I Want Be Good With My Friend But Always In This World There Is Churn I Hate This What Can I Do

My friend always wants to hang out and i feel terrible...?

My friend always asks to hang out, i'm talking about almost every day (only within the past couple of weeks) and about 50% of the time she asks i say yes and we hang out but honestly i hate socializing with people at the moment because i have to put on a happy face and it completely drains me of energy. I really don't enjoy it i literally make excuses to get back home and stuff and i thought forcing myself to hang out with friends would help me feel happier but it doesn't. I've been telling her i've had too much homework, been busy etc. but i think she knows i'm lying and i really do feel terrible i just hate hanging out with anybody at the moment.

So the question is what can i say to her for why i can't hang out? I don't want to tell her the truth and i don't wanna hang out with her especially at the moment, i have so much stuff going on.

Thanks! :)


My best friend always wants me to drive her everywhere?

Okay, so my best friend and I both are 13 so we don't drive, please keep that in mind! My mom pretty much picks her up and drops her off whenever I want her to come over or go to the mall or do anything with her. And she really never invites me over to her house but she says it is because if she doesn't clean her room then she can't have friends over. Which leads to another thing. Her mom never drives her anywhere, im sorry to say it but her mom is very lazy and sleeps untill noon. That is why I feel so terrible for her because if she wants to go anywhere like the mall then she can't ask her mom. She asks me if I want to go to the mall with her then I assume that my mom has to waste gas and drive us up there. Sometimes her dad will take her places, but not not that often. Please tell me what to do because I am so stuck:/ she is my best friend and I hate that she is always stuck in her house but I don't want my mom to keep having to pay for more gas. Please help!!!!!

Why do my friends always judge me?

My friends seem to find joy in judging me. Don't say just ditch them because they won't leave me alone.
So basically, all of my friends keep calling me emo. And I don't really care if I'm emo. But they won't let me do what I want. They keep telling me I can't dye my hair, but when I walk away, the next day they start saying how they want to dye their hair, but they still wont let me do it. Also I wear a lot of black, but I've always done that.
I've lately become a big fan of My Chemical Romance, and they tell me I can't go to Hot Topic because its an emo store.
They're all obsessed with makeup, but when I wear black eyeliner its a crime.
Also, two of them know that I'm really kind of depressed, and I guess the other get some sort of vibe that I'm not really happy.
Am I emo? Or what is my problem.
I don't know what to do.

My BEST friend is always negative and complains?

My BEST friend is always so negative and always complains! I mean I love her to death but it's really gotten old. She calls me just so she can complain to me and I barely even talk, it's just her complaining about her parents and life. I feel for her but it gets on my nerves! She has so much pride! Like once I was hungery cause I couldn't get any breakfast and she was like "I'm not cause I ate breakfast, it's your fault you didn't eat so stop complaining about it!" And she acts like shes all that and everyone loves her, but I know they don't cause people have told me that don't like her and don't see why we are friends.

I want to be a good friend to her but it's just so annoying. And once I was just having a crapy day and I complained (not near as much as her) and whenever I did she would be like "stop complaining!" and that was just like the last straw so I confronted her about it and was like "you complain ALL the freakin time! and I have one bad day and you tell me to stop!" then she was mad at me and didn't talk to me for the rest of school, but then I gave it up cause I didn't want this to ruin our friendship.

What should I do?
She has been my best friend for 4 years, she is the best friend I have ever had (besides all the negativity and complaining)
And I can't avoid her or anything cause we have like everthing together, please help.
Thanks :)

Sorry it's so long

I hate one of my friends. How do I tell her that I hate her?

Maybe it was because i got so frustratted with her & annoyed that i kinda didnt care what she thought. but i wasnt to nice. i just kinda ignored her then she asked if i was mad at her. i was honest and said no, not mad just a little annoyed. she asked why so i told her it was because of how she acted. ( she is uber loud, when cirtain people r around and she thinks that the world revolves around her. and that she uses people to get what she wants and im not going to let her use me.) i was nice in how i said it but i gess the fact that she cried, was the mean part. but now were not friends, i mean we still say hi but we dont hang out or anything....

Everyone annoys me and I don't want to make friends?

Don't worry about it! There's nothing wrong with you! You're just like that. You're the mysterious, interesting one out there. The preppy girls, are always going to act like that. But after highschool, they're not going to go anywhere. Better smart and unpopular than popular and stupid. You just happen to be an independent. I happen to be very independent. If i could choose between reading by myself and talking with my friends, i' d choose reading a book. Also, i'm annoyed by ALOT of people. You're just not a peoPle person. If you're seriously worried that you have depression or something like that, talk to a parent or go see a doctor. It's okay to feel this way, but don't let everyone rain on your parade. Highschool's almost done for you, and if you keep it together, you'll be off and you'll go somewhere that the ones who just paid attention to popularity and gossiping and partying won't. If you find yourself worrying, crying, or thonking negative more than usual than go see a therapist, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! An don't pay attention to what the otgers think!! Hope i helped!!!!!

Why does my friend (who's a girl,) suddenly hate me?

The same thing happened to me, almost exactly too. Me and this girl got to be really close friends and we talked all the time. Then once we got in high school she never talked to me because she is really pretty so became really popular. I'm just weird as hell, so I don't fit in much. She decided she was too good for me and stopped talking. What I did was remember what she liked and use that on her. She loved cheesy pick up lines, so now use them on her and get her to laugh. She doesn't totally ignore me now. So I would suggest using your past friendship as the key and make her remember who you are and what you meant to her. It's probably her boyfriend's fault, so let her know how much better you are than him.

My friend hates me, how do i try to be friend with again?

Depends on what you did and how easily they forgive man ..
I let something slip out I was suppose to keep a secret while this kid was interrogating me about my best friend at the time , she never forgave me , I felt real bad too, I said I was sorry tried to explain what happened , and I felt real bad and genuinely too , she never accepted it , and then she turned into a real *****, and then she started really get on my nerves and pissing me off too , so at first I did feel bad but after all that crap she put me though I think the honest mistake I made kept me from hanging aroung the likes of her .. don't understand why people cant just let things go , seriously for years she always started with me , and I had always felt horrible for letting it slip ,and she just wasn't having it , so stupid .
so yeah i have no idea ,
hope your situation turns out better
cant you just fist fight and be buds in the end again ? isent that the way guys are supposed make up ? ....

Sometimes I hate my best friend?

OMG this always happens with me also and i hate it and whenever i tell my friend a secret shes always like i wanna know and i hate it and shes so rude to my little sister but whenever i ask her like what did she say to you or what did you guys talk about she just yells at me shut up i dont want to tell you or whenever shes over she trys too make me jelous whenever she is with her other friends or trys to break me and my bf up and make me jelous with him and i hate it and when i tell her me and one of her are friends shes like your lieing to me i never see you with her and stuff like that and she was over last night just annoying the crap out of me by keep on saying stuff to make me jelous and i told her to shutup and whenever i talk about someone to someone else to her she goes ahead and tells them what i said about them. I hate her soooooo much i finally told her just a minute ago i am not her friend anymore and she kept asking why and i said we are not friends please do not text me goodbye. and now we are not friends. hope this helped.

I have started hating my best friend, what can I do to unfriend her?

I can understand your emotions that is flowing through.Human life takes turns with twists added by self and others ,and then react to people that are close to us.You might have waited for longer time for that person to change the attitude that hurts you or make you irritated and it didn't happen . With lights of reactions from your friend on various things by showing behavior which you might not like has resulted in piling up of anger and ultimately resulted in hatred.I can understand whatever your friend does your mind is not in position to see it as normal even though it is in one out of 100 times.Trust me your friend doesn't know or understand that she hurt your feelings or irks your mind with her deeds.Please go and talk to her once ,she will not understand ,she will reply to answer rather to understand,tell her one more time ,make her understand that she is doing something wrong.If for everything we start leaving every one then even we will have to end up hating our parents and every other in the world because gods design is different .This is time your friend needs you talk to her .Make her understand with all the patience in the world.Dont loose people which you have until they are harmful to you physically.