I Took Up Swimming Can I Lose Belly Fat Without Losing Weight

Lose belly fat without losing your butt? 10pts?

Im 17, I weigh 130 and Im 5'5.

Im kinda skinny with a big butt. I would like to lose some belly fat, but im afraid ill lose my butt

What can I do?

thank you

Can you lose weight without losing waist size?

I think what you might experiencing stubborn fats accumulation at your waist area, such as love handles. Yes, we can’t spot reduce fats in a certain area of our body, but as long as you keep up with your fat loss regime, you’ll definitely see the results in no time.What you might want to do now is to adopt a minor calorie deficit, and to do exercises that promotes fat loss. Here are a few types of exercises you can adopt:High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This type of training method is considered one of the most efficient methods for fat loss, since it burns a huge amount of calories, yet takes up the least amount of time. A 15 minute HIIT session can burn to an equivalent to 30–45 minutes walk/jog. Hence, if you are looking to burn fat quickly, HIIT is definitely not to be missed.Fat-burning aerobic exercises. Moderate intensity aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, swimming can help you to burn fats, if you are to do it within the “fat-burning zone”. The fat-burning zone is whereby you body is fully depleted of carbohydrates storage, where it is mostly used up as energy source for the aerobic exercise. Thereafter, you will be able to utilize fats as the main energy source (which results in burning fats) instead after a period of time. The only setback on this exercise is that it requires at least 30–45 minutes for it to be effective.Resistance training. This is to allow after-burn effect, where there is an increased amount of calories you burned throughout the day even after your workout. This amount of calories burned can be increased (also known as metabolic rate), usually within the 24–48 hours period through resistance training such as weight lifting.A general guideline to fat loss would be at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. To increase calories expenditure, you can increase your exercise intensity as well as volume of training (Exercise Frequency). However, if you exercise too much, it can result in over-training and even lead to injuries. Thus, it is important to have sufficient exercise - not too little and not too much.If you require more fitness tips and sample workouts on how to lose waist fat effectively, check out the article below:SevenFitness - How to lose Belly Fat and Flatten your StomachSevenFitness - How to get rid of Love Handles Fast

How can i get a flat stomach without losing weight?

i really want to have a flater thinner stomach but i cant go on a diet and cant go to the gym due to the fact i have an eating disorder and my mother wont allow more diets since i have been in the hospital twice so how can i get a flatter stomach without losing any weight iam 5 2" and weigh 87 pounds but i still have a lot of fat in my stomach and rather it be more muscular thanks
please no comments on the eating disoreder thanks god bless you

How can I lose ALL my belly fat without running?

My right leg's messed up, so I can't do the running thing people tell me to do. I know planks work, but whenever I do those planks, my shoulders burn more than my abs/core. Am I doing the planks right? Or do I have to hold them longer for it to burn my abs?

Witch Is better swimming or running to lose body fat?

If you do both you can't lose. I swim in the mornings and run at night.

Can I lose fat by swimming?

Yes, and no. Going that infrequently will not do much for you as far losing weight rapidly, or toning your body. Any exercise that you do is good, but it's good to do something everyday. I walk for about an hour a day, but I break it up into segments. I'll walk for 30 at lunch, and then I'll take another two fifteen minute walks during the day. Swimming is excellent for you, because it doesn't cause any pressure on your joints, which is better for you than running or jogging, which is extremely hard on your body, and your joints.