I Think There Is A Fly Inside My Head

I think a fly flew into my ear?

Forgot to write about it. I was laying on my bed getting annoyed with this fly flying anround, when it flew up close to my ear and stopped flying. I didnt feel it at all, but a few seconds later i felt a wierd tickle on my ear. By then i was well jumped up, but now the fly is no where to be found. I cant feel him in my ear, but i really hope he isnt in my brain! He looked like a normal house fly, but made a louder than usual buzzing sound when he flew....

Can fly larva live inside of you?

No. Fly larva are completely different from internal larva (tapeworms, etc..). The acid in the stomach will kill them if they are alive when consumed.

Also, fly larva (maggots) don't live on just dead animals. Maggots eat necrotic (dying/dead) tissue. And maggots are sometimes used in the medical filed to help clean wounds (eating the dead tissue so new tissue can grow)

I think I have a bug inside my head?

I think mosquitoes are too big to fit in your ear and actually stay there. (Only the first little bit is all that big, then it gets really really narrow and there's a lot of little hairs and wax to keep stuff out).

It's entirely possible that flew really really close to your ear and may have even landed right inside the outer most part of the ear, and then flew away (making your think it came OUT your ear when it didn't even really get inside). But it's unlikely that it would actually stick around "inside your head", even baby mosquitoes.

But I did hear about a little boy (7 yrs old I think) that had two really tiny spiders inside his ear. He went to the doctor and they "flushed it" and they came out.

He didn't hear buzzing though, he described it as a "popping" sound... As for mosquitoes, the buzzing sound is made by their wings, and if they were inside your ear/head, they wouldn't be able to flap their wings, and that's why it flew back out again. I've had flies and bugs and stuff land in my ears too and then fly right back out when I freak and move my head. They're not very intelligent, so they don't realize that it's your ear...

If anything, maybe it's an ant or something. It would most likely die pretty quick though. Or a very tiny spider like that little boy had. They say the average human swallows 8 spiders over the course of their life, I'm sure the spider could walk into an ear just as easily.

It's probably nothing, but if you're that worried, it's better safe than sorry and go see a doctor. Don't go to the emergency room or anything (it'll cost a lot more and you'll probably wait for all day while they take everybody with more life-or-death, visible problems before you...). If it's not painful, you're probably fine just calling your family doctor in the morning and setting up an emergency visit.

Good luck!

Who sings the song with the lyrics im flying so high, high of fthe ground, when you are around?

Jem - Flying High

Can an insect fly up your nose and eat your brain/lay eggs in your brain?

No. There is no direct connection such as a tube or anything that an insect could use to get from your nose to your brain.

There is a documented case of someone who had a tomato seed stuck in their teeth. The seed germinated and the tomato plant grew up into their skull...

What happens if a fly went inside my nose?

For some reason, there are a lot of flies hanging around my front lawn and today as I was walking to my car, I feel as if one went inside my right nostril. Is this even possible? When I felt it in there, I quickly tried to sneeze, but I felt as if it had already traveled inside my nose. Now I feel something in my brain. I have heard the stories of flies going inside peoples' noses and laying eggs. Will I be okay? I think now is when I need a neti pot. What do I do? And what is that feeling I feel in the back of my head? Is there a fly in there?

What should I do if a fly enters into my ear?

This happened to me. Last night.I was sleeping or half asleep and I heard the buzzing and felt the contact. Instinctively, I smashed my hand to the ear. I wasn’t really thinking, but whatever effort I made to kill it or scare it away is possibly what trapped the thing inside the canal: alive, buzzing and moving.What I did then was try to evacuate the insect by giving it more room. In SCUBA, you are trained to “clear your ears” by trying blow through your nose while you are pinching it closed on the bridge with your fingers. That did not work.I woke my husband and he could not visualize the thing. It’s the Fourth of July Holiday, when all of the medical residents start their rotations and the single worst time of the year to go to the ER. Remember just this fact when you think about whether it might be fun to launch fireworks for the first time after four cocktails.My husband got online and found advice from the Mayo Clinic that he could irrigate with a pipette/straw of olive oil (mineral oil or baby oil), so I laid fly-ear-up for him and tried to control my nerves. He said he read the insect would eventually “float” out. I gave it quite a while before I turned and laid fly-ear-down on a towel and waited for it to drain. The moving had stopped, but no fly came out.This morning, my sister came in an looked inside my ear with a flashlight. She visualized something she could easily reach with just her (small, clean) finger. It was the insect’s body. It was smaller than a housefly—more like a gnat…but definitely winged.Now, I am still lying on the towel, hoping any residual oil will drain out before I start my day. Later, I will go to the beach and swim in saltwater. If I didn’t have that option, I may have made up a saline solution to gently rinse with. I will use a neti pot, as well, in a couple days.The sensation that remains is mostly due to my own sensitivity and nerves. I happen to hate flies, so the ordeal was more psychological than anything else.The important thing is what NOT to do…which is exactly what you feel like you WANT to do. You will want to get a pair of tweezers and extract the thing, and that just is not a safe move, because some insects will burrow and scratch against the eardrum and any scratch (even from just the tweezer tips) will cause inflammation and swelling. Also, it’s important to get the whole thing out in one piece…this is made easier with the oil method.This was a revolting experience, but not a big deal in the grander scheme.

Lyrics to Flying High by Empyreon?

Flying High:
Upon hearing the news,
I knew that you were gone
I’ve waited to tell you
I’ve waited too long

Your ocean blue eyes
Still reflect in my stare
I took it for granted
You’d always be there

But now you are gone
And I’m here all alone
Writing love letters
And sitting by the phone

Flying High,
Over the mountains and the plains
Flying High,
Through teary eyes I call your name

Its way to late now
to take back what I’ve done
I can see you in the wind
and your smile in the sun

Fighting back memories
I reach for your hand, in my mind
fingers run through your hair
I keep for myself a strand

Fly went in my eye? help?

i think a fly flew into my eye, i was proper rubbing it, and just now i think i could hear something weird inside my head like a pop or something, am i freaking out or is this serious?