I Wake Up After 6hours Help

Waking up after only 3-4 hours of sleep?

You are describing a type of insomnia which can be caused by many reasons. If humanly possible, avoid anything with caffeine after noon. Even coffee after noon, colas, mt. dew, and certain OTC meds like Exedrin, Anacin. Codeine and tobacco use can interfere with normal sleep cycle. Computer needs to be off a couple of hrs. before bed. Avoid shows with a lot of action at night as well. These overstimulate brain waves. There's tons of research about this. Please check out these as well. It will be worth your time~ :)

Tips for better sleep from the Mayo Clinic:

Tranquil music in background:

*All these are all good. If STILL awake have ur Dr. order Restoril. *I was up every 2hr. for 1+1/2 yrs & was taking Ambien, which made me sleepwalk) Restoril worked like a charm. What a difference in my life now that my sleep is uninterrupted! =)

Why do I wake up after 4 to 5 hours?

This happens to me all the time as well - it’s completely natural. There is a phenomenon called biphasic sleep, where you sleep in two periods during a twenty-four hour period. Usually this would mean 4–5 hours asleep, then an hour or two awake, then a few more hours of sleep. Our ancestors used to sleep like this, and even referred to these periods as “first” and “second” sleep. In modern times we’ve dropped this habit in favor of efficiency (if you sleep through the night you have an extra one or two hours to get more work done in the day), but it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad way to sleep. If you have the flexibility to wake up a bit later and you can get back to sleep, you’ll feel great.One technique that helps me sleep through the night, believe it or not, is a tablespoon or two of almond butter before bed. The theory is that this keeps your blood sugar even as you sleep, so you’re less likely to wake up. Seems to work most of the time. A guaranteed way for me not to wake up is taking a small amount of Benadryl, but I don’t like to do this very often.

Why do I always wake up after 5 to 6.5 hours?

I believe, this has to do with your sleeping pattern. Our sleep is divided into multiple sleep cycle. Each cycle has multiple stages.Usually sleepers pass through five stages: 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. These stages progress cyclically from 1 through REM then begin again with stage 1. A complete sleep cycle takes an average of 90 to 110 minutes. The first sleep cycles each night have relatively short REM sleeps and long periods of deep sleep but later in the night, REM periods lengthen and deep sleep time decreases.Waking up in the beginning stages of your sleep cycle is important because our bodies aren’t entirely shut down. Being woken in a light stage of your sleep cycle has proven to make people feel more energetic and alert upon awakening.Meanwhile, being awoken in the middle of REM sleep can cause grogginess that has the potential to last throughout the morning and even throughout the day.So it is recommended to sleep in multiple of sleep cycles.You can use apps which can monitor your sleep cycles and can wake you in light stage to keep you refreshing for the day.I found this particular app very helpful.Sleep Cycle alarm clock on the App Store

My body keeps waking up after only few hours of sleep and then I can't sleep?

I have kind of a long story...but it's all the details of what have been happening lately incase it could help someone give me an answer and I really appreciate it if you can.

I was on a really bad sleep schedule (completely opposite of most people) going to bed at 9-10am and waking up at 4-5pm. I wanted to fix it one day so I forced myself to wake up (even though extremely tired) after only a few hours of sleep. I had gone to bed at around 10:30 am and woke up at about 2:30 pm. I took a walk in the sun and got exercise that day thinking that would help me sleep through the night and I thought I'd be so tired that night that I'd sleep like a baby. Well I went to bed that night and to my surprise I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and could not fall back asleep until noon and I slept until 4pm at that time (4 hrs). So total that day I got 7 hours of sleep. So that night I went to sleep around the same time as the night before (1:30am) and woke up at 4am after only 2 1/2 hours of sleep this time. When I woke up, I absolutely could not fall asleep this time I tried getting up, listening to music, reading, showering, etc. Nothing worked. I finally got maybe a few minutes of shut eye around 2:30pm that day and then I forced myself to stay awake to go to bed around the same time as the previous two nights. So I stayed up until around midnight or 12:30 and woke up at 4:30am. It's now 5:19 am and I'm on here trying to hopefully make myself tired enough to fall back asleep. Even though my body feels tired, it's almost impossible for me to make myself sleep again unless I go the whole day without sleeping.

My concern is that my body will never want to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time again. I don't think that's very healthy at all...I'm a person who usually sleeps 8-9 hours a day and I want that back. Is what I'm experiencing normal when trying to change a sleep cycle? Will my body eventually sleep at least 6 hours without fully waking up?

Thanks if you can help me..I've done drastic changes to my sleep schedule before but never had this problem where I'd wake up after a few hours and then couldn't sleep so I'm worried.

Waking up naturally after 6 hours?

If you're naturally waking up after 6 hours, that means your body is rested. You shouldn't be taking sleeping pills unless prescribed to you as that's extremely dangerous. Instead of being annoyed, take it as a good thing. This means your body is rested and you have very little sleep debt. Instead of trying to get back to sleep, get up and do something. Don't take sleeping pills unless your doctor tells you to. It just sounds like you're rested. Everyone needs a different amount of hours of sleep necessary to be fully rested. Hope this helps.

Will I be able to wake up after taking Nyquil 7 hours before my wakeup time?

It is supposed to be active in your system for 4-6 hours, so if you take it now you should be fine.

What are some reasons I'd wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep and then fall back asleep for another 2-4 hours?

A study actually found that humans are programmed to act this way. In the old days humans would go to sleep, wake up and do some things for an hour or so, and go back to sleep. I do not have time to find the study at the moment but it is something inherent to humans. The reason many don't do so is simply that times have changed and now sleep schedules are more often all night long.

Why do I generally wake up after about 2 hours of sleep then fall back to sleep shortly after?

This is because our sleep cycles are generally for about 90–120mins long. After every sleep cycle is over we come to our N1 sleep stage, which is very close to awakeness. Hence some people get the sense of being awake in that stage and then drift off to later stages in sleep. While most of us just roll on the other side and keep sleeping.If you are regularly waking up fully and then going to sleep (not just sense of sleeping), then you should check your environment. Probably the environment is not good for light sleeps. There are sounds, lights or uncomfortable bed around you disturbing in your light sleeps.Hope this answers your query.Happy sleeping :)

Why do I feel energetic/awake after 5-6 hours of sleep and groggy/super tired after 8-9 hours of sleep?

Why do I feel tired when I wake up after 8 hours of sleep, but not when I wake up after just 5–6 hours?Don’t be fooled by that wonderful rush of adrenaline you can get when you don’t get enough sleep. It will take a bit longer to fully wake up after 8 hours of sleep, but I believe that your day will go better and that you’ll feel more relaxed. You don’t get enough of an opportunity to get that drowsy feeling after just 5 or 6 hours of sleep. You’re actually wired. You decide which is better, but I think that you’re better off feeling a little groggy in the morning than wired. Sleep is good for health.