physical disorder that needs to be treated with medication and counselling. We should go for a medical check up.

We should consider letting God truly be God in our life, He will prove how big He really is, “for nothing is impossible with God” (Bible). Perhaps scars from past hurts have resulted in a sense of rejection or abandonment. That may lead to self-pity, anger, bitterness, vengeful thoughts, or unhealthy fears that have caused problems in some of our most important relationships and can lead to suicide.

No matter how bad things are in our life, there is a God of love who is waiting for them. Jesus endured all this so that they might have all sins forgiven. Whatever weight of guilt we carry, if we receive Him as our Saviour, He will forgive. God stands ready to repair what is “broken,” namely, the life we have now, the life we want to end by suicide. Jesus is calling us, “Come Unto me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will you rest” Visit:

Visit: for a detailed information about depression.

I think too much and get depressed. I don't have control over it. What should I do?

First of all,you have to realize that thinking is futile and a waste of time. That's the first step. The only reason you do it now and seem to have no control over it is because you've developed it as a habit. Initially you got a pay off from it;maybe it made you feel more secure. But now it's destroying your peace. When you tell yourself that it's a waste of time, subconsciously you begin to release from that habit. Thinking does nothing for you except when learning something new or making a decision. If your thinking and your in exactly the same place when you're done,(or maybe a worse place)it's a waste of time.Secondly, you cannot stop thinking. We are ALWAYS thinking, even in our sleep. And to not think about anything, your thinking about not thinking of anything.So since you can't stop thinking, what you have to do is distract yourself from your thoughts. Divert the attention of your mind to something positive and simple: a movie, Perez Hilton, Food, a funny clip,anything! The reason you feel depressed is because you think of things that you do not have control over or are relatively complex and never ending.Lastly, accept that you cannot understand everything, you cannot control everything. Yes you are a speck on this earth and relatively nothing in our galaxy,talkless of the entire universe. Yes the phenomenon of you being able to read this and the multiple systems working in you to enable that happen right now and even the fact that your heart hasn't stopped beating from the moment you were formed In your mother's womb are overwhelming.You can't know everything. And you shouldn't. It's a lie that you should because you can't. The only thing you MUST know is NOW. Because that is all that exists.If King Solomon said everything is meaningless, and Socrates said one thing i know is that I know nothing at all-What are you still looking for?Enjoy your life.Enjoy right now.You're breathing.

I think I'm becoming depressed?

Actually, despite what people have said, many of these online tests are identical to the screening tests that doctors use so they can be quite accurate. Why can't you see a doctor? It really is the best thing. Depression is not something you can will yourself out of. If you do have depression, you need medical help.

Things that you can do are: get some exercise. Really. It may be the last thing you want to do but can really make you feel better. Try and eat well, making sure you are getting lots of the right nutrients. Look for a good self-help book on depression. There are lots out there and can really help. Try nutritional supplements like Omega 3. If you have a good friend or someone you can trust, talk to them. If you're still at highschool, maybe there's someone there you can talk to. But please try and see a doctor if you can.

I think I may be depressed. My boyfriend says I'm just lazy and unmotivated. How can u tell?

There are many symptoms for depression. These are the most common:

Depressed mood.
Inability to enjoy activities.
Problems concentrating.
Changes in eating habits or appetite.
Weight gain or weight loss.
Changes in sleeping habits.
Difficulty going to work or taking care of your daily responsibilities because of a lack of energy.
Feelings of guilt and hopelessness; wondering if life is worth living (common).
Slowed thoughts and speech.
Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide.
Complaints that have no physical cause (somatic complaints) such as headache and stomachache.

For me, the two many things that signaled my depression were anger and crying a lot.

I'm depressed but my parents don't believe me?

From my own experience, all I can tell you do need help, it is out there and if you can not get it from your parents right now, then go to another adult,(family member or friends parent, teacher, or your doctor) There are also 800 numbers you can call for help. If you can not get your parents to grasp the fact that you need help, then start with one of the other I have listed and I promise your parents will come to realize your pain.

My therapist says I'm depressed but I don't believe it. What do I do?

The diagnosis of depression includes a much broader array of symptoms than most people know about. A correct diagnosis include a number of changes in the way that you think, feel and in day-to-day activities.Because of the nature of the illness (it affects the way you think), it is typical to not be aware of all the ways you might be affected by it. But, you can’t get better if you don’t feel that something is wrong, either. I imagine you are in therapy for something that you do find difficult to deal with; remember that depressive symptoms work together to rob the patient of their ability to deal with things effectively.My advice would be to see a medical doctor and ask specifically to be assessed for “depression and anxiety disorder”. This is because depression - when properly diagnosed - is a medical condition and requires medical treatment. Be open and forthcoming with your doctor and explain that you are skeptical of your therapist’s opinion and you want to know if it is something worth pursuing. Expect to give thoughtful answers to questions, and also expect your doctor to run some blood tests, as depressive-like symptoms can be caused by things like thyroid deficiency or blood cell count, and these will have to be ruled out in order for you to be correctly diagnosed.