I Think I Might Be Being Haunted And I

I think my house is haunted?

A couple months ago, a strange thing happened. I had returned home from shopping and found my attic door opened. There's no way to open the attic door without a ladder being used (comes without one) and unless you are extremely tall, a chair won't do.

Lately my 2 year old has been nervous and scared day and night. She will point at the walls and ceilings telling me "Look, its here". She'll tell whatever it is she's looking (or imagining) to go away. Whatever it is or whatever she's thinking ,it is scary looking and scaring her too.

I asked her if it was something nice or mean. She said mean.

I asked her if it looked like a dog, a flower, a rabbit or some sort of cartoon character from her favorite tv shows (both good and bad) and each time she tells me it's a ghost.

With her limited vocabulary, she can't seem to tell me exactly what it looks like except its scary.

Is there anything I can do? I am a somewhat believer of the supernatural.

Am I being haunted?!!?

new or old doesnt matter a ghost can walk into any building the same as you or I can and stay.... are u being haunted? doesnt sound like it really.. is there ghosts around you? ALWAYS... or nearly always does that mean yer haunted NO just means there hanging around you... haunted means they are actively doing things or actively making themselves seen at least... it sounds like you can see them not them being seen IE there just nearby and always will be get used to them... in fact talk to them make em happy to be knowticed.

I think I'm being haunted by ghosts. What should I do?

The first step in any paranormal investigation is to remember part of Occam's Razor theory: "The simplest explanation is often the correct one" (forgive my paraphrasing). Look for every single other explanation before declaring something supernatural is going on. Electronic equipment can be twitchy. DVDs can jump around to different modes if they're scratched. The other issues you're describing don't sound paranormal to me -- I think you may want to see a doctor or psychiatrist. I am neither of these, but a quick google search brought up something called Cotard's Syndrome, in which a person might have doubts as to whether they're alive or not. There's no shame in needing to see a psychiatrist. Do what you need to do to get healthy.If all logical explanations have been a no-go, and you have a clean bill of health, then...well, keep looking for environmental glitches that may be causing problems. Bad plumbing, creaky houses, a heater leaking CO2, a badly-wired fuse-box... All of these can affect one's perception of reality and (even worse) have long-term effects on your health. CO2 especially can be lethal, if levels are too high.I would go through all of these steps before attempting a full-on ghost hunt. I'm a firm believer in the paranormal -- but I'm also a firm believer in common sense. Good luck, my friend.

I think my house is haunted, what's the first thing to do?

Let's take it step-by-step:Why do you feel your house is haunted? In my entire life, I've never seen a haunted house that didn't have a logical many cases, I've resolved a haunting by doing something like properly mounting a pipe to a ceiling joistInvite somebody to come stay with you for a bit. DO NOT TELL THE PERSON THAT YOU FEEL YOUR HOUSE IS HAUNTED. DON'T PROMPT THIS PERSON IN ANY WAY. You want this person to be a completely neutral observer. Make an excuse like, "I'm thinking of selling my house and I want an outside perspective on how comfortable my house is." This gives you a way of having the person sleep in a different bedroom each night. If the person mysteriously sleeps through the night with no issues, guess what?Eliminate all possibilities. Do you have pets? Get them out of the house for a few days. Kids? Have them stay with relatives for a few days after you get the pets back. You're looking to remove any other possible sources, and kids are well known perpetrators of many "hauntings". Still think the house is haunted? Okay, next up: eliminate those items that are known scientifically. Do the hauntings only happen when you're asleep? You're most like experiencing some mix of night terrors and waking dreams, both of which are well known and established.  Is it isolated to a single room of the house, or a specific time of day? This may allow you to narrow things down and find the real cause.Still think the house is haunted? Figure out where you think hauntings are taking place in the house and set up a camera to record things. If you hear sounds, a camera will pick it up. If you see things, a camera will pick it up. Still think the house is haunted? Call in an investigator. No no, not a "ghost hunter", they'll charge you thousands of dollars to pretend to do something, hoping for a placebo effect. No, you want to get yourself somebody like me, a skeptic, who works for free because we're desperately looking for an actual haunting so we can finally say "well look at that!" I can guarantee you if you have done all these things and you have, on camera, proof of a haunting, a skeptic will come running to investigate. Just look up your local skeptics' society ( and ask for help!After all that, if you STILL feel your house is haunted, feel free to try the other suggestions by other people...but please, don't just jump to the "ghost" conclusion when it's most likely something simple and benign.

How do we come to know if our house is haunted?

Someone please explain what I saw.Well, I’m an Athiest and don’t believe in ghosts either. Never in my whole life have I encountered anything weird enough to amaze me except this one time.Background:I’m from India and my childhood was partially spent in a rural area where my grandparents lived. So on this particular day my grandfather had died and after completing all the funeral activities, we were ready to go to sleep. At that time we used to sleep on roofs. My cousins were busy discussing something on the bed left to mine, my aunt was lying on another bed left to my cousins’. There were two rooms on either side of this roof, somewhat like this |___|. I (12 years old) was talking to my elder sister (20s) while looking at the sky. The sky in villages is so clear that one can tell why this galaxy is called ‘Milky’. One can always find a meteor traveling through the Milky Way Galaxy when the sky is clear.Phenomenon:My elder sister and I both were quite, listening to what our cousins were discussing and admiring the sky. All of a sudden I felt numb, I could sense a kind of pressure coming from above and this started happening before 1 second the flash of white light had appeared which then passed from right to left in a split second. After it passed the same former sensation persisted for about 1 second. May be I was dumbstruck but it was as if my body had stopped responding. After the event me and my sister exlaimed together, “dekha dekha?” (Did you see?). We asked the same question to our cousins who were busy in discussions and they said they didn’t see anything. For a moment we thought it was our imagination and then my aunt said,”maine dekha” (I saw).Until this day I can only relate this event to an alien spaceship because:It felt very close.There was no sound, only light and kind of pressure.Sorry for any bad English.

Do you think your house is haunted? Who might be haunting your house?

My house is not haunted. But over the four years I have lived here I have had multiple paranormal experiences. I believe these experiences have been caused by spirits passing through(wanderers as I call them) or by spirits that have been attracted to me(as I am sensitive to spirit energy and by being active in the field of paranormal research and investigation, that seems to draw spirits to you).I had one spirit that stuck around for over 6 months. It started out just making itself known once every one or two weeks, but progressed to the point where every night I was experiencing something and finally had to get my team together to clear my house, as it had gone from coexisting with me to being a major nuisance. The most common phenomena associated with that particular spirit were: hearing a voice from another room that I knew was empty. Hearing a person walking around in a room I knew was empty. Seeing a shadow dart across a hallway. And temperature changes where the temp would just drop for no apparent reason(including one day when I turned on Ghost Adventures and the temperature dropped 10 or more degrees, Ghost Adventures always caused this spirit to become active, I do not know why.)The last spirit to come through was around for two or three months. It would most often just move my bedroom door a couple inches. Though I would occasionally hear what sounded like a person moving around in an empty room and sometimes see an odd shadow here or there. My wife and my best friend all witnessed my door moving on its own when they had been over as well.There had been a couple other spirits the passed through and as such, I would have a day or three where there would be paranormal phenomena that would occur, but then it would stop.I have recently set up a series of crystals around my house in order to keep spirits out. It’s not that I want to be mean or don’t like the idea of being able to investigate in ones house(which yes, does make it easier to conduct experiments and attempt to document substantial evidence), but I believe ones home should be a place of comfort and a place where one can get away and relax from paranormal endeavors when needed. And since setting up my crystals, I have not experienced any more activity, nor has my wife.

Do you think Columbine high is haunted?

I think it might be. Go here:

How can I tell if my house is haunted?

I've never heard of a door slamming SOFTLY, have you? You seem a bit prone to embellishment. Air movement in houses, either from open windows or from air conditioning, causes doors to slam. Nothing paranormal about that.
Houses creak due to thermal expansion or contraction as temperatures change. Nothing paranormal there.
<[I've] seen shadows> The eye is easily fooled, especially under low-light conditions. You're letting your subconscious fears run away with your imagination.
Nor are auditory hallucinations all that uncommon; the brain can easily misidentify a background sound, or it can make up something out of thin air. You know how powerful the brain is when it comes to creating perfectly convincing hallucinations, because you see it every night in your dreams.
It's because you're a bit paranoid, and a superstitious teenager. Sorry, because I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm not hearing anything in your story that sounds like anything more than a typical laundry list of banal, unrelated items that paranormal believers use to convince themselves that they're being haunted, like they imagine they see on those scripted paranormal "reality" television shows.

Am I being haunted by a succubus?

Last night, about 3:00 am, I had a dream that I was in the park and a beautiful woman came up to me and started rubbing her hands all over me. Then she started caressing my private parts. Then she told me that if I ever touched that wh--- woman again, that she would make me loose these. Then I woke to a pain in the groin so great that I almost threw up. It was like someone punched me hard in-between my legs. I was home alone. I don't see how pain that great could be in anyway be related to sleep paralysis. After I opened my eyes, I could see the same woman floating above me. As she floated above me, she told me that I now belonged to her and no one else and that no woman better ever touch me again or they would die. After floating above me for about 2 minutes, she then ascended up through the ceiling and was gone. It scared the he-- out of me. I am convinced this is not sleep paralysis that I am actually being haunted by a spirit that is more than likely a succubus. What do think? What should I do?
It was extremely scary. It was so scary that I laid awake for the rest of the night. The pain was so real too. It hurt for hours. At 11:00, as I was falling asleep, I felt like someone was in the room with me. I could here footsteps. It also felt as if the bed sunk in on either side of me as if someone was stradleing me. Also, I felt something strange. It is hard to discribe. But, it felt as if this intense heat was on my skin. Then the heat penatrated my skin into my muscles and deeper. It was weird. Also, I heard a woman's voice. She several approx. 5 or 6 words. I could only make out the last word she said. That word was succubus. I didn't think anything about it until I woke up at 3:00 as discribed above. I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight because I am still scared to death. I hope it just my imagination. But, what if it isn't?
This is not the first experience. This is the six experience in the last month. Prior to that, I had three expiriences. One about 2 years ago. One about 5 years ago. And one about 20 years ago.