I Took 18 500mg Of Acetaminophen About A Month Or Two Ago But Nothing Happened. What Should I Do

I took 18 acetaminophen 500mg pills, 12 hours ago, should I be worried?

The maximum tylenol you can take a day is 4,000 mg. Acetominophen is the generic name for tylenol. So if you took them within 24 hours, you have overdosed on the drug. If you did this as a suicide gesture--I'm afraid you still might make it, because tylenol kills your liver, and even with a measure of regeneration, the longer you wait for treatment--and there is one--the greater are your chances of dying a slow death of liver failure--you need medical help. I was an emergency RN for 23 years, and saw this frequently. Show your mother my post, and go to your nearest ER. Good Luck.

Is 1300mg of acetaminophen in one dosage too much?

Don't be overly concerned, you'll be fine. A common adult single dose is up to 1,000 mg. and as long as you haven't taken more than 5,000 mg. in a 24-hour period you have nothing to worry about.

PS: If you have any concerns at all or need further reassurance, call the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. This national hotline number will let you talk directly to experts. It's a free and confidential service, and does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I have taken 16 paracetamol at once, what is going to happen? Already 12 hours but im feeling normal.

I had a case in the Emergency Department where a young woman took 100 acetaminophen. She was surprised to awaken that next morning realizing her attempt at suicide had failed. She was actually glad, as the reason wasn't as serious as she had made it the night before. Now almost a week later she had never told her mother, nor anyone else. Now sick, she reported to the ED. It was way to late. Her liver functions were off scale. She had succeeded in destroying her liver. She died horribly days later. I was told that her case had made the FDA put a limit on how much acetaminophen could be packaged in one container. (not verified) in the USA.

What would happen if I took 40 paracetamol tablets?

If untreated (by having an infusion with N-acetylcysteine, ideally within the first 8 hours but up to 24 hours after having taken the paracetamol overdose, the first three days, nothing, maybe just a bit nauseated, you’d wonder what the fuss was all about, maybe regret having OD-ed.After three days acute liver failure sets in, getting jaundiced, nauseated, confused, having right upper belly aches, maybe bleeding problems, then in many slowly, inexorably, one would miserably die after 5 to 7 days, only getting a donor liver in time (very, very improbable) would safe your life. If not dying you’d have serious liver damage, most probably developing a cirrhosis of the liver later on with all its dire conseqences.

What happens if you take 8 paracetamol at once?

Paracetamol is toxic for your liver.The norm is 3g/day - if you take 8 paracetamol at once - you risk paracetamol intoxication.Over a few days a person under paracetamol intoxication will experience0,5–24 hDigestive problems , mainly nausea and vomitingAbdominal pain2. 24–48 hApparent regression of the symptomsThe urine debit may diminish slightly3. 3–5 daysHepatic cytolysis : destruction of the liver basicallyAbdominal painIcterus : pigmentation of the skin turns yellow due to high bilirubin levels which are a consequence of the hepatic cytolysisCoagulation troublesHypoglycemiaKidney troublesIf not treated - coma and deathParacetamol should be taken following the medical prescription.If it is not effective ,you should talk to your doctor to identify the underlying issue and to come out with an adequate treatment.

What happens to the body when you overdose on paracetamol?

Large doses, >150mg/kg body weight or >10g in adult can cause serious paracetamol toxicity.Fatality is common with >250mg/kg.Early manifestations are just nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and liver tenderness with no impairment of consciousness. After 12­-18 hours centrilobular hepatic necrosis occurs which may be accompanied by renal tubular necrosis and hypoglycaemia that may progress to coma.Jaundice starts after 2 days. Further course on the dose taken. Fulminating hepatic failure and death are likely if the plasma levels above the line joining 200 µg/ml at 4 hours 30 µg/ml at 15 hours.and

What will happen after eating 6 paracetamol tablets?

Assuming your taking the 500 mg kind, that would be 3,000 mg. 3,000 mg is the maximum limit for 24 hours. It's not a smart idea because even though it's in the range of non-toxic, paracetamol effects everyone differently. It could take 8,000 mg to overdose for one person but for another person it could take just 3,000 mg. Paracetamol overdoses can be fatal, so I'd keep it safe. Your liver could get severely damaged.

A couple months ago, I took 10,000 mg of Tylenol. I took 2-3 pills every couple of hours until I got to 10,000 mg. Nothing happened. What would happen if I took 12,000 mg of Tylenol all at once now?

You are destroying your liver. Death by liver failure is awful.I seriously hope you have not done this, but if you have get to a hospital right away. These pictures are horrible. Too many people think that you can just take an overdose and that will “teach your family”, then everything will be OK.If you are having suicidal thoughts, please see a doctor, phone the suicide prevention line or get to a hospital.Information on Liver FailureYour skin will itch dreadfullyYou get abdominal painYour skin turns this colourNice tongueThese are called spider veins which occur above the waistYour belly looks like this:Your eyes look like thisYour legs and feet will fill with fluid