I Think My Dog Is Racist

My racist dog?

I have a white Siberian Husky that we let run around in our fenced yard. The dog is VERY friendly to most people especially children. But, my dog does not like African American (dark skinned) people. It barks at them and acts defensive whenever one comes around. Any theories or suggestions?

Is your dog racist?

I once had a dog who would growl at black people, tramps, disabled people, militaries in uniform and priests in cassock.I guess he was racist and even something else.On the other hand, he would follow any bitch in heat, no matter her colour, height, fur length or grizzliness and even if she had disabilities.So I guess that no, he was not racist, just kind of choosy with individuals of my species. Perhaps he thought that I was racist and wanted to alert me.

So i think my dogs are racist?

Before you say that dogs can't be racist... let me explain. I adopted my dachshunds around the 4th of January, from a humane society. The people at the shelter warned me that the dogs were racist. As if to prove it they both attempted to bite the teenage boy who volunteered there. A few days after I adopted them, I was walking them. A lady and her husband were walking their dachshund and german shepard. The lady was white and the man was black. They attempted to bite him. I originally thought they didn't like men, until I had them at a pet store to get new collars and a black lady bent down to pet them. They snapped at her. They don't snap at hispanics, middle easterners, or orientals, just black people. I'm embarrassed because I can't have my friends over as some of them are black or have black boyfriends.

Are some dogs racist?

My neighbors dog barks at every dark skinned person that walks by, but not light skinned people!
Do you think its a reflection of the owners or is the dog just racist??

To what extent are dogs racist?

Dogs do not have the capacity to be racist, they simply do not associate with other species for natural reasons. They do not feel superior or inferior to others, they simply do as nature has programmed them, to survive, reproduce and protect their kind.rac·ismˈrāˌsizəm/nounprejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."a program to combat racism"synonyms:racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.noun: racism

Can dogs be racist towards other dogs?

If, by ‘racist’, you mean that they treat different breeds differently, then the answer is a definite ‘yes’.Most sighthound (greyhound, whippet, etc.) owners soon realise that their dogs react very differently to other sighthounds. They are much more interested in interacting in a friendly way with another sighthound than with other breeds.

Do you think that saying some Chinese people eat dogs is racist?

Is anti-semitism racist? Not really, it is just hostile discrimination against a certain cultural group. The “Chinese <-> dog eater��� etiquette is just one excuse to relate Chinese with negative things. By putting this kind of labels on “Chinese people”, they want you to build the fear/disgust for Chinese into reflex.According to the most audacious estimation, China consumes 20 million dogs every year, which corresponds to at most 2 million regular dog eaters, i.e. 0.14% of the population. Seriously do you have stats about the percentage of people eat dogs by countries? I bet S.Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines will beat China largely. For example, in Vietnam, 5 million dogs are consumed every year, which correspond to 500,000 regular dog eaters, i.e. 0.5% of the country’s population, tripling the Chinese figure! Even some Swiss people eat dog meat as a tradition. Why aren’t Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Polynesians more famous for dog eating? If you want to argue that it’s the absolute number that matters, then think about the 99.86% of Chinese people who don’t eat dog regularly! That means at least 1.3 billion non dog meat eaters! China is also the country with the biggest population of non dog meat eaters! Try figure how many people you are hurting when you just emphasize “Chinese eat dogs”!Another example: talking about female rights in the world, many will first picture women in China, N.Korea struggling. But what about the Middle East and African countries? What about the “sex tourism” in Thailand and the Philippines where thousands of white pedophiles from developed countries pay regular visit every year?The toxic stereotypes are already there in the mass media. Many people are deeply influenced and they are in turn perpetuating them by social media.

My dog's name is Blacky. Is that racist?

She is about 11 years old, and her name has been Blacky since she was a puppy. I named her that when I was little so I didn't know it might be offensive. Is it? Somebody recently said, "Your dog's name is Blacky...?" and ever since, I've started to realize her name might be racist.